Baby Shopping

Baby Shopping

Jinki turns into the mall and drives slowly in search of a parking area. He finds one and fits the vehicle into the space.


"You go first." Jinki says once he alights the vehicle and picks up the lock to attach it to the steering wheel. Kibum sighs at Jinki being paranoid but does at he's told leaving behind Jinki who fumbles with the contraption.


Once Kibum enters the store, his eyes are transfixed on a purple crib to the left side. It's well equipped with pillows, toys, diapers and it's very, very pretty. He definitely wants it for his little princess.


"Excuse me may I  help?" An assistant asks when she sees Kibum standing still.


He chuckles, thinking he might have appeared a little off having stared at the crib upon entry.


"As a matter of fact, yes." He turns and looks at her with big, curious eyes. "How much is this?" He points at the object of interest.


"$150 US dollars."


Kibum's eyes widen in disbelief at the exorbitant price.


"But it covers all that's inside it." The assistant adds as if to justify the cost. "Most expectant mothers have their eyes on this one."


A faint sense of disappointment boils in the pit of his stomach when he knows that Jinki will not be able to afford such an expensive thing. He finds it cruel for the store to place the object directly in the view of potential customers many of which will not be able to purchase it.


"Ok." He says, his tone a lot less excited than before.


"I'll help you look around."


"No that's fine, thank you."


Kibum walks deeper into the store. He knows what he wants. He needs bibs, mittens, socks, shoes and newborn diapers. He's interested in a car seat too but he needs to see where the money is divided amongst the more needed items first.


He gasps when arms envelope him from behind and relaxes when he sees Jinki.


"You ok?" Jinki notices a drop in his enthusiasm.


Kibum nods trying to forget his experience a while ago.


They continue strolling around until they stumble upon shoes.


"Can you believe I used to wear these?" Jinki picks a pair. They're  absolutely tiny and both fit within the palm of his hand.


"I used to wear them too. Now put those back;  they're ugly. "

 Jinki is in the process of doing so, when he stops and smiles to himself.


"No." He looks at the price. "We're getting these."


 Kibum is about to protest but Jinki gives him a look that conveys what he doesn't say. Jinki's budget is about as big as the baby shoes he's clutching.


Kibum comprises and let it go. He then sees a baby pink shoes with flowery patterns and he's in love. Three pairs of identical socks are also attached. It's perfect!


He grabs for the packet and Jinki takes a look.


"Our daughter will have the prettiest feet ever."


Jinki agreeds.


They get onesies too and Kibum makes it imperative that they match the socks. Everything has to be coordinated properly. He doesn't want his girl looking awful. Nothing is more precious that seeing a baby cutely dressed. It reflects the parent's love to an extent.


Soon the basket Jinki carries is filled with diapers, onesies, pacifiers, bottles, blankets and more.


Jinki strays away from his boyfriend. He recounts the money in his wallet in order to be on the safe side. Everything  that's in the basket is a necessity. He can't afford to leave anything behind and he also can't afford to exceed his predetermined budget.


He finds his way back to Kibum who's silently crying while holding his tummy.


" Baby."


"Can you believe this is really happening? " Kibum looks at him with tear stained cheeks. "I'm having a baby."


"Yes, we're having a little girl." Jinki holds his hand. "I'm having a child with a person I love almost as much as I love my mother and that's the second greatest love." Jinki smiles, getting a little emotional. "Ever."


"I'm only 19."


"And I'm only 22. We're in this together."


"I'll actually mean something to somebody."


"You mean everything to me." Jinki reassures the other because apparently he tends to forget.


"I know. I love you too." Jinki grins and pulls Kibum in for a kiss. Kibum hurriedly wipes away his tears. "I'm so happy!"


"Me too." Jinki gives a comforting rub to his boyfriend's belly. "Now let's go pay for these." Kibum nods and they both walk towards the cashier.



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I wish this was fic was real! A preg Kibum because of Onew...Oooh I love it.I know I have a dirty mind,but can't help it. Love this chap.
Chapter 1: baby aaaa, look ur parents T.T
Chapter 1: omg T_T im cryin so much fluff i just can't
Chapter 1: why so cute T_T
your 19 and having a baby is not a bad thing, at all c:
Chapter 1: They are so sweet..
But its rare i always read jinki always be a rich man and never thinking about money , but its really good story
Chapter 1: Auww.. I feel like buying all of baby stuff for onkey. Lemme be her godmother.
Chapter 1: my heart T____T this is so beautiful and cute ♥ I love it, onkey love is the best + a baby is amazing
Silentsparkle #8
Chapter 1: Awwww this was so adorable! I really enjoyed reading it! :) Thanks for writing this! :)