A Boyfriend, A Husband, And A Dance Studio


Engaged in the Blink of an Eye


“Great, now we have something we need to do first, well two things.”

“What’s that?” I turned to look at Jinki-hyung just as he put his lips to mine. I thought my heart was going to beat right out of my chest. I put my hands in his hair as I deepened the kiss, earning some whistles from Minho-hyung and Jonghyun-hyung. When I couldn’t breathe anymore I pulled away, fixing my hair, smiling. I loved the disheveled look Jinki-hyung now had.

“That’s one thing, what’s the other Jinki-hyung?”

“A proper date.” 


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Chapter 1: This is such a good story! Very nice twisty-plot-thingies XD <333
Chapter 1: This is very well written and had me hooked from the start and now that i have found this read it and loved it i'm gonna go and read the rest of your stories
Chapter 1: omg!! this is so cute~ ontaeee~!!
Chapter 1: Awwww how sweet!!!! I really liked!!! Im starting to to like ontae more and more each day again!!!!!