Guardian Angel 6: Ilhoon Part 1

Guardian Angel [BTOB scenario]

Suh ----------- << You

- 18 years old

- Sungjae's and Ilhoon's school mate

- the daughter of 2 violenist 


Jung Ilhoon

- 20 years old

- BTOB member

- your old childhood friend


Plot: You moved away a long time ago for a job your Aunt had. Ilhoon waited for you and now you're back. But you moved back into the house your father had abused you in. You had nightmares and asked Ilhoon to stay the night. 


It was very cold that night you went on the plane. Ilhoon, Sungjae, and Yoon Heran (your closest girlfriend) were waiting for you. You smiled at them and gave them each a hug. "It's okay, I'll be back soon," you said. 

"We'll miss you," Sungjae smiled. 

Ilhoon then cleared his throat and as if on cue, the other two went away to talk to your Aunt. "How long will it be?" Ilhoon asked. 

You four were just freshman in highschool. Ilhoon's dreams of becoming a Kpop star was going to happen soon...and you'll never see it. You sighed and looked down at your hands. "A couple of years I guess."

" guess I should give this to you then," he mumbled. 

He handed you a velevt box. "Don't open it till you're on the plan, okay?"

You nodded. "I promise."

You gave him one last hug before walking away with your Aunt. Once you boared the plane and watched the ground disappear beneath the plane, you leaned back and opened up the box. There, nestled neatly inside, was a music note necklace. You smiled. You remembered the first time you met both Ilhoon and Sungjae was in Music Club. You were the quiet girl who played piano and they were the talented singers/rappers of the class. The memories ceased as you felt your Aunt nudged you. 

You settled back and drifted to sleep, thinking about Ilhoon back at home...


2 years later

"Congrats!" Elena shouted. Champane was poured in your glass and you took a sip. 

"Thank you. I'm really going to miss you guys," you said sadly. 

Your Aunt finally retired and will be moving back to Korea from the States. You made plenty of new friends and you will surely miss them. "Well, I hope you get to see him again, if you know what I mean. C'mon, you're both older now! He's been your Oppa for a long time and maybe, he'll be more than an oppa," Elena teased. 

You blushed. She did know about your crush on Ilhoon and tried calling him once and a while on your phone. You bet he changed his phone number. You sighed. "Whatever, Elena. He probably won't remember me anyways. I was just a hopeless girl," you pointed. 

"Nevertheless, he texted you a few days ago, saying that he's excited to have you back," she retorted. 

"Yeah yeah. Anyways, you have to leave," you said sadly. 

Elena gave you a tight hug. She then pressed something into your palm. "For good luck, girlie," she winked. She left and you were left alone in your room. You picked up the trash and empty glass. You put them away and looked around the empty house. Just like before...You looked down at your palm and saw Elena's and your's graduation picture. You smiled. Then you hopped on the sleeping bag you placed earlier and fell asleep.



It was 7 in the morning. You were alone at the airport with your Aunt, who was busy talking to a client. You were nervous because your Korean was rusty and that you would make a fool of yourself. You also didn't remember anyone except for Sungjae, Ilhoon, and Heran from your childhood. "Plane 38 leaving for Seoul," the intercom blared. 

You picked up your purse and your Aunt trailed after you, desperately trying to end her phone call. Once you both were settled in first class, your Aunt immeidiatly ordered a wine. "Why are you drinking before the flight?" you laughed. 

"Because wine soothes my nerves," she pointed and gulped the drink in one swig. She handed the glass back and closed her eyes. 

You wished that wine would have the same effect on you. You leaned your seat back a little bit and drifted into your sleep. 


"Let's try that again, shall we?" Eunkwang smiled. 

Everyone groaned and flopped down on the ground. It was the 7th time they danced to You're So Fly, getting the tiny moves right. Ilhoon chcked his phone, opening up his Instagram. Sungjae peeked over his shoulder and plucked the phone from his hands. 

"Hey!" Ilhoon scolded. 

"Hyung, do you know this girl?" Sungjae asked, pointing at the screen. 

It was your last picture, of you posing with Elena in front of your favorite cafe the day before. Leaving for Korea! :) - MELODY_97  Sungjae looked closer. "It's -----------, remember? She left 2 years ago with her Aunt," he pointed. 

"" Ilhoon questioned. 

"You don't remember? She was our close friend! Oh..we have to meet her at the airport! She wouldn't remember much Korean and I learned lots of English from Peniel! Let's do it!" Sungjae excitedly proposed. 

"She can stay with us for a while if she has no where to go," Minhyuk interjected. 

"I dunno..but let's go meet her," Ilhoon sighed. 

Sungjae dialed his phone, calling Heran. Ilhoon just stared at your picture. "I really can't believe you're coming back," Ilhoon murmured. 


You looked around the airport, looking for your Aunt's cilent, who was picking both of you up. You checked your watch and groaned. "Where is he?" you mumbled. 

"Calm down, stupid. He'll be here," your Aunt scolded. 

You rolled your eyes. You stared out in the crowd. Then you heard your name. "---------!" someone shouted. 

You turned around and suddenly, you were enveloped in a bone-crushing hug. You smelled grass and lavender. Brown hair was flying everywhere. You pulled back, seeing bright eyes and bright, pink lips. "He..Heran?" you smiled. 

"I'm so glad you remembered!" Heran giggled. She gave you one more hug, and this hugged back. Sungjae and Ilhoon trailed closely by. Ilhoon's speach was trapped. You definitly changed. 

You dyed your hair tips blue and your pale skin was long gone. It was replaced by a sun kissed tan and some nice freckles on your cheek bones. "Ilhoon..Sungjae," you grinned. 

You hugged them both. Your Aunt just kept quiet, texting her friends. "Wow, things sure have changed huh?" you laughed. 

"We're all grown up now. Things are SURE different," Sungjae nodded. 

You smiled.'re really home. 


"So, did you have any..interests back in America?" Heran asked slyly. 

You rolled your eyes. Yup, they haven't changed. You four were at a cafe, drinking coffee and catching up. Your Aunt went to stay with her friends and you planned to stay at your old house, where you shipped your furniture there. You planned to live in your old home for the time being before you buy a new house. "I don't. I mean, I had some crushes but they didn't stay long enough," you pointed. 

Ilhoon sipped his Americano quietly, checking his phone frequently. Sungjae excitedly asked you things, nudging Ilhoon often. "So, did you know that Ilhoon and I are part of a boy band?" Sungjae questioned. 

"Yup! I heard all of your songs. I bought all your albums. I couldn't exactly attend your concerts but I tried!" you laughed. 

The sound of your laugh made shivers run through Ilhoon's body. Damn..he missed it so much. He noticed the necklace around your neck, the same one he gave to you along time ago. "You still have it," Ilhoon pointed. 

You looke down. "Oh..yeah. Of course I do. Anyways, how are you? I haven't heard you say much," you replied. 

He blushed. "Um..well. Yeah, I'm doing fine. I improved my English and like Sungjae said before, I'm in a band with him. Um..I'm their rapper besides Minhyuk hyung and Peniel hyung."

"Cool! I so would like to attend a live concert," you smiled. 

Okay, cool. Meeting with friends went good, you thought. 

At least she hasn't had a boyfriend Ilhoon thought gratefully. 

Meanwhile, Heran and Sungjae thought Why aren't they getting together? 




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