LasT LoVe


GD was holding a green paper which is a letter...So he slowlys starts reading-:: Dear Jiyong!! annyong^^na bommie-ah(its bommie)~~u must be surprised getting this letter,right??keeekeeeee well this is not some sort of prank or other stuffs but this is just a LETTER..where my untold and hidden emotions are spread with ink--'' u remember those old days when I was trainee and u were the sunbae^^the time when i heard tht i was going to be featured in ur song and even in the video as a GIRLFRIEND...well,that was most happiest moment for me tht never came before or after tht!!!u must be confused with the stuff am writingㅠㅠ''so let me get to the point→I LOVED U AND I ALWAYS HAD LOVED ONLY U!!I never had my heart upon any other guy..and NO....TOP is not my was just a rumour^^I know u liked DARA or maybe CL cuz they are much pretty and more confident than me,who is always shy and awkwardㄱㄱi also know u have always liked cheerful girl but am SORRY i could never show u my cheerful side...jiyong....i don't know whether u had joked or told the truth but the time when u said i was. your GIRLFRIEND at the BIG SHOW i was really happy and maybe u had seen my happiness tht was plastered on my face that day!!i really was happy^^u always teased me yet i love itㄱㄱu always praised CL leadership.DARA prettiness and MINZY dancing skills.but never talked about me:(everyone had suggested me to change myself like cutting my long hair or doing cfs but i never accepted one cuz i know it does not matter u...anything related to me....the time when ur song HEARTBREAKER came i don't know why but i felt kind of unusual!!later on i over heard ur conversation with YG that ur HEART was weak so u need a heart transplant which was nearly impossible cuz no1 will give their heart to save some1..right??yeah!!am sorry but i heard tht and also tht u made tht song after u knew ur heart was weak.....After i found it do u know how much i cried??probably u don't know...let me tell u i cried until i feel asleep with tears atain fresh on my face and till tears were out of amount..everytime i saw u my heart broke and hurted like i was going to die not u!!the time when i thought tht anyday can be the day when i can no longer see ur face..the face of the person i love..i thought i was going to be crazy but a liitle promise made me happy again^^remember the day when i promised i will write a song for u and i wrote YOU AND I^^well well just as the song said-NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS EVEN WHEN THE SKY IS FALLING DOWN I PROMISE U THAT I WILL NEVER LET U GO-i didn't let u go:)~~see..u r alive^^but the difference is when u r reading this i won't be with u.....i will be at the place u should be....don't worry i will be HAPPY and will do great...i promise its better than being alive and thinking of our separationㄱㄱand another thing u always asked me why didn't i change my ways like CL MINZY or DARA__let me answer it now...CL changed cuz TEDDY oppa liked confident and strong girl..DARA changed cuz she wants attention from both TOP AND TAEYANG and MINZY changed cuz its her age to under go changes and i didn't change cuz i have come to realize that u r just a GUY a special one maybe but i don't have to do things to make u love me cuz if u wanted u would had....!!!lastly i didn't gave u ny heart cuz am kind its cuz MY HEART ALWAYS BELONGED TO U^^AND I WANT TO BE FOREVER WITH U♥♥CUZ I LOVE U♥♥Always make my heart happy and my heart gets to most happiest when u smile=)so always SMILE cuz am always inside u and its not separation it just mixing of my heart with ur body and don't forget my heart is inside u beating my life♥♥I LOVE U..... sincerely corn lover...butterfly...wife of FROG→PARK BOM♥♥ P.S.SORRY THAT I COULD NOT BE YOUR LAST LOVE BUT U R ALWAYS THE ONLY LOVE FOR ME...SO PLEASE DON'T CRY CUZ ITS HURTS And DON NOT FEEL LONELY CUZ IF U DO I WILL HATE U.....AND DON'T TOUCH MY HEART OR REPLACE IT♥♥♥♥


I know i know WHO WILL BE MY LOVE is still incomplete but this story came in my mind thts why i just wrote it down^^now don't get angry for this^___________^and as always show some LOVE kisses from 미호


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mtrlfcpa #1
Chapter 1: reading this again and a GBom fic like this really make me cry!
dimskie #2
bomieee!! y u so cute
so sad..... why.. gd, take care of bommie heart.. write gbom story again :)
SpringSeason #4
wow...sad died already cuz she gv her heart to ji...hope bom no.2 will appear to be with gd.haha.gbom hwaiting.this is not one shot right.just asking ^_^