None of us can dance for and you know it, Namjoon

It was a hamster (get over with it already)

A/N: Thank you for every subscription and comment! When I started writing this I honestly wondered if I should even bother getting it done, but you really encourage me! Thanks for reading the stupidness my head comes up with.


They became pretty good friends, really. Jimin complained and Yoongi listened, and the other way around. Yoongi revealed that he usually made music, and that his computer had broken down so all his work was lost. He was here with his friends, which Jimin figured probably included that Namjoon-guy as well. Also, he was older than Jimin by two years. Not that Jimin minded though – he was two years older than Jungkook himself. Even though he tried to refrain to think it about his newly achieved friend, he found himself constantly studying Yoongi’s face, the details of it. He didn’t want to, but he had to look at him when he spoke after all, so not thinking was a hard thing to do.

Jimin emptied his glass after about ten minutes, and quickly ordered a new one – with cream. Once again, on Taehyung’s tab. Yoongi, who had eyed his glass suspiciously for a while, furred his eyebrows.

“What are you drinking?” he asked curiously.

Jimin sent him a crooked smile, a slight smirk playing on his lips. “Orange juice and cream,” he replied.

This only seemed to confuse the other even further, and Jimin could feel himself have fun. “It’s quite good, actually. I honestly ordered to anger the bartender, but I found it pretty nice,” he explained, to which Yoongi nodded slowly still not convinced. So as soon as Jimin’s drink arrived, he held it forward for the other to try. He seemed reluctant at first, though Jimin understood perfectly. But then he seemed to bite it in, and took a sip out of the yellow straw that poked out of the tower of white, sugary fluffiness. His eyes widened as soon as he tasted it.

“This is good!” he exclaimed. And Jimin could do nothing but not self-approvingly for himself, knowing he had done something right. He wasn’t weird after all, finding it tasting nicely. He had Yoongi to testify it, as well.

Then they continued to talk for a while, but ultimately the conversation dropped dead. Neither really knew what topic to discuss about next, as they almost had nothing in common. Jimin had no idea how Yoongi’s music-programmes worked, and Yoongi knew nothing about tending to hamsters.There seemed to be a silence surrounding them, even with the loud music and people talking everywhere.

But in that second, someone appeared behind them, straight out of the blue. He tapped them lightly on the shoulder at the same time, causing them to jump from their seats. “Hey, are you alright?” he asked. “You both looked so down.”

Jimin’s eyes were wide open in surprise, and he was gripping his heart to make sure he hadn’t had a heart attack. Who snuck up on people like that?!

“What?” Yoongi asked, his face in confused folds. “I mean, yes. We’re okay, I guess.”

The guy who had asked them nodded. “That’s nice to hear. I’m the club’s manager, so I can’t have people being sad when there are infinite possibilities to have a good time!” he smiled. He seemed really nice, Jimin noticed. He had black hair that was parted on the left side, drawn over to the left. Wearing a fashionable, black jacket with golden stripes around the arms he really did look like the manager of the club, as well. He was tall with a rather deep voice and a gummy smile. Jimin decided he quite liked this guy, in fact.

He stretched his hand forward. “Park Jimin,” he introduced himself. It seemed impolite not to, when he was talking the owner of the whole thing.

The manager nodded, shaking his hand. “Bang Yongguk,” he said, before he repeated the gesture with Yoongi.

“So, how are you liking this place so far?” Yongguk asked after the formalities were done. He looked around him for a little bit, before returning the gaze to the two mourners.

Jimin was about to say everything was okay and that the place was great, but then he remembered a specific person who hadn’t let him pass the audition for his own, sad drama. “It’s quite nice,” he smiled. “Though you have some rude employees,” He sensed the bartender tense up behind him. Hah, there he got a bit of his own medicine. For some reason, Jimin felt incredibly proud of himself. It was his job as a customer to give feedback, after all? He knew he was mean. But in this moment and context, he didn't care.

Yongguk nodded for himself with his thumb and index finger resting on his chin and his focused downwards, before he turned his head back up and looked past both Jimin and Yoongi. With raised eyebrows, he locked gazes with someone behind them. The bartender, Jimin hoped. “Youngjae?” he questioned. “Were you rude again?”

Jimin turned his head to the one being scolded, who indeed turned out to be the drinks-master. Youngjae on his side, shook his head intently. “What? No! I just told him he can’t order alcohol because he’s too young!”

“So, you didn’t just assume he was too young again, did you?” Yongguk asked curiously. Somehow, this seemed to have happened before.

“What? No! I mean… maybe… But he doesn’t look like he’s over eighteen at all!” Youngjae defended his case, shaking his head.

“Did you ask for legitimation, then?”

“Well, maybe.”

“So you didn’t.” Yongguk turned to Jimin. “Do you have any legitimation on you right now?” he asked. Much nicer than Youngjae, as well.

Jimin just shook his head slightly. “I don’t as of now. But I’m born in ‘95.”

This made Yongguk nod his head slightly, and Jimin got the feeling he was actually believed. “I hear you. But our policy is not to hand out age-permitted beverages to anyone without legitimation. I’m really sorry about that.”

And with a last, unreadable gaze locked with Youngjae, he bid his farewell, proceeding into the crowd of people moving swiftly to the beat. But though the problem had been cleared, none of them felt like they had gone out as the winner.

As a matter of fact, both felt like Yongguk won the non-verbal war without even participating.

Jimin opened his mouth to start talking again, but in that moment the sound of a cell phone was heard, coming from Yoongi. Maybe it was just as okay - Jimin had no idea what to talk about so he would probably have ended up embarrassing himself anyways, asking something like 'what's your favourite fish'. Yoongi quickly looked up at him with an apologizing look, giving him a crooked smile before he tapped the phone and answered. “Hello?” he asked, putting a hand to his other ear to block it. Turns out he didn't need to do that, because he removed it shortly afterwards. Jimin shouldn’t have been able to hear it though all the noise around him, but the caller was so loud he did anyways. As soon as Yoongi picked up, he held the device away from his ear not to get lasting hearing-damages.

“OH MY GOD MIN YOONGI WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE I HAVE TRIED CALLING YOU TWICE, AND HOSEOK DON’T KNOW WHERE YOU ARE. NAMJOON HAS DISAPPEARED AS WELL BUT AT LEAST HE HAS THE COURTESY TO SEND A TEXT TELLING ME NOT TO BOTHER HIM I AM CURRENTLY ALONE HERE YOU COULD HAVE DIED –” the person sounded like a male, but the way of speaking as so mother-like that he wondered if Yoongi’s mother just had a deeper voice. No one else would scream at someone like that, right?

“Yeah, yeah. I’m at the bar – yeah, I am accompanied. What? No, I am not accepting drugs from strangers. What? I can't believe you dont trust me - I was very drunk and didn't know it was a coat stand. I have to go now. Go find Hoseok again or something. Am I a kid? I have to go, see you later.” He put the phone down harshly, but sighed right afterwards. “I need to check the caller before I answer,” he muttered.

Jimin raised an eyebrow curiously, propping his left arm on the counter. He leant the left side of his chin in his palm, tilting his head slightly. Yoongi’s eyes seemed to flicker in the lights accompanied by something else Jimin couldn't put his finger on, as they wandered around the room before settling on Jimin. “Mother?” the latter pronounced the word in such a way that it became a question, and Yoongi shook his head.

“Nah,” he replied. “One of my friends, Seokjin. I came here with him, as well as Namjoon who placed me here, and another guy called Hoseok. The last one is probably out there, dancing until he drops though.”

“I see…” Jimin nodded slowly, trying to picture Seokjin in his head. Somehow, all he got was a grumpy 60-something grandma wearing a rather unfashionable, pink apron with pink frills. He quickly shook his head to get the image out and focused on what Yoongi said instead. “Why would Hoseok be the only one dancing though? Namjoon seemed rather… fired up about his crumping.”

At the question, Yoongi let out a snort of laughter. “Are you kidding me? Neither me, Namjoon or Seokjin can dance for . Seriously, we’re really bad. Hoseok is our only hope. Who did you come with, anyways? I haven’t seen any of your friends around.”

“I’m here with my friends Taehyung and Jungkook. They’re on the floor right now, I think. I can’t say Taehyung is bad at moving his body to the beat, but the supreme dancer amongst us is probably Jungkook,” Jimin said, as much to himself as to Yoongi. He left out the fact that he had graduated from a renowned dance school himself, though. He wasn’t particularly embarrassed, he just didn’t tell people.

“I think I can hear a silent ‘but’ at the end here,” Yoongi studied Jimin’s face in detail as he said it, tilting his head slightly.

“It’s not as much a ‘but’ as it is a ‘well’, though,” Jimin replied, shifting his weight from the left to right side, and then back again. “The only problem with Jungkook is, he doesn’t dance to anything else than girl group-dances.”

“Sounds interesting,”

Jimin nodded. “You bet,” he agreed, just as the music shifted and a well-known tune began to play. He muttered a short “oh god” under his breath, and Yoongi looked curiously at him.

“They’re playing A Pink’s No No No,” he explained. This just made Yoongi tilt his head slightly, waiting for a further explanation.

“That’s literally Jungkook’s theme-song. When he dances it, the floor clears.”

“It must really be an interesting sight, then,” Yoongi raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Uh…” Jimin didn’t know he was going to get out of this one. “Well, I’ve never actually seen him, though…”


“I’m kind of out on the floor … dancing it with him,”

Yoongi didn’t answer that one, though pure shock was visible shock was plastered on his face. He probably would have, but in that second a tall, brown-haired male ran towards them, waving his hands in the air. He had a wide smile plastered on his face, shouting as he came closer.

“Yoongi! Yoongi hellooo!” he hollered to be heard through the loud music. And Jimin was sure that if Yoongi’s eyes could have opened wider, they would have.

He turned around slowly, giving the approaching person a crooked smile. “Hi, Hoseok,” he greeted. The person named Hoseok slowed down and stopped in front of them.

With that ever-lasting smile of his, he jumped up and down on the tip of his toes. “You won’t believe it, Yoongi!” he grinned. “I met someone who is just as good as me!”

“What?” Everything people said to him today, seemed to be half-sentences he had no chance of understanding.

Shaking his head, Hoseok grabbed Yoongi’s hand excitedly. “Girl’s Day! A Pink!” Though Jimin had no idea what the two were talking about as it obviously was some kind of inside-information, he recognized the tone in the voice when Hoseok mentioned Girl’s Day. It was very much alike the one of Jungkook, after all. Was it possible that Yoongi had that kind of friend as well?

As he sat there, he realized that after the encounter with Yongguk, the call from Seokjin and now the incoming Hoseok, they never seemed to be left alone. In the back of his mind, Jimin wondered if they ever would be. Maybe they would be constantly disturbed forever. And as if Life read his thoughts, another, well-known person came running from the opposite direction in that moment. Great. Life really did hate him today.


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NamjinTrash1 #1
*sees the word hamster*
Me: *whispers* the memories...
(Reference to the hat fic, I don't recommend you read it. Plz don't read it, it's not worth it I promise.)
Chapter 4: So fun to read ^^ crack up at the Namjin dance LOL and yoonmin so cute <3
Chapter 4: That was a good one, namjin made me laugh, the dance tournament too, and yoonmin was so cute! And younjae pain in the at the end. Jimin finally found sthg better than a hamster: sugar ( bad one) anyway, I really liked the characters and that was fun to read, thanks: )
Chapter 4: lmao so in the end youngjae is still a brat. hahaha. and btw, who got taehyung's attention? this is really cute and funny. ^^
foxxfang756 #5
Chapter 3: Omg. I luv this. It's so fun! It's crazy but perfect and I just. Luv. It. You're amazing!
Chapter 3: I love the characters! seokjin's call killed me and jungkook girl dance group... xD yoongi and jimin have so much in common haha (big up to yongguk!) the meeting of the team will be fun I feel that
Chapter 2: Haha the situation seems so serious for ridiculous matters! I love their meeting, they are so cute>,< please continue this funny story
Dafne90 #8
This ff is hilarious!Jimin and Yoongi's encounter cracked me up xD Please update as soon as you can,I totally love this story ^.^