First Meeting

Devil's Touch

                Eunji awoke late the sun had just rose high in the sky.  She got up and started brushing the tangles out of her long silvery hair.  Her hair was something special, her eomma always told her that an angel had blessed her and that is why her hair was silver.  But now that she was a little older she knew that it was just because she was a snow leopard.  When she was finished and gracefully made her way into the kitchen.  Looking around she noticed something was off, there was an unfamiliar scent lingering in the air.  Eunji suddenly became a hunter, her senses become sharper as she made her way through the empty house checking the rooms, but she didn’t find anyone. 


She proceeded to let her guard down not seeing anything, when she caught the scent of a fire.  The scent was so strong, like it had been going awhile; when smoke suddenly filled the room baffled her senses.  She started to turn to leave the house but suddenly she felt something against her back; it felt like someone took a hot brander to her back.  She turned and was horrified, the thing at was behind her had blood all over it.  She saw her eomma’s necklace between its teeth.  It was in the form of a human, but whatever it was, it was pure evil.  Its hand was ablaze against her back, she was terrified.  Its sinister smile sent shivers through her body.  She knew it had already disposed of her parents, she couldn’t stay and fight.  If her parents couldn’t kill it she knew she couldn’t.  She was suddenly stricken with grief and a hope that she would live; her only choice was to run away.  Even though it wasn’t in her nature to run, it was the only way she was going to get away from this thing. 


                She started running; fear ran through her body, she knew her parents were dead.  She knew her only chance to live was to get away.  She jumped back away from him as fast as should could and jumped out the closest window and shifted into her were form and landed on all fours and sprinted to the forest.  Her senses were a bit miffed and as she ran she could smell the smoke slowly fading into the forest.  Her back was aching; she felt like she was lying in a pit of fire.  But she was so scared to stop; she was scared that thing would get her.  Tears streaked down her face, she felt defeated, as she continued running.  She didn’t smell that unfamiliar scent she once smelled, but her wits told her she still wasn’t safe and that she needed to get far away from what was once her home.  After running till sundown she stopped by a small stream.  She was so tired, but she managed to get a little bit of water in before the night took her. 


When Eunji awoke she saw a man hovering over her, her first reaction was to swing at him.  She swung her fist toward him as hard as she could, when she made contact she jumped up.  She was still raddled from what she saw earlier, she thought at first it might be the murder.  But when he stumbled backwards she noticed his face, this man was very handsome, but she quickly shook away the thought.  He wasn’t the man she had saw earlier, but she wasn’t ashamed one bit that she hit him. She thought to herself, who the hell would sneak up on a lady like that, and to top it off hover over someone like that while they slept.  He must have had a death wish.


                “What was that for?  I was only seeing if you were okay.”  The man said as he rubbed his cheek where her fist made contact with the side of his face.  “You punch like a man, that ing hurt.”  She stood a little bit taller at his words, she was quite proud of her fighting skills.  For a man to say she punched like a man boosted her ego more than what you would think.  Most women would have been insulted by that accusation, but not Eunji.


                “Who are you and how did you find me?”  Eunji said in a wicked tone.  She wasn’t angry at him or anything; it was just that after she stood up the pain in her back came back.  It felt like the skin on her back was just melting off of her body.  She put up a defensive stance and quickly became in tune with her surroundings, she knew he wasn’t the only one there. 


                “I was out hunting, and one of our best hunting spots is by this stream.  My name is Taeil; I’m part of a small tribe of weres that live just a few miles away from here.  But you don’t look like you are from our village.”  Taeil looked the mysterious female were up and down, her silvery hair gently flowed with the small gusts of wind.  Her looks were captivating, her cat like green eyes glimmered with the rising of the sun.  He had to admit she wasn’t bad to look at, she was actually quite beautiful.  But none the less at the moment she was an enemy, so he had to be very careful.  Spitting the blood out of his mouth he turned his stance toward her.  “I don’t really want to have to kick a girl’s if I don’t have too.”  He said in a cocky tone with a smile on his face.  “I do believe I owe you after that punch to the face, I would love to take you up on that offer.”  He said as he swiftly moved behind her and quickly swung his leg out to knock her feet out from under her.


                She had to admit he was fast, but not fast enough.  Jumping into she perched herself on a branch in the nearest tree.  Right now she wasn’t feeling well enough to fight if she could keep from it.  Her expression didn’t give how she truly felt away, she was in excruciating pain.  She bit down on her bottom lip and drew some blood, she had to think quickly.  “I’m a traveler; I was just stopped to rest.”  She said in a calm tone, her wits were quick.  She was always known to come up with something fast in the spur of the moment. 


                Taeil got up and turned toward her, “She’s harmless go on ahead, I can handle myself.”  As soon as he said this she noticed that all the other presences that were in the woods slowly started moving away.  She watched as the man took a seat on the ground looked up into the trees toward her.  “So, what’s your name lovely?”  He said with a smile on his face.  “Someone as beautiful as you has to have a name.” 


                Flattery?  Really?  Is that really what move he was going with?  She looked down at him, at first she didn’t notice but he had tattoos up his arms and one of them was barely sticking out of the top of the animal fur he had on.  His tattoo pegged her interest in this man.  “My name is none of your concern, how do I know you’re not some erted old creep.”  She said with a sly smile on her face, she thought to herself she might be able to toy with this man to get some answers out of him.  “So tell me, you said there was a small tribe a few miles away from here.  Tell me about it.”


                He looked down for a second like he was thinking of something; then he looked back up and spoke.  “It’s just a small tribe with a few were’s who don’t live on controlled compounds.  We wanted a different live then that, so we decided to make a place for weres with our same views.  But there are a few rogue weres who live there.  It’s nothing fancy, but we have to travel depending on the seasons so we can follow our prey.”


                Eunji looked amused, “So you’re willing to tell me so much about your little tribe when you barely know me.  I could be a spy for all you know.  You’re way to trusting little kitty.”  She jumped down from the tree and gracefully landed without a sound.  She was light on her feet, and a fast runner due to her small stature.  Her height had also been something she didn’t like, even with the advantages of being a fast runner, people always thought she was a child.  She hated it, just the thought pissed her off. 


                Taeil stood and smiled, “I didn’t reveal anything that would put my tribe in danger.  I know your little game though, toy with them some and get the answers you need.  But two can play at that game; you didn’t think that your opponent would be able to play that game did you.”  Taeil was right; she didn’t expect him to figure out her plan so easily.  She had to admit she wasn’t the only one with quick wits.  “Besides your different, you didn’t live on a compound.  Your scent tells all, you don’t have the scent of many different weres on you.  If you’re around others you will be able to pick up small scents of them on someone.”  Taeil was right, she hadn’t really thought of that till now.  She could always smell the scent of her appa on her eomma when he wasn’t around.  Eunji couldn’t help but be very intrigued by this man, he was smart.  He was quick to pick up on her little game; she even bet that he debated on going along with her game just moments before he told her anything. 


                She took a few steps toward him and she watched him, she watched his chest move slightly as he breathed.  She was looking for an opening to strike and claim victory.  She was being out witted by this man, and it set her soul on fire.  She had never met anyone like him; she had to admit he would be a formidable opponent to go up against.  Fighting wasn’t all about brute strength; you had to have wits and a plan in order to crush your opponent.  Her thoughts were cut short however when a sudden sting of pain shot through her, crippled she fell onto the ground.  Her thoughts became hazed as everything started to go black.  Before everything went black she saw a woman standing behind her as she laid on the ground.  The darkness finally took over her as she laid there.    

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kimbap01 #1
Chapter 1: ( • 0 • ) loving this story so far ^^ cant wait for the next chapter