Nmi doll


Hakyeon decides to surprise his lifelong friend. 


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AnnoNiji #1
Chapter 1: Omg wtf really ? XD But kkk my imagination isn't sleeping now xD
amarsyazz #2
Chapter 1: Kyaa~ The feels is just to much! Need to know what happens...

Taekwoon is really testing the leader's patience with his slow 'actions'
Kitokooo #3
Chapter 1: Aw damn it, man come oooon! *WHINES*
Chapter 1: I hate it when you end things so abruptly like this... Make a sequel??
Chapter 1: Reminds me of that short Japanese drama. It was really cute and similar to this. Except the person was an actual robot sent from the past.
Chapter 1: Eeeepppp!! You sure make your reader to imagine so many things with the way you ended this story. Hahahaha. Sequel, maybe? ;)
Chapter 1: Oh my oh my sequel pleaseeeeeeeee. This story is amazing :*