Chapter 2

The Demon's Angel

“I must say, I have never met humans such as docile as you two. The humans we are used to see are those who struggle to try and get out, but those were the ones with the sickest of lives. Their souls were darker than others. Some even as black as a demon’s.” Joonmyeon informs as they walks pass by other demons who seems to be looking at them very weirdly.

“The underworld seems just like earth.” Yixing comments as his younger brother holds onto him tightly and looks away when he notices that other demons are staring at them.

When Luhan looks at it clearly, it does look like earth, there are buildings and street signs much like earth’s however the very distinction is that the underworld’s buildings were rugged and very eerie, the streets were a bit edgy and made of bones and has slime in some corners— probably coming from the slimy monster that was crossing the street right now.

“Oh, yes. We are trying to mimic the city that of which is bustling with corporate workers, which us demon think is a waste of human time which causes them to die and wilt with their lives wasted.” The water-demon replies. “Do not get us wrong, we demons understand the need of acquiring monetary powers to support needed means.”

Yixing tightening his hold onto his arm has him calming himself down. “Then don’t talk about it.” Yixing, for the first time, snarls at the demon and he shushes his brother because he knows how his brother gets when talking about that kinds of topic.

The demon; Joonmyeon finally looks at them with shock in his eyes. “I am sorry. Have I offended you?” The demon looks at Yixing with worry in his eyes.

“It’s nothing. Please forgive my brother.” Luhan says, smiling at the demon who was frowning at Yixing.

“I truly am sorry for making statements that seem offensive, but heed my words that I do not, in the slightest—“

“There you are!” A pitchy voice echoes and the three of them swirled their head, only to see another demon, whose skin was marred with bruises, most probably from getting hit by lightning.

“Jongdae!” Joonmyeon hollers back as he waves at the approaching demon. “I have acquired Prince Sehun though he is in an injured state.” The water demon informs while the other demon examines the unconscious prince’s state.

“Oh dear, who has put him in this condition?” Jongdae asks, obviously not noticing how he and Yixing; who are clearly human are standing right in front of him, in the underworld.

“I did.” Joonmyeon confesses, earning him—to what sounds like a chortle coming from the demon Jongdae. “Do not make a jest of the situation! I almost killed the future king of our kingdom. And it was all because I could not control my powers.”

“What does that mean? Surely he could have deflected your assault in any given situation.” The other demon states as he continues to eye the slumbering prince.

“He could have. If it was not for these two mortals who has been protected by the prince.” Joonmyeon explains. “Though I have a partial fault in it as well, for not having proper control over my abilities.”  He continues to explain but it surely falls into deaf ears as the demon Jongdae is now focused on the two of them. Eyes casted at them in an unreadable expression.

Luhan glowers at the new demon eyeing them, as he feel his brother’s quaking body. “What do you want?” He asks as the demon still analyzes them with his eyes with an inkling of something, as he grabs a handful of charms from his pocket and Yixing whispers the incantation.

Before the incantation was done, they found the demon Jongdae glowering at them before turning to Joonmyeon. “Why are there living mortals in the underworld Joonmyeon? You know how the king and queen is not in favor of mortals tarnishing their kingdom.”

“The prince has demanded that these two be with him from the moment he awakes in his slumber—“

“Excuse me?!” He shouts at Jongdae, causing the two demons, as well as other by-standing demons to look at him. “What the did you just refer to us? Are we some kind of plague that you have the ing audacity to say that we ‘tarnish their kingdom’?! Just because you have some awesome looking powers doesn’t give you the right to look down on us when you’re ing dressed up like you’re in the renaissances period, it’s the 21st century!”

“Hyung, that’s a bit—“

Yixing stops when he hears a chortle coming right in front of them, and when he see who it is, he finds the demon Jongdae’s shoulders bobbing and soon enough the demon guffaws out loud. “Oh dear, now I see why the prince has this unrelenting interest in humans like you.” He continues to laugh which is not a good thing when Luhan is angry. “If the prince has demanded that your presence should be near him once he is awake then so be it.” Jongdae says before smiling at the two of them. “Now, I shall transport us into the castle gates.” The demon inclines suggestively. “If you are going to travel on foot with this slug then it will take more time than necessary in healing the prince.”

“What are you going to do—“

But before Luhan could finish his question there are light-blue lights—a color that is very similar to that of a lightning, glows under their feet, forming a hex circle with weird writings on it before Jongdae shouts, “Avancer!”  And a loud clambering of thunderous growls emits from the sky before Luhan feels light-headed and in just a matter of seconds, the surrounding has changed from the eerie streets of the underworld to the magnificent and luxurious castle, which they are standing right in front of.

He hears his brother’s awe as he himself goes silent right in front of the castle gates because, first he just experienced teleportation first-hand and second, the palace right in front of them are just like those in the story books; a tower with balcony—where a princess was mostly locked up, the castle’s guards standing in front of the gates, but most of all Luhan can’t get his eyes off of the two dragons circling the castle in the sky, as if guarding it.  

“Do not worry about Emerald and Sapphire.” Jongdae muses, looking at them with mischief in his eyes.

“Sorry? Who’s Emerald? And Sapphire?” Yixing asks, eyes glued to the flying dragon.

“Emerald was the prince’s domesticated dragon. It was a gift from his mother on his 1st birthday.” Joonmyeon informs. “She’s currently away for some personal matters.”

“What about Sapphire?” Yixing questions.

“She is mine.” Joonmyeon announces and smiles when Yixing looks at him in surprise. “She was brought along with Emerald when they were bought on an auction.”

“She’s really pretty.” Yixing announces, eyes glued to the blue dragon.

“She is, is she not?” Joonmyeon smiles. “Would you like to meet her?”

“I would love to.” Yixing says, still daze the way the beautiful blue creature roar once she spots them at the castle gates.

“I dislike being the one stopping a cherishing moment but I do believe that we need to tend the prince’s injuries.” Jongdae cuts in, snapping the two out of their world and making Luhan chuckle under his breathe the way Joonmyeon glares at the other demon.

“You are right. Let us get inside then.” Joonmyeon says to Jongdae with a bit of gritted teeth before turning to a sadden Yixing. “Maybe you can meet her next time.” He suggest which lightens his younger brother’s mood.

That’s a first to see. 

He thinks as he follows the two demon walking past the guards leering at them. “What the do you guys want?!” He shouts at them when he sees one of them giving him an escalator look before growling “You guys want to fight? Because I will not back down!” he continues, causing him to be pulled by his younger brother.

“I’m sorry for my brother. Please don’t mind him.” Yixing bows to the demons. “He just doesn’t like being stared at.” He explains while pulling Luhan back who continues to throw some words at the demons.

“Those two are truly rather something.” Jongdae comments to the other demon whose busy smiling at the scene. “Especially that other priest. The one that the prince has taken a fondness to.” Jongdae continues with amusement in his eyes.

“He sure is. However the docile one is not to be taken for granted as well.” Joonmyeon comments as he watches the younger priest pull the currently thrashing priest who keeps on spouting foul language at the castle guards who are still unfazed by the priest’s outburst.

“It sure does.” Jongdae remarks with a teasing tone before walking away, earning him a disgruntled shout of his name from the water-demon. “Bring the humans to the prince’s chambers. I shall inform the king about his son’s current state.” He says as he turns to a corner before disappearing completely, just in time for the two priest to catch up with him.

“I’m sorry about my brother for causing a scene. Please tell the guards that he means no harm and—“

“There are no need for explanations.” He smiles reassuringly at the younger priest. “Now, would you two please follow me to the prince’s chamber?” He asks and glad as the two brothers followed obediently.


Hearing the astonishment from the two humans has Joonmyeon smile with some delight in his heart. Seeing a human so undeterred by the underworld but appreciates it, as well being fond of his friend Sapphire.

“This room is huge.” Luhan says, eyes roaming the commodious chambers of the demon prince as spins around. “And to think this is just his’.” He says eyeing the still-unconscious prince.

“The king provides nothing but the best for the heir of the kingdom.” Joonmyeon announces as he gently places the prince on his bedstead, the water surrounding the demon prince slowly inching away from the demon prince’s body without damping any clothing or fabric. “I am sorry but I need to inform the healers about the prince’s state.” He says bowing to the two priests. “I will be gone shortly. Please make yourself comfortable but do not wander outside the chamber.” He continues before walking out the room.

“Hyung, please don’t do something unnecessary. Okay? And don’t go picking up fights with demons.” Yixing says to him, eyes concerned and worried.

“They were the one that’s asking for it.” He counters back, plopping down a cushiony chair.

“Still, we’re not in earth anymore. And they are demons hyung. We’re outmatched and outnumbered if you looked at the odds.”

“Xing, we became priest so we can fend off evil beings. And demons are in that classifications.”

Seeing his brother sigh causes Luhan to stand up and walk towards the other only stopping when they are in arm’s length. “I know that you’re just trying to protect us, and being strong is one of the ways you do it but I don’t want you being beaten up. I can take care of myself as well hyung.” Yixing replies to him. “And no matter how you look at it, we’ll get beaten up so I think that we should just be compliant with them. Alright?”

Pinching his nose as he walks back to the comfortable chair, he groans out a sound of understanding. “Alright, but if something pisses me off I’m going to them up.” He says causing his little brother to laugh.

“Hyung, that kind of language is so not for a priest.” 

“Yeah? Well being gay is not a common thing to but that didn’t stop me.” He says chuckling at the statement too.

Their laughter dying once the doors of the prince’s chambers were slammed open and Joonmyeon, along with a new demon who was much taller and has a darker patch of skin than former walks in with a bunch of flasks and tubes in one hand while a big leather bag on the other.

“I swear in Amon’s name I shall strike you so hard that any cure would not be sufficient for your recovery.” The other demon says as he places the plethora of bottles and tubes on the floor.

“I already express regret Zitao.” Joonmyeon replies to the demon who is kneeling at the prince’s bed as he concocts a mixture of some-sort.

“The two of you should not be even sparring considering that the king has ordered it.”

“I was given special permission by the king himself. To do anything that seems necessary to bring the prince back.” Joonmyeon retorts, brows furrowing as Zitao starts to pour the concoction to a glass bowl.

“And belligerency is a necessity?”

“You know how the prince is.” Explains Joonmyeon as he helps Zitao in lifting the prince’s clothing before applying said brew.

“I say, the prince has been going out of the castle, and all because of that mysterious priest he has been fond off.” Zitao remarks mindlessly a bit of acid in his tone, causing Joonmyeon to quieten him. “Why are you trying to quieten me? The prince is insentient he will not be bothered by our chatter.”

“The prince is not what I am referring to Zitao.” Joonmyeon bites back. “I am referring to them.” He says eyes casting towards the two priest who stills when the other demon turns his head towards them.

Hearing a noise of shock, Luhan sees the curing demon jolt back. “Are those the—“

“Zitao, I would like to introduce to you Luhan and Yixing, these are the two priests that was able to pass the barrier without any harm, as well as the reasons why the prince has been getting out of the castle often.” Joonmyeon introduces the two priest as the nursing demon stands up and glares at them.

“So these are the vexations that causes the prince’s harm.” Zitao remarks before gathering his potions and other concoctions and putting it all in his bag,

“Zitao!” Joonmyeon gasps out as he stares at the other demon who walks pass him.

“What the did you say, you green-skinned ?!” Luhan bites out, causing the demon to stop in his tracks before turning to him. “You heard me, you lizard colored . What the did you just called us?”

“Hyung!” Yixing shushes him but Luhan was fuming too much to be cooled down.

“What have you called me, mortal?” The demon Zitao asks, hands placing the bag down.

“You heard me.” Luhan replies back. “I don’t repeat myself to es without a sense of hearing.” He es out causing the other demon to march towards him.

As Zitao approaches, his hands does some twitching before he murmurs under his breath while muttering, “You lowly piece of—“

“Zitao.” An icy voice echoes in the wind, and soon enough Joonmyeon was already standing in front of the other demon. “If you plan on laying a finger on so as a single strand of hair of these two, you shall only not face the prince’s wrath but as well as mine.” The water demon continues, shoulders squared.

The other demon backing down, showing submissiveness as he hang his head low and fist clenching tighter and tighter.


“Do not try to reason with me, Zitao.” Joonmyeon declares. “I have seen how you’ve shown impudence.” He continues. “Now go, and I shall look past this circumstances, just this once.” He says and the other demon growls before glares at Luhan, who glares back at the demon, before storming out of the room.

Once the door was slammed shut, Joonmyeon’s shoulders relaxes and his eyes are back to being that of a human’s. “I asked for your forgiveness in behalf of Zitao’s place. He is not fond of humans.” Joonmyeon explains as he bows his head slightly.

“It’s okay!” Yixing flushes back. “My brother was just as embarrassing.” He laughs awkwardly, ignoring an affronted remark from said brother. “He’s not one to back down when it comes to a fight.”

Joonmyeon, flushing at the way the younger priest treats him, smiles back. “I assure you that the problem was caused by Zitao, so please accept our humblest apologies.”

“There’s no need for apologies.” Yixing explains.

“Yeah, I want him to come here and apologies directly!” Luhan cuts off as he continuously glares at the door.

“Hyung, please stop it. We are not here to fight.” Yixing scolds the elder causing Luhan to comply.

“I am happy to give you two a tour of the castle if you would like.” Joonmyeon says after the two priests had come to silence for a while.

“We wouldn’t want to impose you.” Yixing meekly replies. “We’re fine just sitting here.” He smiles at the demon.

“Nonsense, it would be a pleasure of giving you a tour of the castle.” Joonmyeon announces coming to the door. “If you would please follow me.” He smiles and stretches out a hand, causing a befuddled Yixing to hesitantly take the offer while Luhan stays in his place. “You’re not coming hyung?” Yixing calls out.

“Nah, I’d just seat here for a while. Just gonna get some rest or something.” He excuses himself as he smiles at Yixing

“Are you sure? Do you want me to accompany—“

“Oh just go. I know you want to.” He laughs off and shoos his brother away. “Just bring him back safe okay?” He says to Joonmyeon who nods back.

“We won’t be long.” Yixing says before smiling at him and then leaving.

Chuckling to himself as Luhan remembers the smile Joonmyeon subtly tried to hide when he lets Yixing to walk with him. Though being in the underworld, Luhan has come to trust the water demon for some odd reason, being comfortable and not afraid of him, though in fact—Luhan wasn’t afraid of the prince either, he was scared of what the demon prince could’ve done to Yixing.

As he scouts the place again, he finds himself stopping at the unconscious body of the demon prince. Examining the body that was once injured which now has become a scar.

“That’s some potion.” He mutters to himself as he slowly watch the scar fade, turning the red shade skin into that of the same as the rest.

He’s watching intently at the abdominal area of the prince, as the scar continues to fade away. Not noticing on how the prince’s eyes slowly flutter open, eyes adjusting to the surrounding before looking at the priest so intently watching his abdomen heal.


“I never thought priests can have debauchery thoughts.” He hears at the back, causing Luhan to jump back.

“Holy !” He yells out as he grabs a pillow and smashed it into the prince’s face, causing the prince to let out a disgruntled ‘Oomph’. “What the are you doing scaring the hell out of me?!” He says still clutching the pillow he used as an assault.   

Hearing a groan, he sees the demon prince sitting up. “I believed that the humans are very filial to persons who are injured or at bedrest.” He says scratching the assaulted area of his face. 

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I updated. Though it was short, so please bare with me.


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Chapter 3: I'm rereading your fics and I'm still waiting 😭😭
Chapter 3: I'm still waiting for this fic to update waaaaahh
It sounds hilarious,i can't wait to read.I really nees this after i read 'the broken angel'...that story is too heartbreaking,but i'm happy at the end.
Chapter 3: This was hilarious lol and omg Prince Sehun's so cute he didn't want to let Luhan go awwww
yomali #5
Chapter 3: I was waiting for this for so long ....
chamomille #6
Chapter 3: hahaha wow!! you update with 3 chapters at once :3 thank u and I can't stop smiling reading hun n han interactions >_< keep it up! anticipate next chapter<333
even the foreword is funny at the last
i thought that luhan will screamed for help or what
but he just say cosplaying sicko about the man that choking his brother
btw update this okay
i anticipate it
will you update this or?
i was reading the intro with so much concentration n feeling......suddenly come the cosplaying things,,n i was like.....OH MY GOD,,THAT'S SO FUNNY HGDYGCDHCG.