

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." -Robert Frost


I really looked forward to high school. I thought I would make a ton of friends, find a cute boyfriend, and pass all of my classes with flying colors. But that wasn't the case.

I was bombarded with tests, papers, projects, and homework, barely giving me any time to relax. I nearly failed sophomore year due to all the stress that accumulated, making my parents sign me up for prep. I was practically a loner, everyone already having friends from their old middle schools. And I was rejected every time I confessed to a guy. I really hated high school.

Scratch that. I hated senior year the most.

The most pressure was put on us with it being on last year in high school. We were expected to complete all of our college applications while still maintaining average to above average grades all while testing as well. It was insane, really. There were times where I just wanted to drop everything and cry but I knew that that wouldn't get me anywhere.

Now that I look back on everything, I realized that everything happened for a reason and that if it didn't, then I wouldn't be where I am right now.


As you all know (or maybe not), I'm a senior in high school right now and it's just crazy with all the work I have to do. I had a whole bunch of tests to take (still not done yet either), college applications to fill and to send out, and classes to balance in the midst of all. I really wanted to cry.

If you guys have read any of my blog posts, you might get a taste of what I'm going through or even relate to it. I'm not trying to act like a know-it-all or anything. I'm just writing out my experiences as a way to share my story and to blow some steam off.

This is probably going to be my most realistic oneshot/drabble (with a hint of unrealistic love) that I'm ever going to write so I hope it goes well. Also, some of these things didn't actually happen to me but this story is based off of how my senior year is going so far and how I'm struggling a bit with it. I'll actually put up an author's note that lets me go deeper into my experiences so that you'll see what I'm going through. 

To be honest, what I'm going through isn't that bad compared to others but I'm just getting so much stress from it that I want to write it away.

I hope you guys enjoy this and maybe even learn something from it.

- pipoomica

TITLE CHANGE: Life goes on --> Continuous (4/10/15)


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jkjk :P
good luck