yeah I know Malayan Union

of crumpled notes and love



The fluorescent light shone brightly amongst the darkness as the clock ticked away. The table in the room was filled with piles of textbook and files, causing unneeded mess. The bed, well, looked like some cave made from clothes and dozens of exercise books. The young man hidden between the walls of paper was lying flat on the table already with a pen still in his grasp. Hoseok’s pen was tapping lightly on the history notes as he dozed off, accidentally. He was trying to make up for whatever he didn’t listen the past few months but I guess it’s not working. With at least 6 more chapters to go, he was unable to keep a straight face while seeing the same “Tunku Abdul Rahman” appearing again.


As the clock ticked to 1 a.m., the alarm clock rang immediately. Hoseok shot up from his nap, almost dropping his spectacles that were hanging off his face. He wiped off his drool before offing the alarm clock, sighing. He pushed his spectacles up before pushing himself closer to the table, preparing to continue him notes. He fumbled through the bundle of colored pens, wondering which one will be a better fit for the next line of notes. And within 5 minutes, he was kissing the table already.


Suddenly, his phone rang. Hoseok shot up again, of course. He blinked a few times before seeing a message sent from Whatsapp. He stared at his phone, mind blanked for a while because who the hell will send him a message at a time like this?! He clicked on the notification before realizing it was an audio message. He yawned a little while playing the audio, only to be blasted away by someone screaming.


“HOBIIIIIIIIIIII HYUNG! Did I wake you up? I better did!”


He rubbed his ears before playing it again, with the volume lowered down of course. He replayed it a few more times before staring at the number, mind confused. He then pressed the record button, sending a reply towards the mad man.


“Hey, Kim Tae Hyung, you changed your number again?”


He stopped. He waited. He stared. And pop. Another notification.


“Yeah~! Lost my phone a few days ago so I had no choice. Anyways, how’s study going?”


Hoseok thought for a minute. Then he pressed the button again.


“Didn’t you buy your new phone like a few days ago? How did you lose it so quickly?”


“Who cares~ By the way, I’m already half way done with chapter 6. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA.”


The male then stared at his phone, flabbergasted. How did that rich-stupid-lazy party animal study faster than him? It’s impossible! Hoseok locked his phone before continuing his studies, not wanting to be beaten by him. His sudden passion of determination burnt as if a never-ending supply of fuel is being poured on him. He tied his bangs up before flipping through the textbook, writing notes like a god.


1 notification


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5 notifications


Hoseok who was temporarily burnt out, decided to check those notifications. And amazingly, it was from the same Kim Tae Hyung.


“HEYOOOO how are you doing slowpoke?”


“I bet you didn’t memorize all those notes I gave you before”


“You probably didn’t know that chapter 7 will be the focus right HAHAHAH”


“I don’t know about you but I am so going to ace this exams just by studying about Malayan Union”


“Ohohohoh I am going to read the extra notes in the exercise book~”


Hoseok questioned so hard if he was a friend of a boy of his age or some creepy anime character. But still, hearing those audio messages, and also not wanting to lose to him, he flipped through everything he said. He was extremely motivated and determined to ace whatever the madman was studying, at least those.


As time flies whether you’re having fun or not, it was close to daybreak already when Hoseok was flipping through his exercise book. His head was as heavy as a rock and his eyelids were so close to coming together. He was literally glancing at each page when there was a small sentence written at a page.


I love you hobi!


He brought the book as close as possible before realizing that sentence was none other than “I love you hobi”, written by the only person who would call him that.

He dropped the book before sitting there, mind blank and face flushed.







“……….5 more minutes, please.”




“Come on, I stayed up all night for you…can’t you let me off?”


“WHAT- what…”


Hoseok could hear the neighboring friends chuckling before staring at them. They pushed one of the girls towards him as she whispered into his ears.


“Our mighty Kim Tae Hyung sleeps at 10 every day. Just for you, he asked for all the tips and stayed up all night so that you wouldn’t overslept hehe.”



And that is how Hoseok enter the exam hall with a bright red face and Taehyung... with a bruise on his cheek.



A/N: thanks for reading and spm students!!!111!!1!!!! LET US FIGHT OUR WAY THROUGH IT OKAY


main pic:



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Chapter 1: Hahahaha and Malayan Union isn't come out in any structure or essay question~ My paper will done tomorrow but still good luck for you~ This story is good~
Chapter 1: Man. So cheesy and so cute. Please continue making fanfics ❤ and good luck with your spm. I had through all of that and I really damn know what the feelings is. Fighting!!! ✌
eyesmilegyu #3
Thats so sweet of tae! And goodluck for your spm! :))