Winter Hearts

Winter Hearts

It was a cold winter morning, the station almost empty, she paced on the hard stone floor. Many thoughts were running through her mind but this was her decision and she shouldn't let anything change it. She held the box close to her chest and stared at it. She was strong, she could do this. Suddenly, she heard footsteps and turned, he was waving and running towards her.


"Sorry... I... was... I'm... late...have you been... waiting...for long...?" He said in between breaths. She chuckled and told him. "Don't talk, take some time to rest first. Nope, I haven't been waiting for long and it's alright. Don't worry Wooyoung." They both laughed and awkward silence just crept in.


It was awkward to start talking but both of them could feel the pressure and also the warmth of being with one another for the last time.


I couldn't be any happier when I saw him, he always manages to make my heart flutter even after all these years. He's so cute, always with his yellow scarf, sling bag and his black hair which seems to grow a little longer this winter. Oh how i wish i could hug him and tell him how i really feel but i couldn't, because if i did, my plans would be ruined. But sometime I really wish I could take chances.


"So how long more before the train arrives?", he asked and rubbed his palms together. She glanced at her watch and replied, "20 minutes more."


20 minutes more... the last time I'll see her. 20 minutes left... to tell her everything I feel. But I couldn't tell her, I just couldn't. I took a sneaky glance at her, one last time to look into her brown eyes and feel everything she didn't want to ever tell me. I want to take her into my arms and tell her that everything will be fine. But it's better to forget everything.


The train man announced, "6 more minutes before the train to Cooperstown arrives. Please get ready." Wooyoung and Rina looked at each other in the eyes, they both stood up immediately and almost pulled each other into a hug.


 "Oh yes, before I forget!" She handed him a blue box which says "Just For You" He took it and handed her his gift, it was a Pink box.


They both thanked each other before embracing one another.


He looked at her with cheeky eyes and said, "Don't you cry Rina, don't cry okay?" She chuckled and lightly punched his arm.


"I'll be fine. And you, you don't cry too okay?" He scoffed," Yeah right, me cry? Anyway, hope you like the gift."


She held the pink box tightly to her chest, "I will. Everything you do, Wooyoung, I appreciate it. I hope to see you again when I come back, maybe..."


He looked at her with longing eyes, "How long will that be?"


She held back her tears and cleared , "I... don't know... Wooyoung."


She swallowed as she tried to find the right words.


 "Maybe I will come and look for you Rina, that's if... I ever escape this boring town." They both know deep down inside that it will never happen.


"Train to Cooperstown has arrived. Time to board!" There came the words that neither wanted to hear.


Wooyoung helped Rina with her things, she grabbed them in a rush and said, "I'll never forget you Wooyoung. Stay happy okay? Keep smiling!" She waved and said softly to herself, "And I love you."


He shouted and waved back, " You too! Be happy okay? And you'll find someone who will take care of you well. You're amazing, Rina! Stay that way! Remember to eat your meals on time!" They both looked at each other for one last time and he felt as though his heart had broken into pieces as she turned her back and walked.


She quickly turned so she couldn't see him, she didn't want to see him anymore, it was too saddening to part with him. He was so close yet so far. Their emotions were not synchronized although they were right beside one another. She clutched the Pink box and stepped into the train. He slumped down against the lamp post and opened the sky blue box she gave him. Inside it was a self knitted pair of gloves and a jumper.


Meanwhile, she opened the Pink box, and found a clay sculpture of a boy and a girl standing and hugging each other.


She opened the letter and the last few lines from him began with 'The gift I sculpted, represents us. The boy and girl are hugging and no one can tear them apart. Because the clay is strong, it's the bond which keeps up together. If it falls, it breaks and everything will be into pieces. Like them, we will always be together. No matter what happens, we'll be together forever. He held back tears as he read the more of the lines in her letter 'The gloves and jumper I knitted will keep you warm during winter. I hope you don't catch a cold anymore and please take care of yourself. Eat well and i hope you don't forget what we've done together and how much we've been through.'


Though a coincidence, it was no less a miracle that in both their letters ended with: ''Even though you're far from me, and we might forget the memories we had together and when you've found someone who will take care of you, you must know that I'll never stop loving you.''


As they both read their tear-stained letters, they wish they told how they felt. 

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Chapter 1: this was so sad, but so sweet... i wonder though, why they might not be able to still communicate with each other, through mail or emails? unless i missed that...
Uwah~ So good!! :o<br />
I felt so sad. x.x & i'm so happy~~<br />
Finally someone else who knows this song. xD<br />
It's probably one of my favorite...though it's not very popular...not sure why. n.n<br />
Please keep writing~
jaeminchul #4
Guess who's here? 8DDD TSANTSANANAN~ <br />
*pops out of nowhere*<br />
Here is my most awaited comment.<br />
I apologize for the delay :P I'm going to try my best to give the awesomest comment ever to make up for it. HAHAHA.<br />
First off, the song is awesome. I listened to it again and the lyrics are so bittersweet. -3-<br />
Next, I love how you portrayed the characters. It's just a one-shot but I could see how much they treasure each other.<br />
It's sad how sometimes, you already found the right one at the right time but there are still some events that can break you two apart.<br />
It's literally a good bye though, i guess. Since they still love each other, there is a big chance they can be together again in the future maybe when Rina have done what she have to :P <br />
The feelings are still there. Distance is just an XDD<br />
OH OH. And i like how they are willing to give each other the chance to find someone else. ^.^<br />
I dunno. It's just new for me. Not like the couples asking each other to wait.<br />
I swear, waiting doesn't always work XD Because somewhere in between, life happens. :P<br />
I guess that's it. <br />
You did an excellent job~<br />
WRITE MORE STORIES BEAR~ :P Don't be shy, eh? XD <br />
Here's a little something for you...<br /><br />
Please excuse my crappy skills.<br />
It's been longs since i last made a poster. :P<br />
Congrats on your first fic~ Hope to read more ^.^<br />
Keep it up, mister!~ XD<br />
HWAITING! (^_^)9
AAAH, sho sad, but still so cute and romantic~ <br />
I love you writing style, you should write a sequel or more stories! :) <br />
Hwaiting~! <3 <br />