Song Shuffle Drabbles


I saw this post on Tumblr and decided to try it out with Vhope.

"1. Pick a character, pairing, or fandom you like.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle
3. Write a ficlet related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the ficlet; you start when the song starts, and stop when it’s over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them."

Most of them are V's pov unless written otherwise.

I only skipped songs that were not kpop.

And also let myself finish my last sentence if I had already formed it in my mind before the song stopped.

Hope you enjoy my drabbles ^^


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Jia_Yi #1
Chapter 1: woah everything is so good! you're so good at writing
You're an incredible writer. Everything is so good!
andreveronica #3
Chapter 1: Wow you got Talent and you are also really fast
Thank you for writing this
Chapter 1: The last song woww