Meeting Her

Together With You


I was standing at the hallway of hospital. It was quiet despite of the busy environment around me. Somehow they didn't know my existence.

Am I invisible?

Wait i have to find Boogeum. He been visited me almost everyday. Even i was asleep, i can clearly hear his voice reading a book for me.

I walk randomly to every ward but i didn't found mine.

Then my eyes caught a signboard written "Seoul Hospital".

What? I'm suppose to be at Busan not Seoul. It was impossible i was transfered here. No way.

My walk stop when i saw a girl who looking around my age wearing a white loose dress, smiling at me.

She give a a hand gesture, signaling at me to follow her.

Slowly, i followed her and ended up walk into someone ward.

Kim Adele

The patient name?

There was a guy who sleep on the chair beside a girl that sleeping with all tube.

Wait that girl looking familiar..

And then it came to me, that girl who laying peacefully on the bed was the girl that standing infront of me.

"This is you..", i said a bit shock.

"Yes", she finally speak.

"But why?",i asked her curious.

A tears trailing on her cheek.

"I can't come back anymore. I'm not allowed to", she wiped her tears looking at her sleeping figure.

"But why?", i keep repeating the same questions

"You will take my place from now on", she replied walking toward the man who sleeping and lean forward kiss his cheek. And to surprise he didn't even move an inch.

Then she walk to me and grab both of my hand.

"You must take a good care of him and my son... Promise?",she asked almost pleading.

"Huh?", i replied utterly shock with the sudden requested.

But then the world suddenly become dark and leaving me alone.


Where is that girl?

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