Taemin loves Minho



The members of their organization are now totally focused on preparing for their upcoming visit on the orphanage that they choose to be their beneficiary.

                The Head Mistress of the orphanage was very happy to welcome the group upon their arrival. Not only did they bring with them cash, but also groceries, clothes and toys for the kids.

                Aside from the goods they had, the team also prepared a small program to entertain the kids. Someone was tasked to tell children’s stories, some of them danced and Taemin happily joined the group who performed. He is known for his dancing skills so the group’s confidence was boosted up when he decided to join.

                In the middle of all the happy squeals and laughter, Taemin saw Key carrying a guitar walking towards him.

                “That stupid puppysaurus suddenly left in the middle of getting ready for his turn to sing,” Key said in an annoyed tone. “You. Sing. Now!” he said dragging taemin in the middle of the kids.

                Taemin was feeling lost because he wasn’t prepared for this and neither of his fellow members know about his ability to sing. Duh, it’s like a different him. Sure they know he can dance, but not the singing thing. He prefers to keep this a secret to everyone, aside from Key of course, because he is not that confident in singing.

                All of the eyes in the room were on him now. And just when he decided he couldn’t do it, he saw the children’s hopeful smiles and stares on him. He can’t possibly disappoint these angels can he, because he sure knows what it feels like to be disappointed. And it ain’t pretty.

                These children had already witnessed the cruel side of life. They were too young when they became aware that human beings were not born equal. ‘Like me’, Taemin thought bitterly.

                He may have all the things that money could buy, but despite that, in his young age, he grew up in a family where love doesn’t exist. He saw how the people, who should’ve shown him how to love, hurt each other. Before he could further wallow on self-pity, Taemin held the guitar tightly and started to sing a melody.

                He sang the song One Friend. That was what he often sings when someone asked him to sing, which of course are only a few people. He was ten years old when he learned that song; he even learnt the guitar at such young age.

                Everything fell into silence when he started the singing. He closed his eyes as he tried to feel the lyrics if the song. He tried so hard not to remember the unpleasant memories that always flashed back every time he plays that song.

                Someone who understands me

                And know me inside out

                And help keeps me together

                And believed without a doubt

                That I can move a mountain,

                Someone to tell it to.

                If only I had only one friend left

                I want it to be you…..


                A moment of silence passed before the audience clapped their hands. It seems like everyone was surprised to see even for a moment, a different side of Lee Taemin.


Taemin sighed for the nth time that day.

                While his classmates’ parents were always present on every PTA meetings, his were never there. It’s always someone from their household maids who would attend.

                He could still remember how envious he felt and how his young heart would clench in pain every time he heard the stories his classmates would share about their family. How special their Sundays were. How their mothers cooked for them. Or how their fathers pampered them…

                He never experienced any of those; he’s not different from any orphan. He came from her parents own flesh but he never knew them. He does not have any single memory of special moments with them, or even just with one of them.

                “I didn’t know you had a beautiful voice,” he heard Minho said by his side. He did not notice him coming over. “And you play guitar well,” he even added.

                “At least you saw something good in me,” he playfully answered the tall boy.

                “When did you learn how to play the guitar? I bet it was your father who taught you.”

                “Your bet lost. Wrong answer.” His father did not have any influence on him, not even one.

                “Then who taught you?”

                “Why are you so interested in knowing? Wait…tsk…tsk…tsk… Are you falling in love with me already? Geez, I haven’t done anything yet. How much more when you see me eat fire or swim deep seas? Wow… You’d probably be head over heels in love with me by then.”

                “Can’t I talk with you properly without you trying to annoy me?”

                “Yeobo, you really are handsome only if you’re not so stiff! Live a little!” He really liked teasing him. His reactions are the best.

                “Yah…you love birds should lay it off for now. Tsk, too much arguments are not healthy in a relationship,” said Jonghyun who showed up later saying he’s got a call from his brother and that he’s sorry for putting Taemin in his place.

                “Blame your founder for he’s so difficult to court. Darn it I’m almost out of strategy,” Taemin answered in a teasing voice which annoyed the hell out of Minho.

                That result to a fuming Minho walking out from the teasing group.


Minho heard taemin volunteering to tuck some of the kids to bed. And he did not know what drove him to go with the smaller male.

                When the kids all at once stopped wiggling on the bed and fell into their deep slumber. Both Minho and Taemin were relieved that the little puff balls are finally settling in. It was never easy to take care of kids but the angels’ smiles are enough to wipe away all your exhaustions. Just like how they were feeling right now.

                “Did I ever thank you for agreeing to do this? For helping me?”

                “I figured it was implied,” Minho answered.

                “You should now it was appreciated. Thank you.”

                “You’re welcome.”

                Minho found himself talking lightly with Taemin. Finally! He found it easy.

                “Do you have siblings?” he suddenly asked the petite male.

                Taemin just shook his head.

                “You’re an only child?”


                “Uhmm... How about your parents? Are they—“

                “Where are the others by the way?”  Taemin cut off his question so suddenly that he did not pry any further.

                Taemin’s aura changed from being jolly to getting close to being upset. But he just allowed him to do that. He will find out what was bugging him soon.

                “They’ve left. We almost left you behind too.” He decided to just answer the boy’s question.

                Taemin looked at the sleeping kids. “I hope they’d get adopted by a good family. It doesn’t really have to rich, as long as that family could give them all the love they deserved. It’s ironic isn’t it? There are those who were not blessed with kids and yet, some just throw theirs away.”

                “Well, we’re lucky we got three,” Minho grinned. But his grinned slowly turns into a confused expression when Taemin gave him a look that was half laughter and half reprimand.

                “Is that you’re way of telling me you wanted to have kids with me?” the smaller male suddenly blurts. “Because wow, even I know male-male relationship can’t bear children, oh well maybe you are really suggesting that we should adopt them. Aren’t you?”

                Minho was caught off guard.

And that is when Taemin burst into beautiful sounds of laughter. “Oh god, Minho. Have you seen someone who’s being forced into a shotgun wedding?!” The boy was still cackling like crazy and was almost literally rolling in the bed.

                He frowned as he said “No.” he was confused as to where is their conversation leading to.

                “That is exactly how you look like right now!’ And there he goes laughing maniacally once again.

                Because of the noise, the three kids sleeping on the bed stirred and threatened to wake up already. They both hurriedly pat the babies’ bums while frantically humming some random lullaby.

                “Look what you’ve done,” Minho turned to Taemin. The boy gave an apologetic look and continued to pat the babies until they fell into their slumber once more.

                “Let’s go….” After a while of staring at the kids, Minho quietly led taemin out of the bedroom.

                Seeing as the boy was still reluctant to go, he held his hands and hauled him out of the orphanage. Minho could see Taemin secretly wiping the side of his eyes while they made their way towards Minho’s car.

                Taemin was silent the whole while since leaving the orphanage until the car ride home. “Are you okay?” Minho asked with a hint of worry in his voice.

                “Yeah,” came a short reply.

                He respected his silence. He don’t know what kind of life Taemin was currently living  and what kind of family he has, but seeing how the orphans’ situation affect him, Minho was guessing he’s been there. That Taemin also experienced being left out by his own parents.

                He doesn’t know why but he’s got the sudden urge to hold him and console him. But he choose to stay still, he decided to give him time and space. He just made sure to tell himself to find out what was bothering the smaller boy and by all means try his best to help him.

                They’ve finally arrived at Taemin’s house but the boy was still glued to his spot.

                “Taemin…” He softly called.

                “Huh… Yes?” Taemin responded on a startled voice. Like he just woke up or something.

                “We’re here,” he announced.

                “Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t noticed”

                “It’s Okay.”

                “Would you like to come in for a while?”

                “Yeah sure, if I’m not intruding or something.”


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I'm still new to the hooks and crooks of AFF so readers, Im so sowwwy if I can't reply..I mean I really want to but I don't know how *pouts*. Anyhow, sankyuuuu!


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chikazukenai #1
Chapter 3: Taemin is so (too?) annoying lol! Good luck, Minho XD
Chapter 4: Nice plot... Can't wait to read more... =)