


Jimin lies down on the wooden floor, body sprawled over his old dark room. The windows are open, shedding a little amount of light over his hands. It’s too dark to see anything, his eyes adjusting to the dark to see if he can use anything to lighten up the small room.

He sees two candles standing on his small old bedside table. He sits up to grab it along with the match beside it. He lights it up and sets it on the floor next to him, just right beside his head where the flame lights his face. Then he lies there… just staring at the ceiling.

It’s been a while since he’d been here, in this room, in this house, in this town. Thank goodness college breaks take about a month, he didn’t know he missed his home this much. So he sighs in relief for a month without homework, a month without dance practice, a month without terrifying professors, a month without annoying classmates…

A month without Yoongi.

His thin lips curved into a slight frown. That has got to be the worst downside of having a month out of campus. Yoongi goes to Daegu while Jimin goes back to Busan. A month without cat-like smiles, a month without sarcastic arguments, a month without listening to mixtapes…

A month without Yoongi.

Jimin sighs in disappointment. Then he turns his head, eyes meeting the lighted candles. His eyes look at the candles without blinking, his thoughts of Yoongi overflowing. The candle is white, almost as white as Yoongi’s skin. Its color seems lifeless at an ordinary look. But when the lights are off, they stand out. Exactly like Yoongi. At campus, he might seem like the typical Photography major geek with his camera slung over his neck and earphones on. But just as how the lights are off same as the day goes off into the night, Yoongi stands out. He stands out in the crowd, up on the stage with microphone on his hand and rap coming out of him like heat.

Jimin watches as the candle melts. The liquefied form slides down on the sides, slow and barely visible to the eye. A part of Yoongi is like that, Jimin thinks. Yoongi’s emotions are rarely seen. He doesn’t let anyone notice, he doesn’t let anyone see. He lets it slide slowly, making sure no one will take notice until it goes down. Goes down to the bottom of his feet and let it get dried up like the melted part of the candle at the bottom of it.

The wind blows from the opened window and the flames on the candle dances, almost as if it would get blown off. But it doesn’t. That string on the candle has a tight grip on the flame. Jimin wonders if Yoongi is a candle, can I be his flame?

Flames bring warmth to the usual cold candles. Flames are what keep them alive and useful. Yoongi is as cold as ice when Jimin met him. When they got closer, Yoongi’s friends started thanking Jimin for ‘melting him down’ to a better person. Jimin didn’t know what that meant at first but thinking about it now, Namjoon hyung’s words means a lot.

The door creeks open, Jimin’s younger brother peeks in. “What?”

“Hyung, Mom said to go to sleep. And put off that candle, you’re wasting it. Just turn on the lights.”

Then the door softly closes, leaving Jimin blinking in thought. He turns back to the candle slowly, a disturbing thought in his head.

Will I burn out Yoongi?






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Chapter 1: Absolutely fantastic! I liked your way of explaining how Yoongi was like a candle, and I really hope Yoongi thinks Jimin could be his flame, to burn him down but never missing the heat! Way to go!
Chapter 1: omg this is so beautiful and great explaination bout yoongi...i would really love it and be hppy if there were sequel bcuz this beautiful shouldt be wasted
Chapter 1: I liked it!!! I would love to have a sequel to it as well (:
soohyeons #4
Chapter 1: I think you must create a sequel bc this is so beautiful, like really. ♥
Chapter 1: This touched me with emotions I didn't know I had. This is beautiful, really.
sparklysuga #6
Chapter 1: omo I like it, actually o.o)b was kinda wondering if you have the sequel or smth bc I'd like to know what'd happen next. authornim jjang~! xDb
emtimony #7
Chapter 1: The first one-shot I've read on aff. It's excellent :)