
Lyrical Inspiration.


Yoongi always had a soft spot for Jimin. No matter how tired he was, ready to give in to a blissful slumber, those puppy eyes and cute as hell whine would somehow make him agree to whatever Jimin had in mind. This is the reason why he's currently being dragged to a park nearby their dorm, although clearly stating many times that he was too exhausted.  

After finding a bench at the park, Yoongi turns to look at the boy sitting next to him who is literally ranting about how Jungkook stole the chips he had hid for himself. 

" - like seriously hyung! I even labelled it " 

But all Yoongi can think about is how plump and pink-ish his lips look. If only he had a notebook and pen with him, he'd be able to write a whole verse about how beautiful Jimin's lips formed every syllable that was coming out of his mouth, how his lips formed this smile that could make Yoongi's whole day better and how those - oh so wonderful lips feel on his very own lips. 

Of course, Jimin is way too engrossed in his conversation with himself to even notice Yoongi staring. God, now he's talking about birds. 

" OhmyGod hyung! Look - "

Being born and raised in a country where homouality is not accepted by society, their relationship can never be known to the public. Sure, the other members were very supportive and open-minded about their relationship but they knew not everyone can be so understanding. Announcing their relationship to the public would only risk their career as entertainers. Hence, their relationship consisted of stolen kisses backstage and maybe even make out sessions in bathrooms at music stations - the chances of getting caught, making the whole thing a whole lot more exciting. And Yoongi wishes he could write about all their secret meet ups but no, people would start suspecting. Hell, it'd make a good song though. 

" It was so funny, I literally choked on my own saliva, hyung! "

Yoongi doesn't even know what Jimin is talking about now, but it's okay cause he looks cute when he's excited. Jimin looks cute all the time, really. 

Or maybe not. Definitely not when he's flashing his abs on stage with that awfully seducing smirk of his. Yoongi knows he does it to satisfy the needs of thirsty fangirls but Yoongi is just as badly affected by it. The urge to push Jimin up a wall and satisfy his own needs grows stronger. But it always has to wait until they've reached their dorm, both tired but not too tired for each other. Sometimes, Yoongi feels bad for the other members having to deal with all the noise coming from the couple in the middle of the night. But most of the time, he really doesn't care. 
Not when he gets to hold the one person who makes him just so incredibly happy on a cold night, heat enveloping the both of them.

" Yoongi hyung! The sun is going to set! "

For the first time since they arrived at the park, Yoongi takes his eyes off Jimin to look at the scenery in front of them. Sky an orange-yellow as the sun sets before them. Everything's just so beautiful, Yoongi feels like he's in one of those cheesy korean dramas. Oh how beautiful his song would be if he could put into words how Jimin's eyes reflected the beautiful view, how Jimin's hands were entangled in his, how comfortable the silence between them was as they both enjoyed each others' presence.  

After awhile, Yoongi goes back to staring at Jimin. Having the sudden urge, he gives Jimin a little peck on his cheek not caring that they're in public cause this moment was just so perfect and he wanted to cherish every second of it. 

Jimin looks at him, suprised. Yoongi doesn't miss how a blush starts to taint Jimin's cheeks and he could feel the heat rushing to his own. 

" Geez, stop staring at me, hyung. You're creepy. "
" Did you really have to ruin the moment, you brat. "

And so it's very obvious -  it doesn't take Sherlock to figure out that Jimin is all the songs that Yoongi writes. 



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TypicalFangirl09 #1
Chapter 1: Simply tongue tied at this...

Marvelous plot and choice of words. Loved the flow... YoonMin till eternity...
Chapter 1: So cute <3
barooya #3
Chapter 1: Wow it's nice. It's very nice ./////.
Kpopluv2 #4
Chapter 1: Aaww so cute
eyesmilegyu #5
Chapter 1: That was beautifully written ;;
swagminsuga #6
Chapter 1: Like this so much
hyperhopeu #7
Chapter 1: omg this is so good;; rly beautifully written! cute jiminnie is life hoho

I hope you write more!^^