


So Lucky, my loveeee~


Sehun chewed onto his bottom lip as he kept his gaze fixated on the boy not very far from him. He’d been dying to get closer to the said boy all night long since the start of the night’s show but everything was rushed and packed and everyone was busy. They did get to stand closer for when they were performing their song ‘Lucky’, and Sehun was pretty sure Baekhyun was up to one of his cheeky actions, going so far to touching Sehun’s chest. His lack of reaction surprised even him, because normally when Baekhyun’s (amazingly long) fingers ever so slightly grazed his skin, he would shiver or let a few moans slip if he couldn’t control. Perhaps it was because he was more focused on pleasing the fans than reacting to Baekhyun’s touch. Unbelievable but true.

SMTown concert in Shanghai was amazing; Sehun decided nearing the end of the show. There is a weight in his chest knowing that the show would end very soon, but at the same time he couldn’t wait to get it done so he could spend a little time with Baekhyun back in the hotel where they would sleep at for the night before flying back to Seoul the next day. Speaking of Baekhyun, the said boy now stands at one corner of the stage, waving to fans and doing little dances that made Sehun smile. There was a reason why Sehun avoided being so close to Baekhyun in such a public place – he was afraid he couldn’t help from grinning too wide. Smart people would guess why he would be. So most of the time Sehun keeps a healthy distance between Baekhyun and himself.

Also, everyone knows how touchy Baekhyun could get. Sehun can’t have that out in the open.

Not that he isn’t proud to be calling Baekhyun his, hell he wants to so badly, but circumstances and society forbids. Although he’s pretty sure there are at least a two out of ten people out there who would not mind his relationship with Baekhyun the slightest bit. Back to the present, Sehun continued watching Baekhyun laugh and grin at the screaming fans. He realized about a second too late that staring at a fellow bandmate like that would stir questions amongst the people. So he opted to start moving, arm raised above his head as he continued to wave at the fans. He walked forward towards where Baekhyun stood, already making a move towards him.

Their eyes met for the briefest of seconds and they met in the middle, but Sehun didn’t stop. His hand absently reached and his fingers curled around Baekhyun’s wrist, pulling the older boy along with him. The change was faint, but he heard the slight increase of the fans’ cheering. He smiled and he knew Baekhyun did too, as they both walked towards the other corner of the stage, arms still raised to wave at their beloved supporters. Baekhyun’s skin under his fingertips felt warm, and he almost couldn’t resist pulling the older boy towards him for a kiss; he had missed kissing the boy’s pouty lips.

He did pull Baekhyun closer, however, very quickly and just enough for his lips to brush Baekhyun’s forehead. Their height difference helped in making it look like it was accidental but he felt the smile that tugged at his lips and he could see the same on Baekhyun’s. Perhaps the fans snapped photos of that and people are going to start talking but instead of worry, it was relief that filled Sehun. It sure felt good to show his affection towards the boy he is so in love with. He wished he could do it often.

When the concert ended and they got into their vans to head back to the hotel, Sehun couldn’t help but think that he’d been purposely separated from Baekhyun, who was made to ride with EXO-M members. He had scowled throughout the ride, ignoring Chanyeol’s annoying teasing about ‘Sebaek happening’ on the big stage as if he didn’t already know that sebaek happened a long time ago. Sehun figured Chanyeol was just tired and he never liked peace and quiet so he opted on making the noise. Jongin was already knocked out against Kyungsoo, who constantly ran his fingers through the younger’s hair, and JoonMyeon’s staring out the window, obviously thinking of something Sehun didn’t want to think about at that moment.

His cellphone vibrated and he startled from the sudden buzzing. He smiled, however, when he saw that Baekhyun had sent him a selca of himself pouting into the camera, eyes half-lidded from what Sehun knew would be fatigue. Under it Baekhyun captioned a ‘Hold me tonight. I missed you today.’ The grin on Sehun’s lips was beginning to hurt his cheeks as his thumbs tap tap tap on the screen of his phone, replying Baekhyun with a cheesy ‘I’ll hold you every night. Missed you too, baby.’

Baekhyun replied him an emoticon of a smiley face in love and then a short, ‘I love you, Sebuns.’

‘Love you too, pup.’ Sehun quickly replied, silently urging the driver to maybe drive a little faster so they could get to their hotel already. It wasn’t supposed to be that far but it sure felt like it.


Sehun was about to rip his hair off his scalp with the amount of distraction being thrown upon him. Kyungsoo wouldn’t stop giving him the death glare for (accidentally, he swears it) waking Jongin up in a startling manner – he had just been too excited to get to his room and in the process of hopping out of the car had startled Jongin awake. Kyungsoo pampers Jongin too much, in his opinion but this kind of opinions only cross his mind when Kyungsoo’s being unreasonable with him. It wasn’t (not always anyway) his fault. He also hates the smug look Jongin threw him every single time.

Yixing then chose this time to get into his emotional, depressing mode and Sehun was forced to sit by the older Chinese for a few minutes to hear it out. He really wouldn’t mind being the shoulder for Yixing but in his room is a very tired puppy who he promised to hold until they fall asleep together. Plus he really missed Baekhyun and it couldn’t wait. Fortunately Yixing understood and he didn’t take forever to let it out. After about five minutes, he lets Sehun go. Of course, Sehun didn’t hesitate.

He wondered how unlucky he was to bump into the members on the way to his hotel room, which he shared with Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol, and he wished that JoonMyeon would finally stop talking so he could get there already. When he finally, finally, made it to the room, both Jongdae and Chanyeol were comfortably tucked in and half asleep on the bed both of them shared. On the other bed lay a familiar figure Sehun recognized immediately, quietly slipping in under the covers beside the male. Baekhyun didn’t move, and Sehun was afraid for a second that he already went to sleep.

Shower wasn’t even important then when Baekhyun finally stirred and the same smile formed on Sehun’s lips. He shifted so Baekhyun could move into his arms, a hand clutching onto the front of his shirt and face buried into his neck. Sehun could feel Baekhyun smiling after placing a peck onto his skin and he absently played Baekhyun’s now brown hair with his finger. The latter released a quiet, relieved sigh, pulling back a little to look Sehun in the eye, flashing the taller a tired smile.

“Tired,” Sehun said, barely a question but Baekhyun nodded anyway. “I missed you.”

The older male chuckled, leaning up to kiss Sehun’s prominent jawline. “I missed you as well, Sebabe. And yes, we’re all very tired. And we have to be up so early tomorrow to catch the flight.”

Sehun eyed the pout that formed on Baekhyun’s lips, letting out a chuckle as he placed a quick kiss onto the older’s forehead. He was starting to slur his words because sleep was quickly taking over but he didn’t want to give in just yet. This could be the only time he could spend with Baekhyun in private for the week. He couldn’t even stand a night, let alone a week. This is going to be hard. “You did amazing on stage earlier, hyung. As always. Never disappointing.”

There was a faint blush that colored Baekhyun’s cheeks and Sehun could see it even in the dark. He playfully slapped at Sehun’s chest despite his next words. “I know. I’m amazing like that.”

“You’re self-conceited.” Sehun snorts, sleepily.

“You love me anyway.”

The maknae hummed, nodding and peppering kisses onto Baekhyun’s face in lazy pecks. “That’s true.” He murmured because he knows behind the confidence is Baekhyun’s insecurity that haunted him in his lonely nights for when Sehun wasn’t around. So he tries to be there with Baekhyun as much as he possibly can (which wasn’t much even though they’re in the same freaking band). With a kiss on the lips, soft and lingering, Sehun smiled again. “I love you.”

Baekhyun chuckled, his eyes closed and he snuggled closer into Sehun’s chest. “I love you too.”

“I’m so lucky to have you.” Sehun whispered, close against Baekhyun’s skin and the latter chuckled, hitting Sehun’s chest again. Their eyes met and for a minute they stared at each other’s lips. It was Sehun who first ducked down to kiss Baekhyun’s lips again, this time a little more heated than the last, leaving them both a little breathless when they finally (and sadly) part.

It wasn’t long until Baekhyun released the moan that indicates he was really going to sleep, something both Chanyeol (being Baekhyun’s best friend and roommate) and Sehun learnt. Sehun kept his smile as Baekhyun began to snore in that adorable way of his softly, tranquility coloring his features with the moonlight shining down onto his face of beauty and Sehun thinks his emotions had pretty much screwed him but he is so in love, there’s warmth that grew in his chest just by admiring Baekhyun’s sleeping face. He wants to kiss it over and over and it feels like he could never be tired of it.

He decided as he yawned and pulled Baekhyun even closer, – an arm wrapped around the older’s torso and lips pressed against Baekhyun’s temple, a position he grew accustomed to – that love is amazing and that he wanted to be in love with Baekhyun forever.


A/N: Firstly, I don’t know what actually went on at the SMTown Shanghai except that SeBaek held hands and my feels went beyond crazy. This is mere fiction (did you see me add that lips-to-forehead scene that we wished had really happened?) and was requested by a reader from twitter @Shinkiew a.k.a Riicchan on aff.

Also for my sebaek LINE group chat members. You know who you are.

I can’t fluff so forgive me that my fluff are all the same effing scene sobs

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yehet_pcy #1
Chapter 1: "hold me tonight. i missed you today." THAT TEXT THOUGH??????? OMFG MY SEBAEK FEELS tbh when i see them hold hands on stage i get so giddy inside like tBH!!!!!
this was so cute srdly omfg what are ypu saying you cant fluff when you literally wrotr then with cute texts and fluffy sleepy cuddles and kisses UGH SO CUTE
thanks for writing and sharing!!!
Baekgraphy #2
Chapter 1: so cute.... ///////////////////-////////////////// oh my God sebaek... my friend sent that picture to me and i feel like crying and screaming..omg that's so cuteeee... >< and your writing makes it perfect. <3
keiichishimizu #3
ehmerghed~ I'm so glad I took a break from studying! This uplifts my mood and takes my mind of from all the school works~
The feels I CANT... WHERE IS AIR?! my cheeks hurt from smiling from all the fluff :) <3 <3sebaek and a light kaisoo <3 <3 This is HAPPINESS~
Chapter 1: it's adorable as always eonni! :D and sebuns, sebabe XD ♥♥♥ I'm seriously in love with those nicknames. They're really cute ^^
I love it mada eonni! ur the best when it comes to sebaek! ♥
Chapter 1: mada unnie <3 <3 <3 <3 Thank you very very very much <3
god, this is so damn cute. omg. my feels ; w ;
i'm not good in expressing my emotion. but this is damn flawless.
bye, i gna throw up rainbows.

p.s. unnie, I love you to the moon and back <3
Chapter 1: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... So cute.. My feels.. Messing with my feels.. And please.. You so can write fluff.. This fluff was best.. And omg.. Sebaek feels..

Omg.. How adorbs.. Their nicknames.. And just everything..

Okies BYE.
Chapter 1: Wait i got my ans....n these are d moments we Sebaek fans always crave for...but they are so rare these evn simple gestures like this gives us a lot to be happy...n thank u fr sharing d fic with us....:D
Again this pic...can somebody plz tell me where's dis pic from????