You can't sulk forever, Jimin

It was a hamster (get over with it already)

A/N: decided to post in chapters, because it became so long and all. I never bring myself to read stuff that's like 20 pages in one row, so at least one can bookmark here. I'll post with short intervals anyways so there won't be much waiting.



”You need to get out more,” Taehyung stood over him, scowling. He was standing in the completely dark room over the half-asleep person, not very happy. He had come to his friend’s house believing that he would at least have had the sense to drag himself out of bed – but no such thing. The lights were still off, sunlight seeping through the heavy curtains. It was just enough for Taehyung to get a look on the one shifting uncomfortable in his bed, and the messy surroundings. He had a bowl of half-eaten instant-noodles on his nightstand, clothes scattered on the floor.

“FOR GOD’S SAKE JIMIN, GET UP!” After what seemed like an hour of trying to get Jimin out of his miserable condition as he lay in the bed, Taehyung had to retort to raising his voice. “Get up, you uncultivated caveman of a Korean!”

“Ugh,” Jimin muttered, changing positions in his bed. “Who the hell is the caveman, when you are shouting inside?”

This made Taehyung want to grip his hair in frustration. If he had actually gone through it every time Jimin had made him want to, he would have been bald by now.

“Just get up!” Taehyung pleaded. Even though he sounded harsh, he was actually concerned about his best friend, and the depressive state he was in right now.

“Yes, yes…” Jimin muttered, realizing that Taehyung would probably never give up. If he just put on some clothes and ate something, then it would all be fine, right? And he could go back to his bed and sulk there forever.


Taehyung was the one preparing the food for Jimin. It was just a week since they had last seen each other, but it had still managed to become really disordered, without almost anything to eat. How could a person who was only lying in his bed pouting, make such a mess? Jimin managed to impress him every time.

“You don’t have anything but soy sauce, eggs and some salt and sugar, so I’ll make you tamagoyaki,” Taehyung informed, quickly throwing something together. He was a really bad cook, so the fact that Jimin to want to eat his food rather than make his own, spoke for itself. Jimin, who was sluggishly draped across the kitchen table still in his pyjama, replied with an inhuman sound, like an animal drowning. Taehyung decided this was a yes to go forward with his breakfast/lunch proposal.

“For god’s sake Jimin,” he sighed as he put on plates for the two of them and served the food. “I’m sorry to be the one to break it to you, but you have to get over your tragic loss. The world moves forward, even though he’s not in the picture anymore.”

This made Jimin’s head bolt up from where it had been lying on the table. “You will never know! I loved that guy with all my heart! He was my world! And now… now… he’s gone, just like that… with a poof, his heart stopped beating.” he protested, his unruly black hair falling in front of his eyes.

Taehyung didn’t really know how he was going to phrase himself, without angering Jimin further. “Jimin…” he said softly. “It was a hamster.”

“It was my best friend!”

Although Taehyung felt a little bit hurt by being beat by a hamster on Jimin’s best friends-list, he shook his head. “You wanted to bury him in the graveyard,” he said, trying to show how ridiculous Jimin was being.

“So?” Jimin objected. “A lot of people do that.”

“The human graveyard, Jimin.”

“Why shouldn’t he be allowed to be buried there maybe?!”

“Because the human graveyard is reserved for humans.”

Jimin didn’t have a comeback for this, and stubbornly started to eat his food, clearly emitting an aura that he didn’t agree with Taehyung.

When they were done eating, Jimin waited for Taehyung to go home so he could start moping again, but the latter didn’t seem to get the hint. After they were finished he did the dishes, and cleaned the room so it looked liveable again. Jimin should be grateful – Taehyung rarely cleaned, even his own place.

“You know what?” Taehyung suddenly said, straightening his back. He had been on his knees trying to reach something that was stuck under the couch, but unexpectedly sat up. As he looked under the couch, Jimin was sitting in it with his knees drawn up to his chest, studying in the blue fabric in Taehyung’s shirt. When the latter suddenly sat up he jumped in surprise by the sudden move, looking at him curiously.

“What?” he asked, furring his eyebrows.

Taehyung locked eyes with him, a streak of something new in his eyes. “I know what we’re going to do to get you back to your usual you,” he said. Jimin squinted at him with suspicious eyes. Was that a smirk playing on Taehyung’s lips? He didn’t know if he liked this idea. Like, at all.


In some miraculous way, Taehyung managed to get Jimin to shower and put on normal clothes, before dragging him out the door. Yes, of course the latter was complaining and sulked most of the time, and yes, of course it was quite a job to get him to do it, but Taehyung somehow did.

“Where are we going?” Jimin asked as he looked out of the window of the car, still pouting. It was six in the evening by now, and he had taken his time to drag it out, hoping the time would suddenly go much faster so Taehyung had to leave. They had cleaned the house, and even washed Jimin’s clothes because the latter insisted he wanted to wear something specific. But Taehyung simply wouldn’t give up. Jimin just couldn’t mope as much as he used to when his best friend was around, and it didn’t really help that the weather was very nice either. How could one be sad when the sun was shining and the birds were chirping? Maybe this had been the secret motive of Taehyung all along. But Jimin just couldn’t understand it. Why was Taehyung trying to help him get over his hamster so bad, instead of just leaving him be in his room so he could mourn over his tragic loss forever?

“You know,” Taehyung said obnoxiously from the driver’s seat. “I am very nice to do all this for you, so you say something like ‘thank you lord Taehyung, for doing this for me,’ instead of asking where we’re going,”

“Lord?” Jimin snorted. “More like kitchen staff,”

In any other case Taehyung would have attacked him, but seeing that the sulking gradually faded away, he brushed it off instead. Whatever helped Jimin get his mind off that stupid hamster.

And so they drove on, constantly bickering like usual until Taehyung halted to a stop. Pulling in on a parking spot along the road he stopped the car and got out. Taehyung was driving a black Beetle cabriolet, and as Jimin got out he immediately stretched. Even he thought the space for the legs was too small, which said something as he only towered 173 centimetres over the ground (well, if you asked him he would tell you he was 176, but that was a complete lie).

“Now, where are we?” Jimin asked. They were still in the city, but a little bit outside the centrum. There were small, nice shops along the sidewalk, and apartment-complexes here and there.

“If you had listened in instead of holing yourself up in your room,” Taehyung answered, somewhat obnoxiously. “You would have known that Jungkook finally moved out from his parents last week.” He started to walk in what probably was the direction Jungkook’s new place, and Jimin obediently followed. He had even forgotten he was supposed to grumpy, and he looked around him curiously. When Taehyung mentioned Jungkook Jimin immediately listened in, the news shocking him. Last time he had checked, Jungkook was stuck with his parents forever.

They stopped in front of a rather modern-looking building, and Taehyung pressed a button on the apartment-register outside, beside the nametag that said ‘Jeon Jungkook’.

“Hey, Kookie!” Taehyung shouted into the microphone as fast as a known voice asked who it was. “We’re going out! I’ve even got Jimin here!”

It was silent for a few seconds, before Jungkook replied. “He finally got over that stupid hamster?”

“He was not stupid!” Jimin immediately defended his dead best friend. Jungkook was younger than him by far, so he should at least have the courtesy to respect his mourning!

From his side of the connection, Jungkook sighed. “I hope for god’s sake that you brought me a moving-in gift,” he muttered. “I’ll be down in five,”


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NamjinTrash1 #1
*sees the word hamster*
Me: *whispers* the memories...
(Reference to the hat fic, I don't recommend you read it. Plz don't read it, it's not worth it I promise.)
Chapter 4: So fun to read ^^ crack up at the Namjin dance LOL and yoonmin so cute <3
Chapter 4: That was a good one, namjin made me laugh, the dance tournament too, and yoonmin was so cute! And younjae pain in the at the end. Jimin finally found sthg better than a hamster: sugar ( bad one) anyway, I really liked the characters and that was fun to read, thanks: )
Chapter 4: lmao so in the end youngjae is still a brat. hahaha. and btw, who got taehyung's attention? this is really cute and funny. ^^
foxxfang756 #5
Chapter 3: Omg. I luv this. It's so fun! It's crazy but perfect and I just. Luv. It. You're amazing!
Chapter 3: I love the characters! seokjin's call killed me and jungkook girl dance group... xD yoongi and jimin have so much in common haha (big up to yongguk!) the meeting of the team will be fun I feel that
Chapter 2: Haha the situation seems so serious for ridiculous matters! I love their meeting, they are so cute>,< please continue this funny story
Dafne90 #8
This ff is hilarious!Jimin and Yoongi's encounter cracked me up xD Please update as soon as you can,I totally love this story ^.^