Chapter 1: Amu and Ikuto meet

Undying Love

Hope that you like it, spend a long time typing

"Go Ikuto!" a boy with brown hair and emerald eyes shouted. A 12-year-old Tsukiyomi Ikuto skated down the street and smirked. "Hurry up, Kukai!" Ikuto yelled. Ikuto skated to school with Kukai on his tail and when they got to school, they were surrounded by Ikuto's fan girls. "Ikuto!" they all yelled. Ikuto walked past them and chatted with Kukai. "Kukai, let's go to your house today" Ikuto said. "No!" Kukai said all of a sudden. "Why? We never go to your house" Ikuto said. Kukai smiled nervously. "Seriously" Ikuto started "It's like you don't want me the-". Ikuto bumped into someone and they fell onto the ground. Ikuto got up and stared at her. "Sorry, are you okay?" asked Ikuto. The girl didn't say anything; she stood up and faced Ikuto. They stared at each other, as though time as stopped.

She had strawberry pink hair braided to her waist, honey golden eyes, she wore glasses and she wore a black choker with a silver cross and a silver bat wrapping around the cross. Everyone stopped to see what was going on. "Look it's Ikuto- Sama, but what is he doing with that nerd?" everyone whispered. Kukai came running up to Ikuto. "Ikuto are you all right?" Kukai asked. "Yeah, I just bumped into her" Ikuto explained. Kukai turned to the girl and gasped in horror. "What's wrong Kukai?" Ikuto asked. "Amu, why are you here!?" Kukai asked. Ikuto just stared at them, not getting what they're saying. "Because I have to" Amu said and she walked away. "So who was that?" Ikuto asked. "Not now Ikuto" Kukai said. Kukai walked to the gate of the school thinking why Amu is here and with Ikuto following him.

Amu walked down the hallway and stopped in front of a door. "This is it" Amu thought. Amu walked through the door and everyone stopped with what they were doing and stared at her when she walked to the front desk, feeling really uncomfortable. Ikuto stopped kissing the girls or stopped flirting with the girls, Kukai stopped talking about sports and everyone stopped doing what they were and went back to their seats. "Class this is our new student" the teacher said. Kukai grinned at her. "Mental Note- Kill Kukai Later", Amu noted. Amu bows and in a really soft voice said "I'm Hinamori Amu, please to meet you, please take care of me". "Hinamori-san, you may sit next to Tsukiyomi- Kun, Tsukiyomi- Kun can you raise your hand" the teacher said.

Ikuto raised his hand and Amu went to her seat. "Hi, my name is Tsukiyomi Ikuto, but you can call me Ikuto" Ikuto said. Amu said nothing; she just stared out the window. "She ignored me, the Tsukiyomi Ikuto, what nerve does she have" Ikuto thought. "Alright class, for this science project you have to work with a partner and make a model of the subject I give you and give a report of what it is. Of course I'll arrange the partners and the subjects." said the teacher. Everyone in the class groaned. "Alright here are the partners, Akira and Saki; you guys will the model of DNA. Minami and Teito; you guys will do the model of the lungs. Amu and Ikuto, the model of the heart", the teacher said. Ikuto smirked while Amu stared out the window. "No fair, why does she get to be with Ikuto- Sama!" one of the girls said. "Because I'm the teacher and I say so" said the teacher.

The bell rang and everyone walked out, Amu, Ikuto and Kukai was the only ones left in the class room. Ikuto put his hand on Amu's desk and stared at her. "So do you want to come to my house, or go to your house" Ikuto asked smirking. "Your house, let's go" Amu replied. "Really, wow so eager" Ikuto said smirking. Amu turned around and punched him in the stomach. Ikuto was shocked, Kukai was grinning and Amu had no emotion. "I didn't say that, so I'll get seduced by you, I said that because I want to do the project at your house and get a high-grade. And I'm not those types of girls, who'll fall for guys like you", Amu said seriously. Ikuto was shocked at first, but then started to laugh and now it was Amu's turn to be shocked. "Why are you laughing, I'm serious!" Amu yelled. "I know that you're serious about that, but I can see through your facade. So you don't need to act like that around me" Ikuto said smirking.

Amu smiled and walked out of the class room. "Ikuto if you get her mad. Beware. You don't know what she's capable of" Kukai said. "How do you know so much about her?" Ikuto asked. "Not telling you" Kukai said grinning. "Are you guys done!", Amu yelled. "We better go or she'll kill us and I literally mean it, she'll literally kill us" Kukai said panicking. Ikuto and Kukai rushed out of the classroom in a hurry.

I'm so tired writing so much, this may look little but it was a lot to type. Please Review and subscribe!!

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