How Soojin ended up being an

The Cabin in the woods

This story I'm about to tell starts on May 30, the year, 2015. It was a hot summer, in fact, one of the hottest summers of history. Soojin was wearing a white tee and shorts. The car's air conditioner was at its maximum power, however she had droplets of sweat running down her forehead, half of the blame was the heat, the other half, the nerviousness. Her aunt, who was her tutor, forced Soojin to take a summer job.

The place was a hotelarrow-10x10.png, and her aunt was good friends with the owner. It wouldn't be a bad idea, if the location of the hotelarrow-10x10.png wasn't in the middle of nowhere, in a town nobody knows of, 30,000 milles away from her home. She will be staying there, living there during the summer, along with the other workers. 

She looked to the window and saw nothing but trees, big tall trees, so tall she couldn't see where they ended. She sighed and looked away, her aunt turned to her and smiled "Don't worry, it will be nice. I know this people. You are gonna love them, they even have a son your age, you might get along well" She smiled again. That tipically smile of hers that formed dimples on her cheeks. People said Soojin resembled her aunt a lot. Both had dark brown hair, and brown eyes. Both were tall and had pale skin. And both had that beautiful dimple smile everyone fell in love with.

 "Soonja-ah" Soojin pouted "I'm scared, what if they don't like me"

"That's imposible!" her aunt shook her head "They are going to love you, I am 200% sure of it" 

Soojin laughed "I hope so" she looked out the window again "How much is left?" They had been driving for hours, they left home at 7, and 3 hours had passed by since then. 

"Not too long, look" Soonja said and with a head movement, she gestured the girl to look on front. A big, 7 story building was showing ahead. It was painted in yellow and had a big parking lot next to it, it was almost full. Her aunt had to park really far away from the door. They got out of the car and the wave of heat hit them, Soojin tried to cover her face from the sun using her hands, her aunt put on her shades. "Help me with the luggage"

Soonja opened the trunk, and each one took a bag. They walked up to the door, and entered the lobby. As soon as her aunt saw the woman behind the counter she screamed and dropped the bag "Oh my god! It's been so long!" They started hugging and catching up on a few things. Soojin just stood there, waiting for them to finish.

After a while, her aunt finaly said "...And this is my niece, Soojin" the woman turned her attention to her

She turned to her aunt and said "She looks a lot like you!" then turned to you again "Nice to meet you, my name is Gayun" the lady smiled and Soojin smiled back 

"Nice to meet you" she made a little bow with her head

"How old are you? You look about my son's age"

"I'm 18" Soojin smiled again

"Ommo! You're about my son's age! You two might get along well" the lady excitedly said "Hoseoook! Come here!" she screamed into an open door that was on the back of the counter "Hoseok!"

A boy's scream replied "Coming!" Few seconds later a boy in a blue hotelarrow-10x10.png uniform came out the door. "What?" he said while furrowing his eyebrows and looking at the lady. He looked a few years older than Soojin. His hair was brown, and covered his forehead.

"Hoseok, this is Soojin" she pointed towards Soojin "she will be working with us during the summer" Hoseok turned to the girl and eyed her from the head to her toes. He thought she was cute. "I want you to take her to her room, and then maybe show her around here" the boy nodded "And take the rest of the employes with you too"

"Understood. Wait, this means we have the day off?" he tilted his head a little.

"Yes" Her mother smiled and then turned to Soojin's aunt "What about you and me going to have brunch? Catch up a little"

"I'd love to" Soonja smiled. Gayun called someone to cover her, and they left.

The boy walked over to where Soojin was standing "Let's go" he picked the luggage that was on the floor and started walking. The girl was walking behind him, not really paying attention to where they were going.

The boy stopped in front of a door, and opened it, revealing a small dark room. Inside they were 4 bunkbeds, the beds ocuppied the whole room, two were on the right, two on the left. Only leaving a small corridor between them. In front of where the girl was standing, there was a window, with the curtains covering it completely, not letting the sun light up the room.

She couldn't see that well, because of the absence of light but it seemed like there was people sleeping in there "Boys, wake up" Hoseok said whispering. Nobody answered and he tried saying it again, this time, a lot louder "Wake up!" he the lights, and the 'boys' groaned. Groans and disgusted noises filled the room. A boy apeared from below his sheets with his eyes closed, his hair was between orange and brown. He brushed his eyes and sat with his legs touching the floor. He was sleeping on the right bottom bed closer to the window.

"What's wrong with you Hoseok? It's only 4 am" the half asleep boy said, causing Hoseok to chuckle.

"Taehyung you idiot, it's already 10" He entered into the room and left the bag on the empty bed next to Taehyung's "Jungkook, Jongup, Zelo, Jimin wake up. We have to go" Hoseok opened the curtains, and then turned to the left part of the room. He pulled the sheets of the upper beds, revealing two sleeping boys "Jimin-ah, Jongup-ah wake up" they groaned.

"Where are we going?" said one of the boys of the bottom part, he was very tall. He was sitting on the bed with his eyes still closed.

"Who is this?" said Taehyung while pointing to the girl, his voice was husky.

"I need everybody to wake up so I can introduce her" Hoseok said while putting the sheets on the floor.

After a minute everybody was up, the boys were on the bottom beds of the left. 3 of them were sitting down on a bed, the other 2 where on the other. Soojin and Hoseok were sitting in front of them, on the empty bed.

Hoseok clasped his hands "Ok..." All of the boys' eyes where on the girl "This is Soojin, she's a new worker here. My mom told me to show her around and take you all with me, so... yeah. If you come, you'll have the day off" the boys cheered. This was a good day, a new pretty worker and the day off. "Ok ok, now lets introduce ourselves" he turned to Soojin "I am Hoseok, 21, I'll be your boss this summer, nice to meet you." He bowed his head slightly.

The boy with the orange-brown hair was next "I'm Taehyung, 19 years old. Nice to meet you" he bowed his head. Soojin thought he looked like a funny person.

Then the short one "I'm Jimin, 19" He had dark brown hair, and a fit body.

Next was the tall guy with brownish hair "Junhong, but you can call me Zelo. I am 18" he smiled, and his dimples showed.

"Jongup, age 19" As Jimin, he was also short and muscly.

"Jungkook, 17" This one was the youngest. He had brown hair, and was skinny. He looked arrogant.

Soojin nodded and smiled "I'm Soojin, 18 years old. Nice to meet you all. Please take good care of me" She bowed her head.

"Ok, now that everyone knows each other, any ideas where we should go?" Hoseok said to the boys. 

"I know! Let's go get brunch. And then we could go visit downtown" Jimin said, and everyone agreed.

"Sounds good, but maybe you should put on some clothes first" Hoseok said while pointing to the boys. Most of them where only wearing their boxers and a t-shirt. The boys first looked at each other, and then at the girl. 

"Is she gonna see us change?" Jongup asked with a blush on his cheeks, while scratching the back of his neck.

Soojin gasped and stood up "I'm sorry. I'll wait outside" she hurriedly exited the room and closed the door behind her. She pressed her back against the wall and sighed. The girl looked down to the floor and thought. For the rest of the summer I'm going to be living with these guys, I'll be seeing them 24/7. I wonder if they are nice people... They look kinda friendly... 

The sound of the opening of the door cut her thoughts. She turned her head and saw Hoseok peaking his head through the door. He smiled at her and completely exited through the door, followed by the rest of the boys. They were now dressing with normal clothes, even Hoseok had changed his hotelarrow-10x10.png uniform for casual clothes.

"Ok, lets go" Hoseok said, and he started walking, everybody following him. They exited through a door to the parking lot. 

"Man, sure is hot today" said Jimin while blocking the sun with his hand. 

Hoseok walked over to a van, took a key from his pocket and opened it. Taehyun opened the door for Soojin to enter "Soojin, you go first". She blushed and entered the van. 

"Wow Taehyun, what a player" Junghong said, and everyone laughed. 

Taehyun just shrugged "I am just being nice". Everyone entered the van. Soojin ended up sitting between Taehyun and Junghong. Hoseok was driving, and Jimin was in the seat next to him. Jongup and Jungkook were on the back. 



They were already sitting on a table at the restaurant. Again, Soojin was sitting between Taehyun and Junghong, the rest of the boys were sitting in front. Hoseok ordered pancakes and milkshakes for everyone, after a couple of minutes the food came. All of the boys stuffed their mouths with pancakes, except for Hoseok, who wasn't very hungry. Soojin barely ate one when the rest of the boys had already devoured two or three. When they had almost finished their food they tried to start a conversation with Soojin.

"So, Soojin, where are you from?" Taehyun asked before stuffing his mouth with his last pancake. All of the boys turned to her and waited for her answer.

"I am from ____... Its about 3 hours away from here" the boys nodded.

"Do you have siblings?" Jongup asked, he really didn't care, he just wanted to strike a conversation.

"Hum, no. I live alone with my aunt. What about you guys? Do you have siblings?" the boys shook their heads, they were the only child on their families, except for Hoseok.

"I do, I have an older brother, he works in the hotel too" said Hoseok.

After that everyone kept quiet, so Jimin took his chance to ask "...Do you have a boyfriend?". All of the boys had been dying to ask that ever since they saw her, but still chuckled when they heard the question.

Soojin blushed and looked down at her food "...I don't". She let out a emabrassed laugh "Ha ha..." The boys cheered inside their heads.

"Why not? You are pretty" Jimin was really honest, and straighfoward "If you need help with getting a boyfriend, I could help you with that". He smirked and then winked at her.

"Yah, Jimin" Hoseok said and smacked the back of the boy's head "you're scaring the girl" Jimin cursed and rubbed the place where he had been hit earlier.

"I think someone is jealous" Taehyun laughed, and Hoseok glared at him angrily. 

One of the waiters approached the table "Hey guys! I thought you were working on the hotel today". He was tall and very very handsome.

"Well, thanks to her" Taehyun placed his hand on top of her head "we are having the day off"

The boy turned his gaze to her and smiled. Soojin's heart skipped a beat. "I am Jin, nice to meet you, are you the new worker at the hotel?" Soojin opened but nothing came out. The boys turned at her, waiting for her answer, but she couldn't speak. She tried again but Jin's stare was like hipnotizing her, making her unable to enounce any word. Jin chuckled "Cat got your tounge huh? Well guys, see you later" He waved and left to attend other tables.

The boys looked at each other suspiciously. What just happened?, Soojin thought. Something seemed weird in this guy. This had never happened to her.

For the rest of the meal no one said a word. They finished and left the restaurant. When they were walking to the van Hoseok and Jongup were discussing something in a very low voice, Soojin couldn't understand what they were talking about. This time they entered the van Jongup sat in front with Hoseok, and Soojin was sent to the back with Jungkook and Junghong. She was sitting between the two boys.

"I'm sorry Soojin but we will have to make a quick stop before heading downtown" Hoseok said while starting the car. They drove in silence until they reached a cabin in the middle of the woods. It was a two story tall cabin. It looked abandoned. "Wait here" Hoseok undid his seat belt and exited the car along with Jongup.

"Arg" Jimin groaned and grabbed his tummy "!" he cursed and started breathing heavily.

Taehyun grabbed his shoulder "Jimin what's wrong?" he asked worried, before he could answer he started feeling the same pain as Jimin. He groaned "ah !". Both of them started sobbing in pain. Something was wrong with the food. 

Jungkook and Zelo looked at each other. "How much did you eat?" Zelo asked Jungkook. Soojin was starting to feel scared.

"I don't know, about four pancakes more less, you?" Taehyun and Jimin had eaten a lot more than him, probably that was the reason they started feeling the symptoms earlier.

"About si-" he froze "crap, crap, crap" Zelo started feeling as if he was being stabbed on the stomach repeatedly. Only Jungkook and Soojin were left from feeling the unbearable pain. Jungkook took his phone out and desesperately tried to contact Hoseok and Jongup. Soojin started feeling really dizzy and hot, her hands got really sweaty. 

Jungkook didn't realize Soojin was also feeling the effects of the poisoned food until she collapsed on his shoulder. He put his phone down and grabbed her by the shoulders. "Soojin-ah! Soojin-ah" he tried shaking her to wake her up, but it was useless.

Jungkook was about to cry when Hoseok opened the door. He saw the boys groaning and sobbing in pain, and Jungkook hugging Soojin's passed out body "What the is going on?" Jongup also entered the van.

"I don't know! I think the food was poisoned" Jungkook's voice sounded as he was about to cry.

Hoseok sighed "Lets take everyone to the cabin fast" he ordered. Jongup opened the door and took Taehyun out of the van, Hoseok helped Jimin. After a few trips from the cabin to the van everyone was already inside.

They took them to a room on the third floor, Soojin was laying on one of the beds, the rest of the boys where on the floor. Hoseok approached the bed where Soojin was. "Jungkook I need your help" 



I'll end it here, thanks for reading!

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