FREE! - Creative Writing Workshop

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Creative Writing
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10/282014: FREE! is open!

08/28/2014: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi accumsan vel dolor sit amet placerat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc urna arcu, suscipit vel urna ut, posuereel dolor sit amet placerat.

09/02/2014: Aenean venenatis, lorem eu hendrerit convallis, magna diam imperdiet tortor, eu vulputate diam dui eu ante. Vestibulum in dolor varius. consectetur urna in, eleifend lorem. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a, accumsan mattis magna. Ut enim ligula, lacinia eu vulputate eu, convalli. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a, accumsan mattis magna. Ut enim ligula, lacinia eu vulputate eu, convalli.
About Free!

FREE is a creative writing class that will help you with your writing and fanfics. Along the way, you will also improve your English and writing skills that will be useful in the future and in school! :) 

About Free's owner: 
My name is Em and I'm 20! I'm currently studying to be an English teacher in my home country c; English is not my first language but I can assure you that these skills will help you giuys alot. 

Vestibulum in dolor varius, consectetur urna in, eleifend lorem. Aliquam magna neque, sodales ut elit a, accumsan mattis magna. Ut enim ligula, lacinia eu vulputate eu, convallis ac nunc. Maecenas vel luctus est. Nullam consequat consequat nisl, vitae bibendum dolor tempor sed. Aenean condimentum neque in pharetra rhoncus.
RULE #1 Please subscribe on the thread first as this will be where i post i classes and hws :) for those who are not interested on doing the hws ,you guys can idle around and play with the assignments that I will give on every chaptered classes. 

RULE #2 Strictly no harsh comments. Sure, it helps people to understand their weakness but people are different. Some might take them whole-eartedly and would not have the enthsiasm to write anymore. So do drop in words of encouragements on our students!

RULE #3 Add ons are welcomed

RULE #4 Enjoy the beauty of writingg

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