Chapter 8

Hope and Chances

A soft kiss on your cheek made you smile as you slowly woke up.
"Morning sleepyhead."
You let out a light chuckle and shifted to look up at your husband. "Morning."
Yongguk brushed your cheek with his hand as he smiled down at you. "I have to head in early. Breakfast is cooked and Jaewoo already ate."
You sleepily nodded your head until what he said clicked in your head. Your eyes widened as you inhaled sharply and quickly sat up. "He's awake? When did he get up?" Then you realized what else Yongguk had said and you gaped at him. "Wait, you're going in? For how long? When are you going to be home?"
He gripped your shoulders firmly and chuckled. "Calm down."
You opened your mouth to protest but stopped as he sat down on the bed next to you.
"This is a good thing. You need to alone time with him." he declared. "And I'm sure he's just as nervous as you since he's shy. So just breathe and relax."
You your lips before swallowing. Then you slowly nodded. He was right, you needed some time with Jaewoo with just the two of you.
"Just... Try. Okay?" Yongguk quietly said with a pleading look in his eyes.
You stared at him curiously, wondering why he felt the need to say that. "I will." you told him. "He's going to be my son just as much as yours after all."
Instead of looking pleased, he furrowed his eyebrows and pressed his lips together. "He already is. He's our son." he insisted.
You blinked at him before shaking your head a couple of times. "Yeah. Of course. I'm sorry. I'm just.."
"Nervous." he finished for you. A small smile formed on his face. "Give it some time." Then he gave you a quick peck on the lips. "I have to get going. I'll see you this evening."
"Alright." you answered, not exactly feeling any better but you didn't say anything.
He leaned down and gave you a small hug before kissing the top of your head. Then he was out of the bedroom and you were alone.
Squeezing the blanket with your hands, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. And then a couple more. Once you felt as prepared as you were going to be, you threw the blanket aside and got out of bed.

You found Jaewoo sitting on the couch and watching cartoons. You chewed on your bottom lip as you fidgeted slightly but then forced a smile on your face. "Good morning."
He turned his head and glanced at you. Then he turned away to continue staring at the television.
The smile disappeared from your face instantly and you were reminded of last night when he didn't say 'goodnight' to you.
"And I'm sure he's just as nervous as you since he's shy." Yongguk's words echoed in your mind as you gaped at the boy on the couch. Perhaps he was just really, really shy. He didn't say much that first day you met him either.
Swallowing, you turned and went into the kitchen. You found your breakfast plate and took it to the table. You ate as you tried to think of ways to help Jaewoo open up to you but your brain refused to work. The only thought running through your mind was the possibility that you couldn't do this.
When you were done, you washed all the dishes from breakfast. Slowly, dragging the time out. Then you wiped down all the counters and the table.
Once everything was done, you surveyed the clean kitchen. "I'm being ridiculous." you thought, chiding yourself. You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly before leaving the kitchen.
Jaewoo was still watching cartoons and you hesitantly made your way to him. You took a seat on the couch and swallowed but kept your mouth closed, intent on just silently watching the show with him to start with.
Without warning though, Jaewoo got off the couch. You watched as he hurried for the hallway and disappeared. Disappointed, you felt your shoulders droop. Left alone again.
"Ouch." you uttered with a small scoff before reaching for the remote and turning the television off.
"Just... Try. Okay?" Your husband's words haunted you again as you stayed sitting there and debating.
Finally you stood up and went to the second bedroom. Jaewoo was sitting on the floor and silently pushing some cars around. You knelt down on the floor and ignored the fact that he didn't acknowledge you again.
"Jaewoo," you started, "I know you don't really know me and I didn't get to visit you like Yongguk did but I'm really happy you're here." You let out a forced chuckle. "It was sooner than expected and I'm sure you feel that way too. But I... I just... I..." You let whatever else you were going to say die on your lips. Instead you observed the boy who never once glanced at you doing your little speech. "Jaewoo?" you inquired. "Are you listening?"
He pushed one of the cars so it went rolling across the floor. Then he reached for another car and did the same thing.
"Can I play with you?" you asked and grabbed a car for yourself.
He promptly dropped the car he was holding and got up. He went over to his toy chest and grabbed the dinosaurs before sitting on the floor again. With his back towards you.
Your mouth dropped open disbelief as you stared at him. Then you looked down at the car in your hands. This particular car you had specifically picked out because it looked just like the one on his nightlight.
With your heart sinking, you decided it was probably best to give him some space. You set the car down on the floor before giving it a little push. He rolled towards him and stopped by his leg but he didn't look at it. "I'll be in the workroom then. If you need anything, or if you just want to talk or play, you can come get me. Okay?"
Even though you ended with a question, you knew you weren't going to get a response. So you stood up and left him alone. You made your way to the workroom and over to your desk. As soon as you sat down, you let your head fall on top of the desk with a heavy sigh.

After a few hours of working, you looked at the clock and realized that it was late enough to be lunch time. You paused for a second and wondered why Jaewoo hadn't asked for anything to eat yet. Then you quickly shook your head, erasing the thought.
You got up and left the workroom. You paused for a moment and peeked in to Jaewoo's room. He was laying on his bed and surrounded by his books. You bit your bottom lip before moving on without saying anything to him.
In the kitchen, a plan formed in your mind. Something that Yongguk had mentioned to you with all his visits. Jaewoo loved turkey sandwiches.
Smiling to yourself, you quickly grabbed everything you needed and set about making his lunch. You added some cheese crackers to the plate to go with the sandwich before carrying it to the table and setting it down. You went to go get Jaewoo but stopped abruptly as he walked into the kitchen.
"I'm hungry." he declared.
You gaped at him for a moment, surprised that he had spoken to you. Then you quickly smiled and indicated the food you had just prepared. "I made you a turkey sandwich."
He stepped closer to the table and glanced at the sandwich. Then he scrunched up his nose. "I want peanut butter and jelly."
You raised your eyebrows at him. "But... I... I made you a turkey one already. How about you eat this today and tomorrow I'll make you a peanut butter and jelly one?"
He pressed his lips together for a bit before looking up at you. "No." he said with a determined look in his eyes. Then he quickly grabbed a handful of crackers and ran out of the kitchen.
You stared after him in disbelief for a moment, rooted where you stood. You looked at the plate and noticed a couple of crackers had fallen on the table in his haste to grab them. The sandwich untouched.
Were you suppose to make him eat it? Wait until he was hungry enough on his own to eat it? Or should you give in and make him a new sandwich even though it was wasting food? What if you gave in and it became an argument over everything you made him?
Sighing, you put the fallen crackers back on the plate before carrying it to the counter. Then you grabbed the bread and set about making him the sandwich he wanted. It wasn't like you had asked after all, you just made an assumption about what he wanted. From now on you would make sure to ask instead of trying to surprise him.

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Chiiyochii #1
Chapter 23: Aaaaah this was soo cute!!! I couldn't help myself to read it in one go ? thanks for the amazing story!!! ???
Chiiyochii #2
Chapter 1: Waaaaa I just readed the first chapter and I already can tell this gone be one of my fav stories!! I like your writing style it's easy and fun to read. And I love the concept !!!! Let's see how this story develop!! Keep the good work up!!! You have a new fan here ???
Reread this and I still love it!
peppermintani #4
Chapter 23: I've never read a fanfic like this before. I loved the drama and mature story, it was so realistic but perfectly paced. It never dragged on and was the perfect length. Thank you!
Chapter 23: I just read it again, I lost count how many time I've read this beautiful story already :")
Shawn111 #6
Chapter 23: Awww this is a really good story I cried a lot. (:
chuppoppo #7
solarflare authornim! i just thought that youshould know...once in a while i come here and read this all over again. i think i'll never get bored reading this. <3 <3 <3
junghafie #8
soooo lovely and heartwarming /wipe tears/ ;)
Chapter 23: where can i find a husband like yongguk ╥﹏╥
hes like so perfect in here
ShinSeoRae #10
I can't believe ive only read this masterpiece just 2 years after >_< this was written beautifully and really deserves an upvote..just this made me miss Yongguk more <////3