
minor distractions

Mark loves Saturdays. He practically lived for Saturdays; he would count down the days in the week until the next Saturday and be disappointed when the day ended. It was normal for a university student to long for a free day, free from class, free to do whatever they wanted. Mark never really spent his Saturdays doing anything productive, or important, for that matter. He just liked to relish in freedom, and bask in laziness.

This Saturday is no different. He's sitting on his couch with his legs propped up on his small coffee table, eating a bowl of coco puffs (the breakfast of champions), and flipping through the channels on tv. Eventually he stops on some American sitcom, dubbed in Korean, of course. He had only gotten out of bed maybe an hour or so ago—he slept in til 1 pm—only because he had to use the bathroom. Which led to his current situation. Lounging around in just a wifebeater and boxers is simply the best, Mark thinks. And he's glad he's not dorming anymore, the less social interaction, the better.

Suddenly, there's a knock on his door.

Mark stills. He's pretty sure he didn't make any plans in the past week, and he wasn't supposed to be meeting anyway. Apparently he's taking too long to think because there's another knock on the door. .

“One sec!” He shouts, jumping to his feet and looking for the closest pair of pants he can find. He's pulling on the sweatpants he found on the floor of his room, hopping all the way to the door. By the time he's opened it, he has pants on and hopefully a polite and not a why-are-you-here smile on his face.

But just as quickly as he opened the door, the relief of finding his sweatpants is washed away and replaced with the regret of finding just his sweatpants. Because standing in front of him is his boyfriend. Because standing in front of him is none other than Jinyoung.

Jinyoung, who's dressed like he's ready to get up on a runway; with a snapback (that he probably borrowed from Jaebum) worn backwards, thick rimmed glasses, a simple black v-neck under a nice navy cardigan, a pair of tight-looking jeans ripped at the knee that showed way too much skin than necessary in his opinion, and a pair of black converse. He looks like someone who's ready to go out.

And then it hits Mark. , did they have a date? Did Mark forget they had a date and Jinyoung was stuck waiting for him so that's why he's here? To yell at him for forgetting, that it's been six months and how could he forget such a simple thing—Mark's having an internal breakdown and wishing he didn't find the sweatpants. Even a nice pair of jeans would have been better.

Jinyoung, however, doesn't notice the sudden nervousness in Mark's eyes, or the way his smile becomes a little strained. Instead he sighs, and Mark almost closes his eyes, to brace himself for the verbal beating he's sure he's going to get.

“Can I stay for a while?” The long apology he mentally prepared dies in his throat when what Jinyoung said sinks in. He didn't forget anything, and he wasn't going to get dumped (thank goodness). Mark quickly steps aside and opens the door so the other could step in.

“You're always welcome to stay here, you don't even have to ask,” now that his imagination was calmed down, Mark's more than happy to see his boyfriend. Jinyoung smiles and catches Mark's lips in a chaste kiss as he's walking in.

Mark returns the smile, his boyfriend is just too cute. 

“Sorry I didn't call or anything,” he says, taking off his shoes and setting down his bag that Mark didn't notice earlier, “I just had to leave my room and went towards the first place I could think of.”

“You had to leave? Is something wrong?” Mark walks over and drapes himself over Jinyoung's back. He finds the younger's hands and gives them a light squeeze.

“No, nothing like that,” Jinyoung laughs. “Jackson decided to drop by and you know how they get when they're together. And I, ugh.” He rests his head against Mark's, who placed his chin on his shoulder. Mark didn't say anything, instead waits for Jinyoung to continue. He sounded frustrated.

“I got up early this morning to study for the bio exam I have next week, and I did get through a lot. Jaebum hyung woke up pretty late, and when he did, he started studying too. Maybe it was because I was or something? I'm not really sure.”

Mark hears Jinyoung's pout more that he can see it. Not that he could at the moment, anyway.

“Jackson showed up like an hour ago,” Ah, Mark thinks, just when he woke up. “Hyung got distracted and they started watching random youtube videos together. It was fine, I mean they were having fun so I decided I could sit through it. Plus, I wasn't sure if you were awake or not.”

Jinyoung turns around in Mark's arms and gives him a peck on the nose. He's trying not to laugh as he asks, “Was I right?”

Mark chooses not to dignify that accusation with an answer. He'd rather bury his face in the crook of Jinyoung's neck and tighten the little hug they have going. The way the tip of his ears red give him away, though.

This time, Jinyoung gives in and laughs. He pulls away from the embrace (much to Mark's disappointment) and reaches for his bag.

“Anyway, can I borrow your room?” He has his biology textbook in his arms, looking at Mark with the most hopeful smile on his face. When Mark nods, he swears he can hear a choir in the background and he thinks the room brightens with the way Jinyoung beams at him. Sometimes he wonders if Jinyoung cares as much about him as he does his studies.

He follows the younger boy into his room, where he watches from the doorway as Jinyoung rearranges the stuff—it's only a laptop and maybe a textbook or two—so he has space for himself.

“So why did Jackson show up, anyway?”

Jinyoung's flipping through the pages of that gigantic book of his, one of Mark's highlighters in his hands. “His roommate has his boyfriend over. Something about not wanting to be a er or whatever. Kind of why I left too.” He has a small smirk on his face as he concentrates on his notes. Finding the chapter he left off on, he turns to Mark, who's still standing at the doorway.

“I'll be assuming complete control over your desk, and will probably ignore you for the next few hours,” noticing his boyfriend's raised eyebrows he quickly adds, “but! I promise I'll make it up you!” He adds in some bonus cute actions: biting his lip and winking. Mark rolls his eyes, but that didn't mean he didn't enjoy Jinyoung's display of aegyo. He didn't have to make it up to him; Mark thinks they're far enough in their relationship that it's okay to “ignore” each other while they do their own thing. Or something along those lines, he isn't a relationship guru. He smiles when Jinyoung waves him over, though.

“What, I thought you were go to ignore me,” he teases.

Jinyoung hums and wraps his arms around Mark's middle. “You're the best.” And just like that he lets go, pushing Mark away from him. “Now go! I have things to do, plants to read about and names to memorize!”

Mark grunts, missing the second of warmth he had. He retreats back to his couch and bowl of soggy cereal. “The pants are coming off!” He didn't need them, Jinyoung wasn't even going to be looking at him. He lost to a stupid textbook. But whatever, he can go back to doing nothing just like that—it's a skill he's quite proud of. Mark hears an “uh huh” come from his room and pouts. He didn't need him either, so he sits on his couch with his arms crossed watching reruns of Spongebob.

For the next two hours, Mark's leaning back to check on his ever so studious boyfriend. To see if he needed anything, or if he was really studying. It's never the latter, but who knows, the day may come when Park Jinyoung's actually just playing on his phone rather than studying. But so far every time he's checked, Jinyoung was absorbed in reading, highlighting, or writing. His hat and cardigan were taken off, placed next to him on the table. And Mark just turns back to whatever's on tv. Right now, it's Iron Man.

It's 4:30 when Mark decides to get up and see how Jinyoung's doing. He was getting bored, and what good was having his boyfriend over if he couldn't spend at least a little time with him, right?

“Baaaaby,” he calls, walking into his bedroom. Jinyoung's in the same spot as he was nearly three hours ago. But Mark can tell the other is tired, he kept blinking and rubbing at his eyes to keep himself awake. And that was a good enough reason to pry his boyfriend away from his books and relax a little. (With him, of course.)

He bends down behind Jinyoung and wraps his arms loosely around his shoulders. “Baby,” Mark coos again. He just wants the other to notice him.

“Don't call me baby,” Jinyoung replies, trying to shrug Mark's offending limbs off of him. He makes a face and sticks out his tongue at the pet name. But he doesn't make an attempt to shoo Mark, which is kind of a good thing.

“But I like it, it makes me want to protect you,” he leans in an presses more than a couple of kisses all over Jinyoung's face. He keeps the squirming boy in place by tightening his hold on him just slightly. “And that includes protecting you from terribly boring books, so come on, we're going to do something fun.”

Before Jinyoung can protest, Mark's taking the glasses off his face and pulling him out of his chair, into the living room. He gets left standing in the middle of the room while Mark fiddles with his phone and connects it to the speakers. A familiar songs starts playing and he gets pulled into a dance. A sorry excuse of a dance, Jinyoung thinks.

The two are swaying from side to side, one of Mark's hands on Jinyoung's waist while he holds Jinyoung's hand in his own. Jinyoung has his other hand resting on Mark's shoulder. The older of the two has a wide grin on his face while he rocks the two of them from side to side. And Jinyoung can't do anything but smile back. It is a sorry excuse of a dance, but he somehow he couldn't think of anything better, or anyone better to be with.

“You do know this is a sad song, right?” He questions, giving Mark confused look. The lyrics almost make Jinyoung want to cry. 

Mark just shrugs, “Blame it on the fact that I don't know Korean,” he laughs when Jinyoung purposely steps on his foot. “Love in the Ice is a good song and you know it, so why not?” He really did like the song, and he felt a little romantic at the moment. Minus the fact that he's still in his wifebeater and boxers. It's not like they're in public, anyway.

Plus Jinyoung's smiling, so Mark's satisfied.

He pulls the other closer, and rests his forehead against Jinyoung's, enjoying the way his cheeks turn a light pink. After half a year, Jinyoung still blushes at the little things. It makes Mark want to kiss him.

“What?” Jinyoung asks, when they stop rocking back and forth. 

Mark's going to do it, because he has the most amazing boyfriend in the world, because he's in love with said amazing boyfriend, and because Jinyoung's looking at him with such adoration that it would be a crime not to. He leans in and kisses the other silly. 

It takes Jinyoung a few seconds to process, but once he does, he's returning the kiss with an equal amount fervor. The kiss doesn't last for too long, ending when Mark gently bites on Jinyoung's lower lip when he pulls away.

Both their faces are red, and a little out of breath, but smiling nonetheless. The song ends, but Mark has it on repeat, so the amazing voices of DBSK comes on again. Jinyoung closes his eyes and rests his chin on Mark's shoulder when they start swaying to the music again, feeling completely at ease.

“What was that for?” He asks.

“Nothing in particular, I just wanted to kiss you,” comes the simple reply.


“Really.” And then Mark takes the chance to dip Jinyoung down til he almost touches the floor.

Jinyoung's startled by the sudden shift from being vertical to horizontal, and the grip he has on Mark tightens, but just as quickly, he relaxes and starts laughing. That was probably the corniest thing his boyfriend has ever done, and he couldn't help but laugh. The stupidly attractive grin on Mark's face didn't help him in holding in his laughter, either.

And when Mark realizes what he did, also accepting it as one of the corniest things he's ever done, he starts laughing, too. But as soon as he does, his arm starts to give and he drops Jinyoung. Who, unfortunately, is still holding onto Mark and they both end up on the floor. Jinyoung lets out an “oof” when Mark lands on top of him, nearly knocking all the wind out of him.

The older boy quickly raises himself to his hands and knees, not getting off of Jinyoung completely. They both stared at each other for a minute of two, before bursting into giggles again.

“How romantic, Mr. Tuan,” Jinyoung raises his arms to go around Mark's neck, amusement evident in his eyes.

“Only because you bring it out of me, Mr. Park,” Mark answers in between snickers.

The boy on the floor only hums in response, closing his eyes again. “I'm tired.” The floor felt nice, and he thinks he wouldn't mind just laying there for the rest of the day. He hopes it's clean, though.

“I'll bet, you spent all day studying,” Mark laughs, pulling them both to their feet. “Come on, I think you deserve a nap.” He leads them back into the bedroom, and instead of towards his desk, they go towards the bed. Jinyoung practically falls over as soon as his knees hit the corner of the bed, groaning at how soft Mark's blankets were.

“You really plan on going to sleep like that?” Mark asks, looking at his boyfriend about ¾ on the bed and ¼ dangling off of it. When he receives no response, he shakes his head and climbs on to pull him further onto the bed. Poor guy must have been really tired.

The way Jinyoung nuzzles his face into the pillow, hand curling under his chin, puts a smile on Mark's face. He runs his fingers through his boyfriend's soft black hair before deciding that sleeping away his precious Saturday wasn't so bad. Especially not when he got to cuddle with Jinyoung.

A buzz wakes Mark up. He wants to ignore it, but then it buzzes again once, twice, and Mark can't take it anymore. He untangles himself from Jinyoung, feeling bad when he hears a small whine, but the buzzing was driving him nuts. He looks over at his desk, spotting the lit screen of Jinyoung's phone. Glancing at the time, 6:25 (ugh, he was only asleep for a little over an hour), he swipes the screen. And is assaulted by Jaebum's texts.

JB hyung
hey where r u

JB hyung

JB hyung
r u alive

JB hyung

JB hyung
hyung is worried where did u go

JB hyung
r u with mark

Mark wants to kill Jaebum. He starts to text him back, but has a better idea. He takes a picture of himself, unhappy and sleepy, with a fast asleep Jinyoung in the background beside him, and sends it Jaebum.

Go away

Mark puts the phone back on his desk and curls around the sleeping boy again. He's about to drift back to sleep when he hears a quiet voice.

“Who was that?” Jinyoung's looking up at him, eyes half open.

“Nothing, go back to sleep,” Mark whispers, pressing a light kiss to his forehead. Jinyoung doesn't respond, instead closing his eyes again and shifting closer to the other.

A few minutes pass before Mark speaks again.

“Hey, stay the night.”

The sleepy “okay” he gets in return puts a smile on his face before he joins his boyfriend in slumber.

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Chapter 1: This is just so fluffy ❤ Thanks author-nim!
Chapter 1: Ahwww, this! It isn't too mushy, but I love it! Your aus are always so intriguing to read <3
Chapter 1: this au makes life great ty for living
Chapter 1: I think this was your furst writing of yours that k had the pleasure to read and it's still a favourite, it's so simplistic, but so freakin adorable, i read this lj and that line of "you're always welcome to stay here, you don't even have to ask" still makes me squeal, soz imma a sappy romantic :p

Love ypur writing♡
Chapter 1: i have no words to describe my love for this au
jurigkpop #6
I would love if you make some other sequel of this...
Chapter 1: JB HAHAHAHA