Chapter One

Until I Met You

"J-Jongin, what are you doing?" Kyungsoo asked as he stared at the handsome male that stood by the entrance of the doorway, "You can't be here... not today... not right now... please, g-go away." 

Jongin ignored Kyungsoo's request and closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it before approaching the shorter male, "I won't let you marry him Kyungsoo." Jongin stood in front of him, without warning, he grabbed Kyungsoo  by the waist and pulled him as close as humanly possible, "I know you love me," the younger of the two whispered, "Please, stop lying to me... stop lying to him... just stop lying to yourself and admit it, you love me, Kim Jongin, not Park Chanyeol."

Kyungsoo wiped away a few tears that had began to roll down his beautiful face, "Jongin... it's not that simple... I have to marry Chanyeol; it's what my parents want."

The younger man dropped to his knees and his hold around Kyungsoo's waist tightened, "P- Please Kyungsoo, I love you more than anything else." Jongin sniffled and looked up at the man that he loved, the one that would be married to someone else in just a few minutes  if Jongin didn't stop it from happening, "Let's leave together, let's run faraway from all of this and as long as we're together, I know everything will work out." 

Kyungsoo stared at Jongin as the young man begged on his knees. "I'm sorry Jongin," he whispered and watched as the other finally stood up, "B-But, how could I possibly leave Chanyeol at the altar?"

Jongin didn't reply and instead pressed his full lips against Kyungsoo's, he pulled the older even closer and kissed him. It was a kiss that was so sweet, so passionate and that showed just how deeply in love Kim Jongin was with Do Kyungsoo. 

And Kyungsoo, he couldn't fight it, he had missed the way Jongin's lips felt against his, he had missed how Jongin held him, so even though his mind told him no, he listened to his heart and kissed Jongin back. He kissed back just as sweetly, just as passionately and portrayed just as much love.

Jongin pulled away first, minutes later, and gave the shorter male one last peck on the lips before looking into his eyes, "Runaway with me Kyungsoo, and I'll take care of you... my dad is letting me take over one of his companies in Tokyo, my plane leaves in less than 30 minutes." He pulled out two plane tickets from his pocket and held them up for Kyungsoo to see, "Just say yes and we can start fresh in Tokyo, no one will find us. What do you say?"

Kyungsoo looked at the plane tickets and then back at Jongin, he bit his lower lip and wondered how he allowed things to get this far.


8 Months Earlier

"Hello I'm Byun Baekhyun, your mother hired me as the wedding planner." A man with a bright smile greeted him as soon as he stepped into the big office.

Kyungsoo smiled as he shook the man's hand, "Do Kyungsoo, it's a pleasure to meet you," he bit his lower lip nervously and bowed his head before apologizing, "I'm sorry if we take up too much of your time... my fiancé must be running a little late."

Baekhyun chuckled lightly, "Oh it's no problem at all, your mother asked me beforehand to clear my schedule for you two." He smiled warmly before motioning towards on of the chairs, "If you'd like we can have a seat and start talking about some of your ideas," Kyungsoo nodded and sat down. Baekhyun  took a seat as well and pulled out a pen and a clipboard with paper, "I understand that it will be a huge wedding with a lot of media coverage, so I'll make sure that every detail is perfect."

Kyungsoo smiled, "Yeah... umm our parents definitely want something big... I don't really know what I want though?" Because Kyungsoo didn't think he wanted a huge wedding with fancy food and extravagant decorations or a lot of reporters and paparazzi filming as he and Chanyeol married each other. In his mind, the perfect wedding would have been a small, private event for only his closest family and friends, filled with lots of support and love from those he cared about. But their parents would never allow that, because in their minds, what was the point of having a lot of money if they couldn't even have a huge, over the top wedding to which all of the most important, richest families of Seoul would be invited to, simply to show off. 

"Don't worry too much about pleasing everyone else, it's my job to make everything come together and make everyone happy," Baekhyun said softly, "Just tell me what you would like and I'll do my best to incorporate both your and your parent's ideas into the wedding."

Kyungsoo smiled a bit, "Well, I'd like to have white roses at my wedding, my mother said they're very boring and typical but... Chanyeol brought me white roses on our first date, so I wanted to include them in the wedding somehow."

Baekhyun smiled as he wrote down 'white roses' on his clipboard before looking back up at Kyungsoo, "I'll definitely include these in the wedding somehow."

Kyungsoo thought before another idea popped in his head, "Chanyeol's noona has a young daughter, she's about 4 years old now and my fiancé loves her very much... d-do you think we could somehow include her in the wedding?" He asked, and Baekhyun could see that Kyungsoo was getting excited now, "I just know Chanyeol would be so happy if his niece were in the wedding."

Baekhyun took note of it and nodded, "She can definitely be included," he replied. "She could be the flower girl, it would be lovely if your fiancé's niece came out before you and threw down the flower pedals."

Kyungsoo nodded happily, before either of the men could say anything else, the sound of a cell phone ringing interrupted them. The husband-to-be apologized before pulling his phone out of his pocket and bringing it up to his ear, "Chanyeol, where are you?" Kyungsoo listened to his fiancé's explanation before letting out a small sigh of relief and answering, "It's fine, I'm just glad you made it, we're in the top floor so get up here quickly." Kyungsoo smiled a bit as he listened to Chanyeol talk some more, "Okay, love you too, hurry up." Kyungsoo hung up after and put his cell phone away before looking back up at the wedding planner, "I apologize, he had a meeting that ended a little late but he's on the elevator as we speak."

Baekhyun smiled and nodded, "Great, he might have more ideas!" The wedding planner put down his clipboard while the two waited for Chanyeol and eyed Kyungsoo's beautiful engagement ring, "It's beautiful, your ring." 

Kyungsoo glanced down at the expensive ring and nodded, "Yeah, it's nice... a little too extravagant for my taste but Chanyeol's mother picked it out, so I guess it's alright." He looked back up at the other male and smiled warmly, "Are you married? Engaged?" 

Baekhyun pointed at a picture on his desk, "No, but that's my boyfriend, Jongin, we've been together for 4 years."

Kyungsoo looked at the picture and smiled; in the picture Baekhyun was smiling brightly while his boyfriend stood behind him, hugging the shorter male tightly, smiling also and they looked so happy, so in love. 

"You two look really good together," Kyungsoo commented. Baekhyun's eyes shined brighter than the stars and the smile that spread across his face was almost impossibly huge, "Thank you!"

"I'm so sorry I'm late!" Kyungsoo and Baekhyun looked up to see a handsome giant running into the office, breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath. 

Kyungsoo immediately stood up and walked over to the taller male, "It’s fine Chanyeol, Baekhyun and I were just discussing a few minor details that I thought would be wonderful to incorporate in our wedding." 

Chanyeol let out a breath of relief and leaned down to peck his fiancé's lips, "Good, I'm glad I didn't miss much."

Kyungsoo smiled at his fiancé before looking back at Baekhyun, "Chanyeol, this is our wedding planner, Byun Baekhyun," he said, "And Baekhyun, this is my fiancé, Park Chanyeol."

Chanyeol took a step forward and stretched out his arm while holding out his hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you Baekhyun."

The wedding planner shook Chanyeol's hand and smiled, "I-It's nice to meet you too Chanyeol." The handsome giant smiled back at him as they shook hands, and Baekhyun thought it was one of the most wonderful smiles he had ever seen. He glanced down at their hands, when he saw a ring on the young man's finger, he immediately pulled his hand away from Chanyeol's grip and cleared his throat, "Umm... n-now that you're here, we can discuss more about the wedding, please take a seat and tell me anything you two have in mind for the ceremony."

Baekhyun listened and noted all the things that the engaged couple wanted to incorporate into their wedding, he offered them ideas and by the end of their meeting, Baekhyun knew he would have a lot of hard work ahead of him. The things that Kyungsoo and Chanyeol wanted for their wedding were completely different than the things their parents wantedl, but Baekhyun assured them that he could do it. He was considered one of the best wedding planners in all of Seoul and he wasn't going to start failing now, no matter how difficult the task may be, he would make sure that this wedding would go off without a hitch. The Do's and Park's were two of the richest families in all of Seoul ; this would be the biggest and most important wedding  that Baekhyun ever organized, so everything had to be perfect. 

Kyungsoo and Chanyeol stood up and shook Baekhyun's hand; the appointment had come to an end, "Thank you for everything." The wedding planner smiled, "Oh it was no problem, so when do you two want to start looking at wedding venues, I already have a lot of places in mind." 

Kyungsoo was about to reply, but before he could, his cell phone began to ring, he pulled it out of his pocket and looked at the caller ID, "It's my mother, I better answer this." He looked up at his fiancé and smiled, "Please arrange a date to look at venues with Baekhyun while I go call my mom back." Chanyeol nodded and agreed. Kyungsoo said his final goodbye to Baekhyun and left the office quickly. 

Once Kyungsoo was gone, Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol and smiled before holding out his planner, "I'm umm... free whenever, just name a date!" 

Chanyeol walked closer towards the wedding planner and looked at the calendar in his hands, "How about this weekend, I'm pretty sure both Kyungsoo and I are free on Saturday." 

Baekhyun looked up and met Chanyeol's eyes with his own, "T-That sounds good to me... s-should I text your fiancé the address and time later on?" He finally managed to break eye contact and looked down at his papers, "Or I could umm... call your future mother-in-law, I also have her number and she did say she wanted to have a say in the venue."

"Actually," Chanyeol interrupted before the wedding planner could continue his rambling, "would you mind sending all the details to me, I umm... think Kyungsoo and his mother have enough to worry about." Chanyeol spoke while writing down his phone number on a small piece of paper. He handed the piece of paper to Baekhyun before speaking again, "And if you don't mind could I possibly have your mobile phone number?" He asked, almost shyly, "You know, in case I have any questions or more ideas."

Baekhyun thought it was strange that Chanyeol was asking for his personal contact since usually his clients would just call him at his office if they had concerns or questions, but he didn't question the other mans weird request and simply wrote down his cell phone number before handing it over to Chanyeol with a smile on his beautiful face. 

"Here you go, please do text me if you have anything at all to ask," Baekhyun said softly, "Oh and I'll make sure to text you the address and time for Saturday."

Chanyeol smiled brightly and nodded before putting Baekhyun's phone number in the safety of his coat pocket, "I guess I should go now." 

Baekhyun smiled and nodded, "Yeah, don't keep that beautiful fiancé of yours waiting."

The giant chuckled, "Okay, bye Baekhyun," he opened the door of the office but before stepping out, he looked back at the wedding planner, "Don't keep me waiting for your text too long... I look forward to hearing from you."

Baekhyun nodded and waved goodbye, "I'll text you s-soon Chanyeol."

The two smiled at each other once more before Chanyeol finally left the office with a huge grin on his face. 



Jongin walked into the house he shared with his boyfriend, Baekhyun, and kicked off his shoes before making his way upstairs, "Baekhyun? Are you home?" 

"I'm in the bedroom!" Baekhyun replied, and Jongin immediately rushed to him. He opened the bedroom door and walked inside, without saying a word, the young man immediately ran over to his boyfriend and wrapped his arms tightly around the shorter male's waist, "I missed you."

Baekhyun turned to face his boyfriend and slowly brought his hand up to caress Jongin's cheek, "What's the matter?" he asked softly. He could tell from the way Jongin clung to him and from the look in his eyes that something was wrong.

Jongin smiled and pecked Baekhyun's soft lips before pulling back and sighing tiredly, "Nothing really, just a little tired... don't worry too much, you already have enough on your mind." He pressed his lips against Baekhyun's forehead before asking , "How was work?"

Baekhyun smiled as he wrapped his arms around Jongin's neck, "Work was great actually, your amazing boyfriend is planning the wedding of the year!" 

Jongin returned the smile and pulled his boyfriend closer, "I'm not surprised, my boyfriend is pretty amazing!" 

The shorter male giggled when his boyfriend pecked his nose, "Jongin, will we get married someday?"

Jongin picked his boyfriend up and smiled when Baekhyun wrapped his legs around his waist, "I promise, someday, we will."

Baekhyun felt his back hit the soft mattress and kept his arms and legs wrapped around Jongin's body as the young man above him captured his lips with his own full ones. 

Jongin Baekhyun's lower lip and as soon as his boyfriend's lip parted, granting him entrance, his tongue moved inside and explored his mouth. Baekhyun let a soft moan escape his lips when Jongin pulled away and began to slowly , bite and kiss around his neck, "Jongin." 

Baekhyun bit his lower lip as he began to quickly Jongin's dress shirt, he then pulled it off and stared at his boyfriend's body, appreciating how perfectly built Jongin was. 

Jongin pulled off Baekhyun's shirt as well and heard his boyfriend gasp when he moved down and began to on his right . 

Baekhyun closed his eyes and moaned softly as he enjoyed the feeling of Jongin's lips and tongue on his body. As his moans grew louder, Jongin began to pleasure Baekhyun's body even better. 

Jongin reached Baekhyun's pants and looked up at his boyfriend before beginning to slowly pull them down, he then ran his hand down to Baekhyun's clothed member and began to rub it softly.

"Ahh Jongin!"

At that moment, Baekhyun heard a familiar ringtone. "Ignore it," Jongin whispered as he continued to tease Baekhyun's hard member. The older male nodded and continued panting and , ignoring his ringing cell phone, whoever it was, could wait. 

Unfortunately for him and Jongin, it seemed that whoever was calling wasn't thinking of giving up anytime soon because the damn cell phone continued to ring. Jongin finally sighed loudly and stood up from the bed before walking over to the nightstand and throwing Baekhyun his cell phone, "Just answer, we can continue this another time," he said before walking into their bathroom. 

Baekhyun watched his boyfriend disappear and sighed before answering that call, "Hello?"

"Umm... hi, i-is this Baekhyun?"

Baekhyun's eyes widen when he recognized that familiar, deep, y voice, "Y-Yes it's me," he cleared his throat, "Is this Chanyeol?"

"I'm sorry, am I disturbing you?" Chanyeol asked worriedly. 

Baekhyun looked towards the bathroom door and chuckled before answering, "No, I was just umm... getting out of the shower, don't worry about it," he replied. He brought his knees up to his chest before speaking into the phone again, "Anyways,  did you call for a specific reason? Did you have any more ideas or perhaps questions?"

"Yeah I... I just wanted to umm..," Chanyeol took a deep breath before continuing to speak, "Actually no, I don't know why I called."

Baekhyun bit his lower lip, "O-Oh."

Chanyeol chuckled a bit and Baekhyun didn't know why but the beating of his heart increased, "I'm sorry Baekhyun... I'll leave you alone now."

"Chanyeol if you ever need to talk, I-I don't mind if you call, okay?" Baekhyun asked softly. "I know I'm just your wedding planner but I'm more than willing to listen."

"Thanks Baekhyun, I'll definitely keep that in mind."

Baekhyun smiled to himself before speaking again, "Okay well, I'll let you rest now. Good night Chanyeol, I'll call you tomorrow."

"Good night Baek... I'll be waiting for your call," Chanyeol hesitated before speaking again, "I'm glad I got to hear your voice again... I-I think that's the reason I called, to hear it before going to sleep."

Baekhyun leaned back on his headboard and hugged his pillow tightly as a huge smile stretched across his beautiful face, "I-I'm glad I got to hear your voice too." 

The two men talked for a while longer before finally saying their final goodbyes and hanging up, but not before Baekhyun promised to call Chanyeol again the next day. 

Just as Baekhyun hung up, Jongin stepped out of the bathroom wearing his pajamas, "Who was it?" 

Baekhyun put his phone down,”J-Just one of my clients that was umm... freaking out about the food for the wedding."

Jongin joined Baekhyun in the bed and pulled his petit boyfriend close, "Couldn't they have called you during work hours?"

Baekhyun nodded, "Umm yes but I guess it just couldn't wait," he gave Jongin a kiss on the cheek and smiled sweetly, "Well, I'm going to sleep. Good night." 

Jongin gave him a kiss on the forehead and whispered, "Good night," before closing his eyes and going to sleep.

That night, Baekhyun went to sleep with a smile on his face and he met Chanyeol in his dreams. 

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Ilovedofromexo #1
Chapter 2: A y Jongin turns me on lol
Chapter 2: So far so good~ Can't wait for the next chapter ^^
parkchan_ #3
Chapter 2: this story is good. im enjoying this so far. pls update soon~
Ilovedofromexo #4
Chapter 1: Really good. I hope Kyungsoo falls in love with Jongin quickly because I hate him getting hurt
I am looking forward to your update ^^