Chapter 6

Hope and Chances

"Jaewoo, these people would like to talk to you if that's alright." the social walker told the little boy.
You held your breath as you watched the boy glance up at her before looking at Yongguk. Then he turned his attention to you and then back at your husband as he pulled the dinosaur stuff animal closer to him. The lady smiled and nodded at the two of you before walking away, leaving the three of you alone for privacy.
"Hey Jaewoo." your husband said as he sat down on the rug. "My name is Yongguk." Then he introduced you and you hesitantly took a step closer while smiling. The boy barely glanced at you once more before looking at Yongguk again.
"Can I play with you?" Yongguk asked, indicating the pair of toy cars on the rug.
Jaewoo shrugged his shoulders and grabbed one of the cars. He pushed it back and forth in front of him without saying anything. So Yongguk reached over and took the other car. He pushed it around the rug as well but added the sound effects of engine noises and squealing tires.
You watched as Jaewoo stopped and gave your husband a curious look. Then he began to copy the older man and made his own sound effects.
"Can you read me this?"
You glanced down at the little girl tugging on your arm with one hand and holding up a book in the other.
One of the workers joined you at that moment. "Sorry. She can be a bit demanding" he told you before turning his attention to the little girl. "Come join the other kids in the story corner."
You hesitantly glanced between the little girl and the pair sitting on the rug. "It's alright." you said and smiled at the worker. "I don't mind."
"Yay!" the girl cheered and handed you the book. You took her over to an unoccupied part of the floor and sat down. She cuddled close to you as you opened the book and began reading.
Every now and again, you let your gaze drift over to check on Yongguk and Jaewoo. They were busy playing with dinosaur toys now. You also caught Jaewoo looking at you once before he quickly looked away when he realized you saw him staring.
When you finally finished the book, you closed it and smiled at the girl next to you. "The End."
"Thank you." she said with a tiny giggle. Then she took the book from you and hurried away.
You watched her run away before letting your gaze wander over all the other children. With a sigh, you stood up and made your way back to child your husband was still playing with. They still had the dinosaurs out and it looked as if the carnivores were winning against the herbivores.
"Rawr!" Yongguk roared as his dinosaur chased a smaller one.
You pressed your lips together to stifle an amused giggle and sat down on the rug with them. You observed Jaewoo but he stayed looking down at the dinosaurs in his hands. Until you reached over and picked up a dinosaur yourself. Then he quickly glanced up and gave you a curious look.
Suddenly Yongguk's phone went off and he dug it out of his pocket. "I need to head in to work." he said as he read the message. He set the phone aside and smiled at Jaewoo. "We'll have to play some more later, okay?"
The little boy shrugged. "Okay."
"Great." replied Yongguk as his smile grew bigger.
Both of you stood up and Yongguk took your hand. The two of you started to walk away but you stopped and pulled away from him. Turning around, you went back to the boy and knelt down.
"What's your favorite color?" you asked him.
He blinked up at you for a bit while he chewed on his bottom lip. Then he answered, "Blue."
"Blue." you repeated and nodded your head. "That's a good color."
Jaewoo didn't say anything as he stared at you. So you simply smiled at him and stood up. You made you way back to your husband who was talking to a social worker. When you approached, the worker gave you a big smile before walking away.
"Well," Yongguk said as he took your hand again. "It looks like there won't be any problems on us adopting Jaewoo."
"That's great." you said and squeezed his hand.
You went through the doorway and into the hallway. As you walked down the hall, the loud noises of the children slowly faded away.
"What did you say to him?" Yongguk asked.
A tiny smile formed on your face before you looked at your husband. "I asked him what his favorite color is. It's blue." He gave you a questioning look, causing you to blush as you looked away. "I thought it would be nice to paint his room in his favorite color." you confessed.
A few seconds later, you felt him let go of your hand and his arm wrap around your shoulders. He pulled you in tightly and kissed the side of your head. You giggled and slid your arm around his waist.

"Okay this one." you decided and set the paint can in the cart. "It's a light blue so it'll make the room seem open still."
"You're the expert." Yongguk commented as he watched you amusingly.
You gave him a playful glare before setting off for the bedding section with him pushing the cart behind you. You searched through the different sets twice before your shoulders drooped in defeat.
"They don't have a dinosaur one." you stated, disappointed. Then you spied one with race cars on it and grabbed it. Jaewoo had been playing with cars at first. "What about this one? It's even mostly blue so it'll match."
"It looks good to me." your husband offered.
You turned and gave him a pleading look. "But do you think he'll like it?"
He gave you a cheeky grin. "I don't think he'll even care. I'm sure he'll just be excited about getting his own room."
You looked down at the bedding set in your arms and chewed on your bottom lip. "But it has to be perfect."
A moment later, Yongguk moved next to you and rubbed your back with his hand. "Already a fretting mother." he teased.
Your heart skipped a beat as you inhaled sharply. Mother. As you stared at the race car bedding, you realized that it was really happening. You were becoming a mother. Then the bedding was lifted out of your arms.
Yongguk gave the bedding an experimental squeeze before nodding in approval. Then he looked at you and gave you a warm smile. "He'll like it." he simply said before setting it in the cart.
You swallowed and nodded as well before taking a deep. "We need a pillow for him too. And a night light I'm sure. And some toys. Also school supplies." you rattled off.
"Lead the way mama." your husband teased with a wink.
You attempted to glare at him but quickly turned away when you couldn't stop the smile tugging at your lips. Ignoring his chuckling, you made your way down the aisle and grabbed a pillow to add to the cart. Then you went to the night light section and found a race car one to match his blanket.
As you were about to head towards the toy section, you noticed something on one of the shelves and stopped. You stepped closer and picked up the roll of border to examine it better. On it were various cartoon dinosaurs that were sitting in soapy bathtubs. Surveying the rest of the shelves, you realized there was a matching bathroom set.
"What if we did the second bathroom in this?" you asked Yongguk and held up the border. "It'll be mostly him using it anyways since we have the master bathroom."
"Have I ever told you no?" he inquired with a pointed look.
You smirked at him and set the border in the cart. "Have you ever thought I wouldn't listen if you did?" Then you heard him laugh as you turned back to the shelves. You picked out some wallpaper to go with the border as well as a light switch cover and a shower curtain.

It was a little over a week later and you were in the bathroom. You fixed your hair and smoothed down your blouse as you got ready to go to a business meeting. After the shopping trip, you had been so busy with work that you barely noticed the time flying by. You had deadlines to meet as you wrapped up projects and the company was bringing in several new clients. Needless to say, everyone on your team has been a bit frantic.
"Hey." Yongguk greeted as he stepped into the bathroom. "You about ready?"
"Yeah." you said and smiled at him in the mirror. "You heading in too?"
"Hmhmm." he replied. "Just to help lay down some of the vocal tracks. I set up a meeting to spend time with Jaewoo too."
You playfully rolled your eyes at that. "You can't go a day without seeing him can you?"
"Nope." he replied with a grin.
A small frown formed on your face as you pouted a bit. You had been so busy with work, you hadn't had a chance to visit after that first day. "I wish I could go with you." Then you noticed a mischievous smirk on Yongguk's face. "What?"
"You'll be seeing plenty of him soon." he informed you. "As in this Friday. When the bring him here."
You raised your eyebrows. "Here? As in for a visit?"
"With me going to see him so much, they figured it'd be okay to speed up the process. This way too, it won't be so bad for him to transfer schools since it's still early." He grinned happily at your reflection. "He's coming home."
You turned around and stared at your husband in shock. "But... But it's too soon. I... I don't... I haven't done the bathroom yet and.."
He cut you off by pulling you in to a tight hug. "It's alright." he murmured. "We're finally getting our child so everything's perfect."
It was like someone had punched you in the gut. 'Finally getting our child.' Suddenly all those feeling you had managed to push away resurfaced, breaking you all over again. "I... I'm sorry." you meekly uttered as your eyes watered.
"You just worry..." He stopped when he saw the expression on your face. Then his eyes widened with realization. "Honey... I didn't... I'm sorry." He quickly hugged you again. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I swear I didn't."
You took a shaky breath as you rapidly blinked your eyes. "I know." you managed to choke out past the lump in your throat. "I... I'm... sorry. I... I thought..." Then you stopped trying to form words as you let your husband hold you.
You wrapped your arms around his waist as one of his hands rubbed your back. He whispered how sorry he was and how much he loved you in your ear, slowly stitching your heart back together.
When you felt in control of yourself once more, you pulled back just enough to look him in the eye. "But I haven't done the bathroom."
He blinked at for a moment before letting out an amused scoff. "It's fine." he stated and leaned in for a kiss.
You kissed him back for a bit before mumbling, "But I haven't done the bathroom."
"It's fine already!" Yongguk loudly declared with a chuckle before kissing you again.
A tiny smile formed on your face as you eagerly kissed his soft lips as well.

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Chiiyochii #1
Chapter 23: Aaaaah this was soo cute!!! I couldn't help myself to read it in one go ? thanks for the amazing story!!! ???
Chiiyochii #2
Chapter 1: Waaaaa I just readed the first chapter and I already can tell this gone be one of my fav stories!! I like your writing style it's easy and fun to read. And I love the concept !!!! Let's see how this story develop!! Keep the good work up!!! You have a new fan here ???
Reread this and I still love it!
peppermintani #4
Chapter 23: I've never read a fanfic like this before. I loved the drama and mature story, it was so realistic but perfectly paced. It never dragged on and was the perfect length. Thank you!
Chapter 23: I just read it again, I lost count how many time I've read this beautiful story already :")
Shawn111 #6
Chapter 23: Awww this is a really good story I cried a lot. (:
chuppoppo #7
solarflare authornim! i just thought that youshould know...once in a while i come here and read this all over again. i think i'll never get bored reading this. <3 <3 <3
junghafie #8
soooo lovely and heartwarming /wipe tears/ ;)
Chapter 23: where can i find a husband like yongguk ╥﹏╥
hes like so perfect in here
ShinSeoRae #10
I can't believe ive only read this masterpiece just 2 years after >_< this was written beautifully and really deserves an upvote..just this made me miss Yongguk more <////3