Guardian Angel 4: Hyunsik

Guardian Angel [BTOB scenario]

Here's your Prince Hyunsik!! 

Young ---------- << You 

- 20 years old

- Librarian 

- Hyunsik's brother's ex girlfriend 


Lim Hyunsik

- 22 years old

- BTOB member

- has a crush on you since the beginning and has a brother who's 4 years older


PLOT: After Hyunsik's brother left you, you were broken and left to pick up your own pieces back together. Hyunsk  helped you but was scared to say that he loved you. You slowly began to draw towards this Prince Charming when Hyunsik's brother came back and asked to be with you again. 


3 years ago

You felt your heart crushing under the weight. You just stared down at the floor, shuffling your weight.He just sighed and turned around. "Wait!" you cried. 

You tugged on his shirt. He froze. His heart was in pain but he had to. "Move away, ---------," he said lowly. 

"No. I won't. Why are you doing this? W..We can work this out," you pleaded, feeling your tears spill. 

He roughly moved away and got in his car. You hoplessly watch him go away, as he never turned back. You fell onto your knees and held yourself. Hyunsik was watching from his window and walked out. He placed his jacket on your shoulders. "Sorry," he whispered. 

You looked up and saw his sad smile. You stood up. "It..It's okay...He never cared anyways..W..We weren't..." you stammered. 

Hyunsik enveloped you in a warm hug. You felt your heart suddenly pick up it's pace. You hugged him back, crying softly. Hyunsik hugged you tighter, feeling himself slip away from reality and enjoying his dream. Afterall, he loved you more then his brother ever did...



Hyunsik drove by the library to drop off some selections he borrowed the other day. He stepped in with his bag of books and breathed in the musky scent of old textbooks and novels. You were behind a shelf, organizing books. "--------," he whispered. 

You turned and smiled. "Hey, Hyunsik. What are you doing here?" you asked. 

"Returning stuff," he said, motioning to the bag. 

You laughed softly. "Alrightly then. See you later," you said. 

He nodded and left. You watched him go. You couldn't help but to feel your heart beating faster and faster. It's been 3 years since his brother left you. He was now in Moscow as an engineer. Hyunsik stayed behind, helping his family and you. Then he debuted in CUBE as BTOB's vocalist. You supported him and watched him grow up to be one of KPOP's top bands. 

You have grown close to him and you have thought of him as a brother but that would be wrong. You have already fallen for this Prince who rescued you from your nightmare. You finished shevling and rolled the cart in the back room. You logged out and grabbed your things. You stepped out and breathed in the city smell. You're parents were back in Japan with your sister's husband and you stayed with Hyunsik's family for a while. 

You walked towards CUBE's studio, picking up some snacks from the convience store. You stepped in and bowed to the secretary at the front desk. You then punched in the code and headed up stairs. Your footsteps echoed softly as you ascended the stairs. Your thoughts began to trail off as you wondered around, trying to find BTOB's practice room. 

You heard the familiar song "Thriller" and waited by the door. Once the song finished, you opened the door. "-----------!" the members cheered. 

You opened the bags and handed each member their favorite snack. Hyunsik sat besides you, sharing a bag of Tako chips. Everyone joked and drank. This became your usual routine, to stop by the studio and hang out with BTOB and sometimes CUBE themselves. You smiled and leaned back on your hands. 

Even though Hyunsik was kind of jealous of how you treated the other members, he always knew that he was going to be the only one who was the closest to you. The one who would always take care of you, even though you don't know how much he loves you. 

The door opened and Hyunsik turned around. His heart pounded to a stop. His eyes widen. "Hyung...." he said quietly. 

You heard the familiar name and turned around. Your heart slowed down. There he was: Manshik. He gave a sigh of relief. "There you guys are," he smiled. 

You stood up. "Manshik...wh..why are you?" you asked. 

He walked to you and then hugged you close. You didn't react. You just froze while you felt everyone's stares...

Hyunsik felt his heart being crushed once more. He turned away. The rest of the members noticed. "We'll leave you guys," Eunkwang said. The members got up and dragged Hyunsik out. 

You moved away and looked up at Manshik. "Why are you here?" you asked once more. 

"I came back because I missed it here. Over in Moscow, it's nothing like Seoul," he smiled. 

You didn't fall for this smile. "Are you coming back to your parent's place?" you questioned. 

"Yeah, I'm staying over there for a while. But I'm only here for 3 weeks."

"So a month..." you said. 

"Yeah. How about...we catch up later? Maybe some coffee or dinner?" he suggested. 

"Actually..I can't. I have to get back to work. But maybe sometime later, Manshik," you interuppted coldly. 

He flinched. "What's wrong, ----------?"

"Everything. You come back like nothing is wrong. Is there something I'm missing or something?" you snapped. 

He then held your hands. You tugged away but he held on fast. "There is something wrong," Manshik said. 

"Then what is it?!" you pressured. 

"I never stopped loving you, ---------. I never did. When I heard you cry as I drove away and saw my brother take care of you, I felt my heart being crushed 10 times fold. I didn't know how much you loved me back then. I just left you so coldly like that, thinking that I can get over you for this job. I..I just couldn't. Baby, you were special, I hate to see you cry again. I never wanted to hurt I just..." he explained. 

"No...No, you're lying...You always do," you stammered, shaking. You backed away. 

"I'm not, -------...Can you take me back?" he asked. 

Hyunsik, who recovered from his shock, walked right in and heard his brother's words. "Manshik," he said. 

Manshik turned to his younger brother. "Hyunsik, get out," he sternly commanded. 

Hyunsik's blood boiled. Not this time..Not this time at all! Hyunsik marched to you and took your hands. He then dragged you out. Manshik watched. His eyes dropped to the wooden floor. "God, what did I do wrong?" Manshik whispered. 


"Hyunsik! Hyunsik, let me go!" you cried. 

You both were in front of a park nearby your old home. He let you go and breathed softly. "I'm sorry, --------," he aplogized. 

"It's okay...why did you do that?" you asked. 

"Because I didn't like it...I never did like the idea of my brother taking you back," Hyunsik explained. 

"Why..." you began.

"Because I have always loved you. I never told you this because you never loved me back. You always looked at my brother with a different adoration and you treated me like a little brother. I once heard you both talk about marriage and I couldn't take it. I didn't want him take you away, and make you cry again. I felt a huge repsonibilty for you once he left," he confessed. 

You sighed and he stared. You then wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in. He instictivly closed his eyes and pressed his lips against yours. As your lips danced softly against each other, he held your waist, bringing you closer. You were on your tippy toes, trying to grasp his warmth that you were so addictive to. When he left you go, you were was good one. "I never knew that I could fall in love when Manshik left. I thought that I would be alone forever...until you helped me pick up the remains...I began to feel sometihing for you and without knowing..I fell deeply in love with you...I was..but I was blinded...I'm sorry," you whispered. 

He smiled and brought you close once again. "Don't be...Prince Charming is here," he chuckled. 


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