The School Athlete

SHINee Oneshots :D

 Choi Minho, the perfect guy. He's tall, smart, kind, caring and the school's best athlete. Every girl wanted to be with him and every guy wanted to be like him. He captivated mostly every girl's heart in the school. You're one of them. But you never told anyone you had a major crush on him. To you, it was pointless to say so, because other girls had crushes on him too. You tried getting over him, you really tried, but you couldn't. It's tough since he's in the same class as you for every subject and he sits infront of you! It was especially hard to act like you had no feelings for him when he talked to you. You had the urge to hug him everytime he talked to you. Luckily, you were able to restrain yourself. So you didn't talk to him unless it was completely necessary. But unknown to you, Minho liked you too...

One day at school, it was time for physical education. This time, it was about learning how to play soccer. "Okay so I need you all to get into pairs please," the coach said. Immediately, all the girls surrounded Minho because they wanted to be paired up with him. You decided to move away from the big mess of Minho being surrounded and went off to find your best friend to pair up with. Unfortunately, you got partnered up with Minho in the end...

"Annyeong____ah!" Minho greeted, with a smile that made you melt. You gave him a shy smile and quickly turned away to hide your blushing face. "Alright, let's begin," the coach said, beginning to explain the rules. You didn't even pay attention because you were busy staring at Minho the whole time! Sitting next to you on the grasspatch was enough to send your heart racing. As a breeze blew by, Minho's hair became a bit messy. You started to giggle softly at how he tried to fix his hair. This made him turn to look at you questioningly, so you quickly looked at the coach, who was still busy explaining how to play soccer.

Finally, it was time to play. This was Minho's favourite sport so he was, of course, very good at it. "Okay, each pair start attempting to kick the ball and shoot it into the goal post." The coach instructed. "Here, you go first." Minho kindly said, with his cute smile. "Thanks," you said shyly. Thanks to your clumsiness, you tripped over the ball and sprained your ankle. "Aish, APPA(it hurts)! Why am I so clumsy? Urgh, I even embarrassed myself infront of Minho =.=, great..."you thought to yourself. Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

"Yah, are you okay? Can you stand up? Why are you so clumsy!" Minho said worriedly. You felt surprised at how worried he was and you replied quietly, "Yeah, I think I hurt my ankle..." Minho's eyes widen in shock as he quickly ran to the teacher, explaining what had happened before running back to you. Without saying anything, he carried you bridal style.

"YAH, what are you doing?!" you asked in surprise. "I'm taking you to the Nurse's office to treat your ankle," Minho replied as he continued walking. Ignoring the angry glares sent from the other girls, you asked him,"Aren't I heavy? You can let me down you know..." But Minho just kept walking and said,"Nope, you're light as a feather,"not forgetting to flash his handsome smile.

Reaching the Nurse's office, Minho let you down and opened the door for you to go in. "Thank you for helping me Minho," you said, feeling grateful and happy that he volunteered to carry you all the way to the Nurse's office. "No worries, I just felt so worried about you,"he suddenly confessed, making you both blush. You gave him a small smile before proceeding to enter the Nurse' office.

After getting your ankle treated, you exited the Nurse' office. "Hmm...since school is already over, I guess I can just go grab my stuff and go home," you thought to yourself. Occupied with your thoughts, you didn't notice someone standing infront of you and you bump into him. Before you could fall and hit the hard ground, two strong pair of arms caught you by the waist. Looking up at your saviour, you're eyes widen in surprise. "Minho? What are you doing here?" you asked. Noticing the awkwardness, Minho let go of your waist but held onto your arm so that you wouldn't fall. "Well, since school is over, I helped you get your stuff already and was planning to send you home because I can't just let you go home alone like that when you're injured." You both blushed at his straightforwardness. "Oh, thank you Minho, that's really nice of you..."you said quietly, feeling very happy on the inside. He chuckled to himself before holding your hand, while carrying his and your bag as you both proceeded to go home.

Reaching your doorstep, you turn to Minho, ready to thank him again for helping you a lot today when you realised he was looking at you. "Is there something on my face?"you asked, touching your cheek. Replacing your hand with his, Minho your cheek as he confessed,"Actually, I like you a lot_____ah. I've been to afraid to say it, You're cute and different from other girls. you feel the same?" Your heart almost jumped out of your chest hearing him say that. Instead of answering him first, you hugged him tightly. "I really like you too, for awhile know..."you giggled. Holding you by the waist, he leaned in and gave you a small peck on the cheek.

See you tomorrow at school Minho!" You said happily as you were about to go in. "See you here tomorrow!" Eh? Confused, you turn to look at him. "Let's go to school together tomorrow, you could need some help too since you're injured..."Minho suggested, smiling sheepishly. Unable to say no to his cute smile, you nodded and bid him goodbye before going inside your house, feeling super giddy and happy that your crush, Choi Minho, likes you too and kissed you! "Ah...tomorrow's going to be a good day!" You blushed rose-red as you thought about Minho.




Yaay hope you guys liked the second oneshot about our flaming charisma Minho! :D sorry if the first story was short =="

I'll do better next time. Stay tuned for more!!


ooh la la~ *.*

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