
The Traumatic Memory of Yellow-Haired Princess

A/n : I hope my story doesn't and boring, and hell I can't write something better actually, I'm so doomed.

Enjoy my story!!! Happy reading!! Sorry for the waiting n this stupid notes!! #bow#



The idea of marriage and spending the rest of his life with the newly presence of unknown wife has terrified the firstborn man. As the crown prince and soon to be the king, he already knew that his father would not that kindly gave him the throne, because the rule was crystal clear, the one who would be the king of China has to be married. the ancestors.


It was delivered in the daylight of his precious napping time that made his sleep vanished into a thin air as he has heard the most ridiculous idea proposed by his great father. He stormed off of the green house in an instant. After successfully letting out his anger toward the hapless bench he had napped on which it has broken into pieces, saved to the martial art that he took when he was seven, and not to the innocent servant who was ghostly pale after witnessing the prince’s strength. 


In the haste to confront his father, he made an obtuse turn to the right, walking straight to his father’s study room before pulling the door open with not-so-gracefully-mannered-prince, no knocking, business matter. The father of the prince took a mild glance over his glasses at the fuming prince, whose face almost blown out of anger. It was predicted as the king tried to act tough and collected despite his hard attempt not to chuckle at the cute childish behavior of his older son.


“What’s bringing you here with this kind of inappropriate manner to your king, young man?”


The king put the glasses down and looked straight to his son, while the said son only narrowed his eyes, not affected by his father words. The king gestured his manservant out of the room, leaving himself only with his son.


“Did the cat get your tongue?”


No response coming from the boy as he strode much closer to the king, the table now being their only barrier left.

“Don’t play dumb, Pa. You already know why I’m standing here being unmannered son of yours.”


“If it’s about your wedding, I won't change my mind."


“Don’t I have any chance to choose my own wife?”


The prince had emphasized the word own letting his father to realize that he would be the one, not his father or any human beings in the palace, who would end up living his life together with the woman whom he barely knew. Even though the idea was a bit exaggerating, actually he has already had a slight idea who would be his soon to be wife look like, hell.


“NO,” the reply was stern and firm, an authoritative tone of the highest royalty.


“Does it have to be the Zhang’s only daughter, huh?” 


The prince tried to not sound as a little whiny baby at his father, hiding his disappointment in the back of his throat at the horrible fact of marrying the Zhang’s daughter, it has terrified him to the gut. 


“She’s the perfect candidate to be my daughter-in-law despite your mother had visited her and was very pleased with the princess. If you want to complain, just tell your mom, but I’ll suggest you not to, because she’s head over heels with her. I’m sure your mom won’t settle this serious matter with some stupid jokes.”


“I know mom won’t do such a thing, but still, it’s my life, Pa. I’m the one who will spend the years of my dearest life with her, not you or mom. I don’t even love her. Does it make any sense to marry her? How about my feeling then?”


The prince has almost blurting out how his life would be at a stake of going down straight to the deepest hell if he has to marry the said princess, but he decided not to say it, yet.


“The answer is still the same, son. If I were you, I’ll meet this girl first before confronting her with your immature thought, whatever reasons you had to oppose this marriage. Just go see her once and you’ll change your mind immediately.”


“Have you met her then?”


“I did and I agreed with your mom.”


“Then, I’ll hold this discussion after I meet the princess, but the idea to break this arranged marriage is still on.” 






The crown prince angrily pushed the door open to his younger brother’s chamber without giving a second glance to the owner of the room, who was hastily slipping up his pants, before throwing his soulless body on the bed. The raged breath was still there, but the stupid idea of marrying the Zhang’s daughter started to fade gradually, just now. 


Knowing his brother full antics, the younger of the two walked silently to the bed making himself seated in a comfortable position.


“Is it about..”




“Have you talked to …”




“Did Pa …”




“Uh.. O-okay. You did good.” 


The younger patted his brother’s shoulder to show his not-so-sincerely concern at his misfortune (that what was the older thought), while ignoring his irritation on being cut in the middle of conversation for several times. 


“Still didn’t stop them to break the marriage.”


“But actually, I have …”


“I’m ed up, didi!! I don’t have a life to live anymore! I even can’t say JUST OFF, PA!”


“Ge, I think you’re…”


“I’ll be dead even just thinking about that yellow-haired gorgon!!”


The older cringed at the flashing image of ten years old Zhang’s daughter with her yellow hair and small stature like a hobbit. It was long time ago as the latter visited his family and whenever he tried to remember how she looked like back then, his stupid brain could only put up the image of her goddamn yellow hair.


“Language, ge!! And stop cutting my speech, can you??” the younger boy slapped his brother’s thigh to accentuate how serious he was.


“Ugh, sure… So what my cute little didi want to say then?” the older put his one million dollar smile as he saw the pouty face made by the younger, irritated at the childish given nickname.


“First, stop calling me with that stupid nickname. I'm already 17 and I ain't no kid, ge.”


“It doesn't change the fact that you are my little brother and I can call you whatever I want,” the older shrugged as he didn't care with the dead glare sent in his direction.




“The fact that you haven't had wet dream is also indicating that you are still a kid, though, trapped in big body.” he snickered at the younger who had his face flushed in a shade of pink.


“S-stop s-saying nonsense and don't change the topic,” the blush was still there compiled with the cold sweat that broke on his forehead. Gotcha. Seeing the reaction a tad bit entertaining for the older, he kept on picking his little brother.


“Or have you..?” eyed the older suspiciously.


“Cut the crap, ge!!! And let me finish what I want to say!!!”


“Fine. Can't have my own fun, huh,” the older pouted. 


“I want you to take back what you’d said earlier before you regret what will happen later.”


“What is it? About you who haven't wet your pants??”


“Oh shut up, ge. Or I'll piss your pants instead.”


“Fine. So, what is the big news?” the older gave up on entertaining himself and started to sulk again since his source of happiness was in his serious mode on.


“It's about your fiancée.”


“We haven't engaged didi. She's not my fiancée.”


“Actually your so called gorgon is not a gorgon anymore,” the little brother said a bit enthusiast.


“Don't care. She's still a gorgon to me,” he shifted his body, back facing the younger.


“Does gorgon have a pale milky white skin, beautiful fingers which can play any instruments and surprisingly have no calloused on them, voice like a summer wind so velvety and heavenly, her adorable indent adoring her right cheek, and not forget to mention her innocent yet angel-like aura radiated off her. I think she's far for any description of gorgon, ge.”


“Whoa, stop it there, boy! It looks like I'm listening to your stupid crush love story. Don't tell me that she's also the one who had wet your pants.” He scoffed as he rolled his body back, facing his brother again.


The scarlet colored face told the most untold secret that his younger brother had, maybe, his first wet dream imagining his soon to be wife. The idea was sickening him, but the reality that his brother was quite a picky person about anything, including woman, made him think that maybe, the said woman was quite attractive.. 


He just remembered when he was walking around the town only with his little brother a few months ago, dragging their asses to the most famous club in town which was known with its beautiful women. The older, of course, without his manservant knowing, has came several times and quite satisfied with the drink and mostly the women, he has needs and don't want to over worked himself though. The women were almost all Korean who are cute and adorable; the important thing was that they were less vocal in bed than the Japanese chicks.


While the older was enjoying his life, drinking groping slurring and flirting, the younger, who was still underage forced to tag along his big brother, tugging his sleeve like a good little kid he was. His discomfort was shown during the times whenever the girls initiated to talk to him, the younger just flinched away like they are an infectious disease. 


Well, it was only half an hour later that the younger stormed off of the building, balling his fists in attempt to redeem his anger. He just asked his brother, why he was so angered. The young boy only glared at the older, voice dead serious. His first assumption was that he was mad because he brought him to a place where he barely legal to come, just like his wisely old man. But what came next from him was a great shock, why they are so ugly, ge? It makes me sick just inhaling the same air as them.


It's not a crime, right? If he started to wonder how does the little princess looks like now.


“Uh, ge, I.. She.. I'm not wet dreaming her, okay... And don't make a wild assumption about my private life, will ya!” he tilted his head, looking timidly at his older brother.


“I know, I'm just joking, didi.” 


You are a bad liar, didi, should learn more from me, huh.


The awkward atmosphere was still hanging thick in the air, until the older broke it off.


“Am I the only one who hasn’t met her?” Now he looked at the pastel colored sky from the still opened window.


“I just met her today and mom introduced us. She’s well-mannered and also smart; to put it simply she’s the definition of perfect wife, not to mention that she’s a natural beauty, inside and out. Even I want her for myself, but mom want her to be your wife. What a shame!” he stared at the brother who unconsciously blurted out his little-crush confession on his soon to be wife, completely missed the important part of the information. The younger lightly punch his brother chest, ignoring the scandalous expression shown on the older face.


“Still didn’t impress me. Nice try!”


“More important information, ge!!! She has no yellow hair, it's black ones. Does it change your mind, ge?”


“I have to see it with my own eyes, didi. I'm not easily pleased by just hearing your little-crush story,” he pushed his body off of the bed before giving his signature smirk to the dumbfounded brother.


“What did I do in the past to deserve a stupid brother like him, God? Why??” 


“Stop being a drama queen, didi. And if you want her, just take her after I call off this stupid arranged marriage,” he walked to the door as the younger stared the retreating figure before it completely closed.



I am sure you won't call it off, ge.






“Han, wake up. You'll be late meeting your wife,” the owner of the voice pulled his blanket off, revealing a half- prince curled in the middle of the bed.


“What did I tell you about sleeping with no clothes?? You'll catch a cold if you keep sleeping like this,” the older woman smack his flat , making the prince groaned in his half-state mind. 


Peeking from his disheveled fringe, he searched for the digital watch on the night stand. It was 5.30 in the morning. He just slept 3 hours ago after partying his off with his cousin, Tao. .


“It's still 5, mom. Why do I have to wake up now?” the prince groaned, pulling back the blanket from his mother's hand.


“You'll be late meeting Yixing. I want her first impression on you would be great and not this stinky looking prince with a trace of droll on his cheek,” she drew the curtain open letting the sunlight shone straight on the sleeping figure.


“Let her hate me, then,” he turned his body and shifted to the other side of the king sized bed which was less hotter. He's starting to doze off.


“Then prepare yourself, son.” The mother smirked as she gestured her manservant to bring the drooling prince to the destined place she has prepared before.



A few hour later, the sleeping prince has opened his eyes, taking his surrounding which was not in his chamber. He turned around and met nobody, the only company he had was his reflection on the mirror.


Looking straight back at him was a gorgeous prince with no trace of drool or disheveled hair which was sticking out in every direction. It was a fully dressed prince with princely attire and new hair cut, updo with cut on both sides of his head instead of his usual bowl-like blond hair.


How does he have not waked up? He wondered.


He eyed the suit, it was white, elegant and newly tailored. He was never wore any white suit before because he didn't fond of the color and it got easily dirty. It scared him, like it was a symbol of a sacred religious ritual where people made a vow and spent their life together forever after. His mom must be very serious about this girl, and the prince could only heave a long sigh.


A ping on his phone and a message from his mother showed on the screen, then followed by another ping and another one. Damn.


[MyNaggingMom] Meet her in the west wing green house.


[MyNaggingMom] Don’t you dare to run away or you’ll be a dead meat.


[OldMan] Just listen to your mom and get your off now, young man.


He sighed, defeated.


It took him 15 minutes walk to the green house. But the first time he stepped in, he was sure something had happened with his favorite napping place. In his memory, yesterday to be exact, the garden only occupied with green vegetables and not roses with different colors splayed along a makeshift aisle in the middle of the garden. In the end of it, was beautiful floral arch with pastel colored rose. A few white chairs placed in both sides of the path and the bench that he broke yesterday was also gone. 


Once again, there was nobody and it annoyed him a little. He tapped the queen number want to complain how late the princess was and the stupid white suit, but the call never reached her. He then tried to call his father but he was still angry with him, for easily agreeing his mother's idea. His brother, he was probably still in dreamland. He sighed as he pocketed back his phone, yawning a little. 


He was tapping his foot impatiently, when he heard the door slowly opened. A medium tall girl walked in her white strapless satin organza gown which elegantly hugged her body tight showing off her perfect S-line. There were no crystals or jewels attached on her gown, only a few folds in here and there which was enough to emphasize her body line. The strapless gown was exposing the expanse of the pale milky skin on her bonny arms, her jutting collarbones, and the column of her long neck. While her whole face was covered in white veil, although it was see-through, the prince couldn't see her face clearly, since the said princess ducked her head.


The prince has to gulp hard, because if the woman who was now walking was the Zhang's daughter, he has to admit that even her silhouette was... y? Even he has to stop himself for drooling over the beautiful view. All his sleepiness was also gone along the arrival of the princess.


When the girl was beside him, the faint smell of fresh lavender and lime hit his nose and he suddenly has difficulty breathing. He darted his eyes to front, doing a quick inspection of the shorter girl who was five feet three inches tall with four inches of high heels (it was a mystery how does he know this).


Out of nowhere, an annoying of hoarse voice broke the silent atmosphere. Lu Han turned his head to the voice and found an old man in black cloak stood in front of him, holding a bible book? For what?? No way he wanted to process such a religious ritual, even he admitted being possessed by the beauty next to him.


“Prince Lu Han, can we start it?”


“Uh, yeah…?” the bewildered prince stilled in his spot fidgeting with his wildest assumption of the familiar looking old man.


The rest of the speech gone unnoticed by the prince, the effect of standing close to the beauty was slowly killing him inside. The difficulty breathing and the high speed beating of his heart were enough to send him meeting with the God soon. 


Another hoarse voice interrupted his mind and he has to widen his eyes like saucers hearing what was said by the old man.


“You may kiss the bride, Prince Lu Han.”


The prince, still processing the information said by the priest, only stood still, blinked his eyes repeatedly, mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, his stupid mind did summersault, and once again, before the information completely sinking in his thick skull, there came the angel voice. 


“S-shouldn't you kiss me, my lord?”


That's it! And every fiber in his system doing its magic only by hearing the most heavenly voice coming from the said wife. Can I call her.. my wife? I'm not dreaming right? Did someone prank him? He's not in a program where hosted by Aston something and got prank with candid camera, right?


The old man who he finally recognized as the priest, was also the same priest who had led the previous marriage of his cousins'. When he stole a glance to his side, there, in the first row on his right was his family member, the king who comforted his sobbing wife, his blushing little brother who stealthily glanced at his supposed to be sister in law, and there was also Tao, who half-sleepily smirked at him. What the hell Tao! He already knew about this but still let him drunk. What a stupid cousin was he!


While in the other side, the princess's parent was in no different situation than his, the king hugged the sobbing queen, while the two older brothers of hers? They certainly were not quite happy about it. Lu Han gulped as he got death glares by the two scary brothers at the same time.


There come the devils, huh.


“My lord?”


The velvety voice once again doing its magic to him, snapping him back to reality and before his mind could fully command his body, it seem like his hands were already taking its action.

The hand carefully touched the white veil. Pulling it up, up, and up, revealing a sharp high chin, gulp, going up a bit and there was it, the thing he should touch after the vow, her pink lips where was now a bit swollen and invitingly red, yet he has to restrain himself to kiss the perfect pair of lips that he just found out in his 24 years of life. Let me have my fun with them for the rest of my life, God, he silently prayed. 


A little bit higher, and the deep dimple on her right cheek was showing beautifully, another urge to not poke the cute dimple. The cute little pointy nose in between her rosy cheekbones, the prince was sure that she has a light make up which almost not needed because she has already beautiful, maybe he should tell her later to not wearing any cosmetics. 


He was still going up and met the most beautiful brownie orbs which shyly looking back at him. They blinked once and twice, and the prince felt like couldn't take his eyes away as they captured his mind and soul in. His hand was still doing its magic until it finally reached the flowery band and the veil slowly pushed back behind her, resting gracefully on her black long hair. 


The prince released his breath which he unconsciously held, before inhaling more oxygen to tend his poor little heart which has worked harder than usual. He took the sight in front of him a few second more, mesmerized by the beauty in its full glory, before bringing his trembling hand to touch her soft pinky cheek where the dimple was. Tracing the deep indent then her swollen bottom lip, he let out a chuckle, how nervous was she?


He leaned closer until they're an inch away, locking gaze with the widened brown orbs before they looked down. Shy. The rosy colored skin was also spreading; it's no longer on her cheekbones but almost her entire face. It pleased the prince that he was the one who made this beauty turned into a mess of red. 




“H-hi,” the princess stuttered.


“I’m Lu Han, by the way.”


“I knew you, my Lord, I'm Yi…”


“Zhang Yixing, The Princess of Changsa. I knew you too.” The said girl only blushed more at the acknowledgement from the prince.


“Y-Yes, my Lord.”


“Why are you willing to be my bride, Zhang Yixing of Changsa?”


The distant was decreased less than a few millimeter away, that the hot breaths were ghosting their flushed pale face.


“I-I… Your Grace wanted me to…” the stuttering princess couldn’t finish her sentence as she was cut by the smirking prince speech.


“Are you consented being my possession?” the princess nodded.


“Letting me have your mind, heart, and soul?” another nod.

“There'll be no turning back, princess. Because from now on until the death tears us apart, you'll be forever mine and mine only. Would you mind?”


“Y-Yes, my Lord.” The princess couldn’t go anymore redder than she already has.


The growling audiences, which he assumed was Tao's voice who was conducting the newly made chorus by yelling kiss the bride, even the priest also followed suit in his whispering voice. 


The prince couldn’t be any happier than this as he embraced the blushing princess and spin her around before dropping her feet again on the ground. Their position was quite romantic, hand on her waist as she put her hands on his heaving chest. Their heads were in the perfect angle to kiss as he leaned down.


“May I kiss my wife, please?”


“Yes, my…”


The sentence was cut by a pair of chapped lips on hers. It was just a simple touch between two pair of lips and they pulled away soon, big goofy grin made its way on the newly wed prince.


“You can call me with more endearing names, dear.”


“Yes, my husband,” and they kissed some more later on that day.





Little did they know that their marriage was actually broadcasted and the whole China knew this happy news.



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sekaifanatic #1
Chapter 1: Awwwwwwww that's so sweet I could cry
rockmusicrawks #2
Chapter 1: Gahhhh this was so cute
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