Chapter 3

Loving Namjoon

"Julia," he smiled

"that's m'name," she replied with a southern accent.

He laughed, " Well Julia," he said in a southern accent too, " You have a pretty name and a pretty smile too," he complimeted her.

"Thank you boy ," she smiled showing her perfect white teeth," well I have to go now and you have to close now."

"Oh yeah," he said," It was nice meeting you Julia," he motion for a handshake.

She gladly shook his hands. He felt how small and soft her hands were. He wanted to hold on to them forever.

"It was nice meeting you too Namjoon," she let go of his hand and left. Namjoon watched her leave. His heart beating faster and faster. He watched her leave like a creep till she was out of sight. " Damn!," she cursed, "she is fine as hell!" he started getting ready to close the shop.


Namjoon got home and took a cold shower because it seemed the hear from Cali followed him all the way to New England. "!" he cursed out loud, " It so hot in here," he turned the air conditioner on on full blast. he fell on his bed  like a helpless person, "AAAHH," he sighed in relief, "at last my baby and I are together," he cuddled the soft white pillow, "You have no clue how much I yearned for you all day," Just when he was about to pass out, the beauty that seemed to make him loose his ability to breathe, Julia, appeared in his mind.  He remembered her voice, the ever so gentle , soft voice that warmed up his heart. " I have to find her!" He abruptly got up from the comfortable bed which he regretted later because his body ached. He marched to the computer which was  few feet away from his bed,  "Okay let's see where you are Julia," he type her name on Facebook but he stopped when he realized he only knew her first name." !"he gave up the search. Just when he got up to leave, POOM! His Facebook notifications alarmed. he saw a friend request. Deep inside he was hoping that it would be her. He crossed his fingers and clicked on the friend request section, and there she was. Julia Simpson. My oh my was her picture pretty. His heart was beating uncontrollably. He paced around his room. "what should i do?" he jogged around his room so he could cool down, Tire and out of breath he sat back down and closed his eyes. He clicked the confirm button, And sat quietly screaming on the inside. "What should I do?" he asked himself, "Ok i will send her a message,"

Hi Julia!

Oh Hi namjoon! Don't worry I am not a stalker, I swear!!!!

Haha it's cool. I was going to look for you myself :)

Oh really?



So I guess we are both stalker lol

Namjoon, I don't stalk I investigate, got it??

Oh really?

Yes really.

Haha. whatever Julia

Forgetting he was ever tired, Namjoon and Julia texted all night long. Making the funniest jokes and makinf fun of each other. They talked about what made them happy and sad. They got close that night.

Oh bruh it is 4:30 am. How long have we been talking?

Since 8:00pm, yo Imma be tired today.

I know! that is my point.

Which is??

You need some sleep. You can't fall asleep while taking care of the shop. Hartford isn't all that safe you know.

True true. Fine imma go pass out now.

Goodnight, dreams!!

dreams?? Dafuq??

Listen Don't judge me!

I am not lol. trust me.

whatever, you got no jams anyway. Goodbye!

What you tryna say?

Nothing lol. Oh namjoon, wanna go somewhere with me Saturday?


Somewhere bruh!

I don't trust you....


You might kidnap me.

-_- really??

Fine fine I am just kidding. You take things too seriously.

You know what forget you. goodnight!

Hahaha goodnight julia.

With a huge smile on his face, He got up and fell on his bed. That was when he realized he was ed up tired. He closed his eyes and he passed out.




Sorry guise :( I didn't update in like 2 weeks or three I don't remember.Anyway I am very sorry. Please subscribe and upvote and comment on this fic. And your bias will come to your house ^^






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man1727 #1
Chapter 3: My bias will come to my house? I wish..well seems like both of them are getting along..update soon
man1727 #2
Chapter 2: Awww..he just broke Asian guy stereotype of being too shy to talk to a girl..this is too cute!! Can't wait for the next update!
tigerjale #3
Chapter 2: this is really good so far, keep it up
man1727 #4
Chapter 1: Waiting for your update
man1727 #5
Seems interesting, update soon