





„Hyung why are you wearing glasses?“ Taemin asks the other man in the room sitting on a chair in front of the desk to get some work done. Currently the man is working on some lyrics if Taemin is not mistaken however the glasses placed on the bridge of the smaller catches his attention.

„For work?“ there was another reason for Jonghyun when he decided a while ago he should probably wear glasses more often when working on his lyrics. Indeed it was pretty simple to guess why he enjoyed to wear them.

Nonetheless he was sure Taemin wouldn´t clever enough to figure out why. Taemin was simple and there was no way he would guess right.

„Why? Your eyes are fine so there is no need for you to wear them, have you grown old or trying to look smart?“ an evil smile spreads on the handsome yet very soft features of the raven. 

Sometimes, no most of the time he is too beautiful for a man if not even for a human being. Since the first day they met Jonghyun was fascinated by the looks of the other man. Looking back he had the youngest member mistaken for a girl like so many others had. 

In his entire lifetime Jonghyun never had met a boy so beautiful like the younger who stared at him patiently for an answer he would not give him and that was because the brat hit a nerve.

Kim Jonghyun was not getting old, he was currently living the best time of his life. He just bloomed like a flower ready to explore the world and settle down on day when he could say from the bottom of his heart he had seen everything and was ready to take a rest. 

„What do you think?“ Rather than a decent answer he goes with a question instead to turn the tables and make the raven sigh, he proceeds to put an act with pushing his bottom lip forward to create a cute and full pout with his kissable plump lips. 

It was hard not looking at the young man or especially his soft lips, yet there was still a part inside of the shorter man to cause a small hint of a smile on his own lips. 

Jonghyun was the kind of man who easily falls for the cute act but he was not blaming himself for it, first most people would fall for Taemins cute actions and second he lived with Taemin for so long turned him into a er for this all. 

Without any exception all of the members were like him, always falling for the cute act and one of the members was as powerless as him even though Jonghyun knew he was more sensitive for the youngest.

That´s why Minho always makes fun of him when he gets the chance to not that Jonghyun was better than his best friend, he was the same to him when the chance was given. One simply could not make fun of their best friend. After all it is a sign of affection and he loved his best friend as much you could love your best friend of so many years and also bandmate as well.

For Minho Jonghyuns best friend Taemin was something like a little brother, he loved him like one so he was weak for him but the real struggle for the tall man comes with someone else.

Another one of their members and sometimes Jonghyun had to wonder how it was eve possible for them to fall for each other. Whenever he was listening to the stories of other groups they had good and close relationships as them but there was no single hint of them falling for one another and this bothered the platinum blonde a little. It was not normal but love was love and Jonghyun was a fighter for love, he believed in the strength of love and gender or race not even age mattered to him. Love is love and so he disliked the way other people talked about it when it happens that a bandmate falls in love with another. It is not as unusual as most people might think. 

They forget about the reality they have to go through everyday, it is hard and it draws them together one day the could mistake the feeling of closeness as love. 

For some it is really love for a few it is nothing more than a good support to surpass the hard times. A little bit of comfort never did wrong and so it was mere an act of a desperate human being searching for warmth and and affection than true love. But even then it was not up for other to judge them and Jonghyun would never dare to judge anyone.

The platinum blonde could make fun of his best friend because the rapper was a fool for ignoring his own feelings he has for their most noisy member but ignoring them was not a smart idea of him. Minho would never admit officially that he has a crush on him  but Jonghyun was aware of it and could tell how much Minho must like their drunkard. As much the short man could enjoy their pointless and most of the time very funny, mostly for the outstanding people, arguments he was annoyed big them. 

Sooner or later he would lock them in a room until they settle timings and finally confess their feelings. There was nothing in this world that would make him go through another sleepless night with Kibum to listen to his whiny complains about Minho and how Jonghyun should beat some sense into the thick head of Keroro. to quote Kibums words, as he Jonghyun calls himself Minhos best friend so therefore he has to do it. They will see what they will gain from acting like some preschoolers. 

„Hyung? Are you even trying to pay attention?“ startled by Taemins voice he breaks off his thoughts to struggle back into reality. Back into their dorm and the room he shared with the youngest.

Although they owned two rather large and comfortable beds Taemin preferred to sit down on the lap of Jonghyun to make him raise a finely shaped eyebrow.

„What are you doing?“ Jonghyun questions their position in this moment. Yes they always shared a very close relationship and they were comfortable with touching and all but it was unusual for the raven to suddenly sit down on the lap of the platinum blonde. Taemin acts like it was the most normal thing to do and this makes Jonghyuns heart beat faster in his chest.

For Taemins defense it would be easy for the shorter man to push him away from him yet Jonghyun was not moving a bit. His eyes were moving over the body of the raven until their eyes met again.

Jonghyun shows openly how much he enjoyed the closeness of their bodies and the warmth that comes from the younger because he was freezing so it was just normal to crave another body to warm himself up right? And if not he couldn´t care less. His heart was beating like crazy and he had no idea how to calm it down to dry his sweaty hands.

How could they be sweaty when he was cold and why was his body warming up so fast?

„Making myself comfortable while working on a plan to make you tell me your reason.“ the younger says determined to find out what it was but it was nothing big, the older knew that Taemin would not let go of it so easily. 

„It´s no big deal“ he tries his best to protect the younger from the upcoming disappointment he might get if he still insist on his plea to hear the reason of the platinum blonde. Jonghyun was sure it would not end well because Taemin most likely expects something big and that was dumb enough. Nobody would wear  glasses for amazing or interesting reason and if so he would like to meet this person.

„If it´s no big deal then tell me.“ the man whispers softly right into his ear, a shiver runs down his spine and the older man caught himself staring at the plump lips of the younger. They moved so seductively as he whispered those words and Jonghyun had to ask himself if the other was doing this on purpose. In the past he could tell if Taemin was playing with dangerous cards though the younger was not aware of it himself because he was once innocent. Of this innocent nothing was left and there was low chance that this pretty lips were still untouched. How much would he give to be the first one tasting them? To cherish their taste and claim them as his but he was not the first and probably he would never taste the sweet taste of the red lips of the raven beauty.

The young man matured and changed so mich over the years, he was even more beautiful than a while ago yet one thing remains, the bad temper of him.

Nevertheless Jonghyun was unable to tell if Taemin was serious right now or not. No one could be seductive without wanting it! It was just impossible and he knew it! He was not dumb!

„What if I told you you´ll be disappointed if I did?“ he counters back fast and more or less unconsciously he let his so curious fingers trail down Taemins back playfully.

„I would be more disappointed if you don´t tell me.“

Jonghyun leaned in to the tips of their noses almost brushed, looking the other straight into the shiny brown orbs which are filled with more than just curiosity. His heart was still beating abnormally fast and he could feel the breath of the other man on his skin. It tickles him but he was ignoring it and the sensation in his abdomen. He was out of his mind.

„To look more handsome…“ he confessed and the silence which followed after was not what he had expect to happen. Innerly he slapped himself for it. It must sound stupid and Taemin of course was the first to throw more salt into the burning wound of the platinum to burst into a happily laugh but before Jonghyun could stop him Taemin leaned in to press his lips against Jonghyuns firmly.

The sudden kiss killed every single thought inside of his head, he just opened his mouth to let Taemins tongue slide into his carven until he changed the dance of their wet muscles.

Everything of Taemin could take his breath away so easily, at first his eyes must have been gigantic but now he closed them to run away with the younger into another world with the kiss they shared. It was intimate, passionate and still careful. As their tongues danced with each other they could share the hidden feelings full of affection for the other.

A tiny message was delivered none of them were ever able to say out loud with words, created by the feelings of their hearts. 

As they separate a smile lies on both their lips. Taemin cupped Jonghyuns neck with his arms playing with the platinum locks.

„Actually they make you look very handsome Hyung.“ he chuckles as he snuggles into the warm embrace hiding his faint blush on his cheeks.

Jonghyun held him tight thanking himself for listening for once to the good advice he got a few weeks ago. 

Maybe he should help Kibum out with Minho after all he told him about the effect of glasses but for now only the beautiful man on his lap mattered he kissed again to fill his entire mouth with the sweet and addicting flavor. 

Jonghyun was sure that not only glasses could be effective, Taemins lips were highly addictive and he was willing to overdose.




Maybe I will write the minkey thing if someone would like to read it^^

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Chapter 1: Aww so cute!!!
Chapter 2: Aww that was lovely ♥︎
Chapter 1: my otps!!! yes, you should also write Minkey's story ♡
Chapter 1: im a jongtae and minkey shipper so go for it!
Engravedintomyskin #5
Chapter 1: minkey and jongtae shipper reading and she says yes!!!! your fic was so cute ^^
kawaling #6
Chapter 1: Oh yes, please do! Jongtae and minkey are my favourite thing in the world!!
Chapter 1: Me me!!
*Raises both hands*