Q & A

Honey Trap! The Romance Guide

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Honey Trap!

The Romance Guide

"Life is the flower for which love is the honey."

-Victor Hugo

Table of Contents | Resources | Q & A | HoneyBunz

Ouestions & Answers

Question: What is this site?
Answer: This is just a place of advice and tips to help you further understand the way of romance.

Question: Do I need to have anything/software?
Answer: Nope, just some way to access the site and your imagination. If you are going to join in on the projects, either have some type of word docs. If you have a computer but don't have a writing software you can use word pad or download Apache OpenOffice. It's a free writing software my old school used, just click on it to be transfered to the site.

Questions: How do I join?
Answer: There is no form to fill out, just subscribe so that you can get updates and if you want to participate in the projects leave a comment saying you will. You're allowed to leave at anytime if you choose to later on. To see all those who have join click on the HoneyBunz section.

Question: What are 'projects'?
Answer: Just little exercies to let me know if you get the subject and for me to know if I'm explaining it correctly. Plus I really want to read what you write, no two stories are alike.

Question: Do I have to do the projects?
Answer: No, it's optional.

Question: Will there be a project on every chapter/unit?
Answer: No, only certain ones. Those chapters will be marked with this symbol [ ++ ]. At the end of each unit everyone will be able to see what everyone wrote by clicking on the HoneyBunz link.

Question: How do I format and send the project? 
Answer: Please have your username on the assignment typed on left side so I know who it belongs to. Save it in a word document and email it to me as an attachment with your username, unit number, and chapter number in the subject space as so. Ex Dark_TemptationUnit1Ch1 If you cannot access a computer for any reason, you may also send the project to me as a message on here and I will type it into a document for you. Or create a blog post with your  project and send me the link.You will be able to see everyone's work on Honeybunz link. My email is in the description but here it is again: honeytrap47 @ gmail.com (just remove the spaces if you're going to copy and paste) 

Question: How long are the projects and am I graded?
Answer: The length depends on the subject, but usually I'll only need a paragraph but you're free to write more. No you are not graded but if you wish for a personal review from me on certain projects just ask so.

Question: What happens if my work is picked to be an example and what if I don't want to be?
Answer: If the work I pick is yours I will place a screen shot of your work and use it as an example for certain chapters. If you do not wish for the public to see any of your work, let me know and I will abide your wishes.

Question: Are there deadlines for projects?
Answer: There will be deadlines for some projects, which will most likely be the same week day the following week. Ex. Thursday Oct. 23 you get a project it will be due Thursday Oct.30

Question: What if I miss the deadline, do you accept late work?
Answer: Of course I do, just send it in, but you don't have to do them.

Question: Is this a school?
Answer: No this is not a school, but a place you can look upon when you're having trouble. Everything I recommend or assign is entirely optional. Everyone is free to join and depart whenever they choose.

Question: What point of view do you write in?
Answer: First person 
present tense and, on some occasions, past tense.

Question: Do I have to write in your point of view?
Answer: No, you may continue to write in the POV you're comfortable with, I can adapt to your styles.

Question: How many times will you update this guide?
Answer: I will try to do it daily, but for sure once a week.

Question: The plots and ideas you use as examples, can I borrow them?
Answer: You're free to do so, just tell me when you create a story. I really liked to see what you come up with.

Question: What if I'm uncomfortable with a chapter topic?
Answer: Don't worry, you can skip the chapter or unit. I don't want anyone to feel pressure to fit in. Some of these topics I'm not exactly okay with but I like to learn new things even if I'll probably never use the knowledge.

Question: What if English isn't my mother tongue, can I still join?
Answer: Absolutely. If you need help with anything, just ask. This isn't about skill, but creativity.

Question: What is the Resource page?
Answer: That is where I will list links to all and any site I use for this guide.

Question: What is the Table of Contents for?
Answer: It's to let you know what subject we will be discussing next and it will give you time to decide whether or not you're comfortable with it. Also the chapters will be linked to its pages so you don't have to search to hard a unit. 

Question: What is the Miscellaneous Section in the Table of Contents?
Answer: Just random topics that I'd like to cover that aren't exactly related to our main focus. It could also help some stories that need more realism.

Question: What if I have a subject I want you to explain but isn't listed on the Table of Contents?
Answer: If at anytime you have a question or topic you would like me to cover, please don't be afraid to ask.


Thank you and I hope your day is as sweet as honey.


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Coffee2s #1
Chapter 6: Hi, I've started reading this, and this is really helpful! Thank you so much for writing this~
This looks very promising and I love the name Honey Trap!, just rolls off the tongue. ^^