
Picking the right Choice

SungYeol put MinJI in his car and drove to the Hosital.Actually his action was sincere as

he didn't  want MinJi to get hurt.

When he reached the hospital Sungyeol admistered MinJi and the nurses gave her medicine.

Your P.O.V

You woke up and asked "Am i in heaven?"

"Unfortunately no,you are in the hospital,Miss"the nurse answered.

You looked around the room and saw Sungyeol sleeping on the seat beside you.

Your head was spinning and you went to sleep again.

When you woke up,you saw Sungyeol with his head on you bed sleeping.

You took a glance at the clock which was showing 8 o'clock.You and Sungyeol already

missed a day st school.

"Sungyeol,wake up" you whispered and poked his hand.

"Five more minutes..."Sungyeol said.

You giggled.You saw Sungyeol hands on yours.

Not Long,Sungyeol woke up and rubbed his eyes and retrieved his hands when he saw his hands on yours.

"Oh, you're awake,let me call MinHee to bring you home"Sungyeol said.

While waiting for Minhee,you talked with SungYeol.

"How did I end up here?"You asked.

"I saw you unconcious on the floor so i carried and brought you here.Sungyeol said while rubbing the back of his neck

akwardly as he realised that he was sleeping beside her.

"You carried me?" you said while blushing.

Luckily Minhee arrived.

Sungyeol took his bag and started walking to the door.

"Kamsahamnida Sungyeol" you said before he left the room.

Sungyeol just waved  his hands without turning.

~Hi guys another chap done.Now Sungyeol and MinJi's relationship is growing right??

How do you think it is going?

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Update soon(:
kimhyura #2
hope u update soon....
This story is cool, but can I request you to make the chapters a bit longer? Thank you.