prologue | I don't

[hiatus] The Way Back Home

Minseok stood rigidly at the altar, waiting and hoping that he'd come.  Luhan had to come.  It was their wedding.  His nails dug into his palm as a church full of friends and family began murmuring that there was an important person missing.  Minseok bit the inside of his lip as subtly as possible, trying to hide his nervousness.

The doors swung open, and as Minseok turned in the vain hope that it was Luhan, his eyes met with Baekhyun who was standing at the far end of the aisle.  He shook his head. Minseok's heart fell.  He swallowed back tears as he walked straight towards Baekhyun, and the guests began talking out loud.  They were all too eager to start gossiping as soon as they left the church.

Had everyone seen this coming?

Luhan had asked Minseok to marry him.  If anyone was supposed to be having cold feet, it was Minseok.

Minseok walked straight into where Luhan was supposed to be getting ready.  It didn't surprise him to find the room empty.  It did surprise him that it seemed like Luhan had left him a note.



I'm sorry.  I thought I knew what I wanted.  I thought that I was so sure about us.  When I asked you to marry me, I really did mean it.  I wanted to spend the rest of our lives together, or at least, I thought I did.

I know that this is going to hurt you, and I'm not going to ask you to forgive me.  You deserve better than me.  You should try to find something else or someone else who can make you happy.

I love you; I'll always love you, but I think my love for you has changed.

I'm sorry.


Minseok's hands shook as the he read the paper.  For some reason the tears he'd been trying to hold back refused to come when he wanted them too.

He sank to his knees.  Baekhyun would have to tell the guests that the wedding was called off because Minseok had begun to cry with dry sobs rocking through his body.


a/n: a different fic is winding down, time for something new?

I know this is super short, but more will come.

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Chapter 6: Ahhh nooo why do the good stories always end on a cliffhanger :( please please update this soon!
Chapter 6: aw shucks it ended at the best part :( This cliffhanger will kill me. Excited for your update! ^^
lynchao #4
Chapter 6: an update. thank you so much. i've read it twice already.
Chapter 6: yaaaaaaaaa, this is getting sooooo gooooooooooood ommmmmmmmmmmmm *runs like an excited puppy*
Chapter 6: Omg omg omg you updated!! I waited so long!! Omg omg you left it at a cliff hanger omg please update again soon I'm dying!!!
mariaexofi #7
Chapter 6: Chapter six: FINALLY THEY MEET :3 Ooohh Xiuchen how i've waited for their scenes ♡
Chapter 6: Ive been waiting for this ♡ update anytime you can just not one year after again hahaha
Chapter 6: You don't need any screaming. It's okay, your update made up for it ^-^