Color Ring

Color Ring
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 A week have passed since I let them go. One.. by one. 

We used to be great friends, we used to hang out every night , we used to listened to each others stories.. but, once they start to fall to me..

Everything seems to be breaking apart a split second.


Its all started when I find out about Mino's feeling toward me, I was excited at the moment because I do have a feeling toward him. But it started to get complicated when the others started to confessed to me too. They have a fight, they who used to be one have become five. And I have no choice but to let all of them go.. because I care about every single one of them. Someone are going to get hurt when I accept one of them. ..And we ended up losing each other.


Today, Its Sunday, when I used to spent my weekend with them. At the place we called as our secret hideout. But it is not the same anymore. Every second feels like new experience to me. Its hurt me so much on how I changed in just few days.

I have been looking at my reflection in the mirror for almost 10 minutes. The way my face looks like Im in despair, I look horrible, for short. Its like Im looking at another person which is not me. I feels empty, totally the inside and out. I dont know myself anymore. I dont know how to face it.. I used to have them beside me, helping me when Im in this condition, but.. how can they help me when they are in the same condition as me ? 

I travel my hand on my reflection, trying to wipe away the tears on my cheek.. 

"Its okay.." I mumble to myself as my voice cracked. I bit my lips before the tears started to fall again. "stop it.." I shut my eyes and leaned my forehead on the mirror. I hit my reflection twice,thrice..before sunk down to the floor and hug my knee, letting all my tears out. I cry so hard, because my heart hurts so much.

Its not just I lose them, I lose the best friend I ever had and I only have. I hurt them and I am hurting myself, I split them apart and ruined everything.

I hug my knee tighter as I hear my phone ringing. Producing the song that resemble my situation. Hurting me even more in the inside. Its hurt even more when I know who is calling. I grab my phone into a fist and keep holding onto the ringing phone..





I grab my hair out of frustation. It feels like I have gone insane. I lean on the wall as I look at my reflection on the mirror, and I smirk. Thinking on what I have been doing when she reject me. I am such a fool when she let my hand go, I should held onto her.. I should have hug her ,keep her by my side.

The smirk on my face dissappeared when I see my eyes fill with tears. I stare at my phone in my hand, looking through my call history.

Full of unanswered call from her. Yet again, I hit the green button and listen to the caller ring that produced a sweet song, but why does it sound painful to my ears? .. I bit my lips and ruffles my hair as I keep holding onto the unanswered phone.





I open the drawer where I keep all the memories that we had. The cinema tickets, receipt for everything that we spent, polaroid pictures, a video tape, a camera, letters, birthday gifts and cards, our friendship keychains, matching t-shirts, and five wilt roses...

I examined them one by one, recalling the memories that we have together, from the beginning to the ending. I smiles and laughed ..but I frown when I realized that our friendship are over. 

After I called on my courage, I decided to put these things away. So it would hurt lesser than what Im feeling right now. I grab an empty box and put my memories in it, slowly, so its not going to broken, just like how our friendship is..

I hold onto the tears as I keep them together in the box, I shut my eyes when I close the box. So it would hurt lesser.. but why is my heart hurts even more ?





The blue sky is beautiful, but why am I becoming so insignificant and shabby..

I walk alone on this street where we used to walked together, that flowers which is growing by the streets looks new to me, probably because everytime I walked with you, its you who I only see. It hurts me so much when I see new things around me, because all I see before is you and only you.

"why are you not answering.." I mumble when I hear a beep sound from my phone after she didnt answer to my call.

"I walk alone on the street
But this empty street feels so empty
Da ra dat dat dat dat dat dat
Baby don’t worry
After waking up from the dream that was you
This morning of reality feels so empty"

I grab my phone tighter and lean on a wall, listening to the nothing. No respond from her. Nothing.. I feels so empty..





My hand was trembling when I hold the phone, the moment when he leaves a call-message to me. His voice when he sing, I miss it so much. I bit my lips and shut down my phone, cant hold in it anymore. It is too much to bear.

I put the phone inside the box, along with the other memories and I grab a thin jacket, getting ready to putting away these memories.

But.. are sure Haeri ? are you sure you're going to be okay ?



I walk at the same street where we used to walk together to our secret hideout. I put on my courage and trying to put on a smile, trying to enjoy the night wind, its slightly cold though.. just like how cold my heart is right now.

But it feels even colder when I bumped onto him. To my biggest mistake, my first love.

"Song Mino.." I mumble, looking straight to his trembling eyes. My heartbeat beating faster when he didnt say anything but staring at me.

I gulped and look away "I-i need to go-" "no dont-" he grab my hand and the box filled with memories sliped from my hand and fall on the floor.

My eyes widened in shock when the things scattered around, fear started to rake in my body when he finds out about it.

"what is this.." his voice become stern. "Mino, I can explain-" "youre going to throw this out?" he cut my word and glare at me.

My hands trembling for the nth times today, "I-i didnt mean to-" "you're going to shut us down ?!" he scream right infront of my face and I frozed.

"is that why you didnt answer to my call ?.. answer me, Haeri" his voice soften, tears fill in my eyes slowly.

"It still rings in my ears,
your laughter and the late night phone calls of our love games.
This melody is blocking me from hearing it again and holding onto it.
But I still heartlessly call again." he said.

I look away, cant help it but to feels guilty and hurt. "Mino, stop it" I shut my eyes and take a deep breath.

I get on my knee and grab the things into the box. "I know its hard for you.. and for me too, but it is the best if you let me go" I said, not looking at him.

"we should consider the others feelings-" "then what about mine ,Haeri ?!" I take a back step and bit my lips, hiding my face behind my long hair.

"I said stop it Song Mino" I said, trying to calm myself. "..I need to go" I look at his in-disbelief-face.

"Haeri- but-" he grab my hand and I shoved it. "I said let go-" but then I gasped in horror.

Seunghoon just appeared out of nowhere and punch Mino right on his cheek. Mino fall and Seunghoon grab him by his collar.

My eyes widened "Seunghoon !" I grab his hand and trying pull him but I cant, "let him go ! he;s your riend remember ?!"

"friend ? that word didnt even exist in my dictionary.. anymore" he smirk, still glaring at the bleeding Mino.

"Seunghoon please !" I beg and started to cry, looking at how pathetic we are right now. "please ! .." I get on my knees and cupped my face, cant hold onto my feeling anymore. I burst into tears and cry.

"...Haeri" I hear he whisper, I feel his hand on my shoulder. "I-im sorry" 

I look at him "why are we acting like this ?.." Mino get on his knee next to me and wipe my tears. "..Im sorry" he whisper.

"..can we talk.." Seunghoon said, softly, begging, written all over his face. I turned to Mino and he nod, "Im sorry, I was not myself" Mino ruffles his hair and stands up.

"consider me as a friend, I dont..really care" his voice turn slower "call me.." with that, he turn away and leaves. His back sight looks sad, his head was looking down on the floor. Its slightly hurts me, but I feels relief too, since he is not giving up with our friendship.


"get up" Seunghoon extend his hand to me and I stands up with his help. "why are you punching him ?" "he was so harsh toward you" he smiles and held my hand 

"Good days and sad days
Hard days and happy days
Now it becomes memories of the past
The me and you of the past are now over
It’s like I came back to reality
My reason to live is gone, my head is complicated
When I open my eyes in the morning, my heart feels empty
I feel the emptiness, just like I did before I met you"

" too Seunghoon, me too" I held his hand tight before let go. "but ..Im sorry, as I told you, I cant accept you more than a friend" I force on a smile and turn around. Leaving him at that place, its hurt so much to let him go, but I have no choice. Im sorry Seunghoon.





She let my hand go, and I stare at my hand, longing for his touch. I stare at her back, slowly walking away from me..

I look down and clutched to my shirt, where my heart located. Because its hurt, its hurt so much that I could die. I sighed heavily and look at her again.

"this is not what I want" I mumble before run to her, grab her by her shoulder. "Haeri, wait.."

She turn to me and I could see his eyes sparkling due to her tears.

"I though you want me to let go" I could feel my tears falling through my cheek.

"then why are you crying ?" I cupped her cheek and wipe the tears away. I grab the box that she keep holding to the floor, and pull her into a long hug.

"I cant believe that this is going to be the last time I hug you..when you're crying" I hug her tighter when I feel her hand s around my waist.

"Im sorry I wont be there when you need someone to hug you ,Haeri.. im sorry" I run my hand through her soft hair. "im sorry for everything" I said and have the courage to broke the hug. "Lee Haeri ?.. I love you" I carresed her cheek and fake a smile. At the moment, she finally genuinely smiles. "and knowing you loves me as a friend.. is enough for me" I sigh heavily and let her hand go. I grab my hand into a fist . It feels like Im drowning in the ocean of sadness. But.. thats it, a farewell between you and me. Goodbye..Haeri.





I grab my hair into a fist and scream as loud as I can. Letting all my inner feeling out. But why dont I feels better ?

I feels like my heart just torn into pieces. Its indescribeable.. How can I live without her ? I look at the night sky, the stars that I used to look with her are unseen tonight. I guess the sky understand my feeling. I take out my phone and check it again, knowing that there wont be any message or call from her..

But why am I keep checking it and keep hoping ? Hoping that she will call me and tell me that everything is okay.. that she will always stay by my side.

I sit by the street and look at her picture in my phone. Those smiles, those laughters.. where did it go ? Is it even possible for me to not look at her smiling even for a day ? I have been living my life with the smiles of her. Her smiles brighten my hard days, her laughters gives me strength to live..

But when I saw her tears.. it gives me pain. I shut my eyes when I feel tears are about to fall. 

But ..the rain started to fall instead. I open my eyes and extend my hand to the air. Letting the rain washed away my longing feelings. But then the memories of her and me playing around under the rain during that one night flashed in my mind. The phone slipped from my hand and I stare at the thin air. I grab my hand into a fist and sigh.

I dont think I can ever get over her.





"hey, what are you doing right there ? come here ~ faster !" I see Seungyoon waving his hand to me, asking me to come over.

"yah ! this deobokki is really delicious, you wont even believe your tongue" Seunghoon said while munching his deobokki "dont you want some ?" Jinwoo asked ,his lips are red due to the red sauce. I chuckled ,I looked over at Mino who is napping with Taehyun under the other tree. 


I could hear their laughter and their nonsense talking.. but.. but why..


My smile slowly faded as the memories started to faded away like a dust being carried away by the wind.


I look around at our secret hideout. It used to be really beautiful.. but why it look so dull today ?..there is no happiness right here.. 

All the memories that we shared together flash in my mind, I shut my eyes again and keep recalling them. I take a deep breath and smiles.

"those happy times.. are now memory for us" I open my eyes and put the box on the grass, next to a shady tree. I sit next to it and hug my knee ,staring at the figurines that we keep by another tree. I remember when Seunghoon and Mino joking, saying that Jinwoo looks like that pikkachu figurine. I chuckle and lean my chin on my knee. I remember every moment when we laughed so hard, that were the most happiest moment for me. But I lost them.

I turn my head and travel my hand on the tree, where we carved every kind of word on it. But what makes me hurt the most is this word. Carved by Jinwoo, our promises as a friend on our 10th anniversary. He carved it since he is the oldest between us. And yes, we have been close friend since childhood... I lean closer and read the promises again ,


'Kim Jinwoo, Kang SeungYoon, Lee Seunghoon, Song Minho, Nam Taehyun, Lee Haeri, promises that we will never break apart until forever'


. . . ."but what just happen ?" my voice cracked and I burst into tears

"I though we promised ?" I grab my hand into a fist ,and hug my knee even tighter. We have been together for 13th years, and we splitting apart less than a week, how is this even possible ? I cupped my face and sob loudly. "Why .. why are we being like this.."

The rain started to fall in my heart, and from the sky. I let the rain fall on me, as I recalled back every moment I had with them when it rained, We will hangin out in my house, playing games, watched movies, or playing different kind of fun games. And all we did is smiles and laugh. All of them are happy memories.. Never in my life, I ever shed tears because of them. Making this moment feels like the saddest moment in my life. 

Right now, I even remember our boring conversations.. can I go back to that time ?

I stare at the box that started to get drenched under the rain, I open it and grab my phone. Turn

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English is not my first language :) Im sorry for the grammar mistakes. Hope you dont mind..


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Chapter 1: i like it good job author-nim
abcd20 #2
Chapter 1: Wow ... Until the end it was so sad u.u , i thought that she really lost her memory but i was wrong ... Well i still like... Well done
ElenaMercy #3
Chapter 1: all I can say is she's lucky to be loved by five gorgeous man, but the fact that the most important in her life is winner friendship, I think I would choose the way she did. thanks for the beautiful story
Chapter 1: OH.MY.G!!! THIS IS THE BEST ONE SHOT EVER! I've been a member of aff since 2010 and this is the first time I commented on a oneshot story. I can't contain my feels and all. I was groaning, sobbing, excited, and amazed at the same time (the reason why my baby sister is now awake and I have to babysit her) So yeah, This is really GREAT!. Very Simple yet amazing. Plus! I was listening to Color Ring while reading this and the story reminds me of their Color Ring MV.
Smitians #5
Chapter 1: Waa daebak!!! Im crying
Minwo033 #6
Chapter 1: Omg! This story is great!!!!! I cried when i read this. Good work!
vindyyo #7
Chapter 1: I didn't know why there is no one commented here
Well i love this fic omg omg omg
This is amazing omo omo omo