Chapter 35

Untamed Love (HIATUS)
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A/N: Chapter 35 updated! I know I took so long but please understand that it was hard to write when you’re stuck. I really don’t know when will the next update after this. I can’t promise, though I have already formed the sequence. Just please stay and give enough love. I’m not good like the others, yeah, but your vote and comment can give me a lot to continue. So, vote and give feedbacks, juseyo! It’s almost three years since I started to publish this here in AFF, and I thank all of you who were still reading and patiently waiting for my every update. You guys rock!


P.S. Don’t be bothered some characters are just for cameos. And again, pardon for the grammatical mistakes and misspelled words.







Chapter 35



“Seriously, I’m sorry, Eunjung.” Jessica spoke up, while watching Eunjung drying her hair with towel. Her fingers fidgeted awkwardly, throwing an apologetic look to her newly found friend. Jessica was also shocked to how Jiyeon reacted towards Eunjung. Yes, she anticipated the younger girl to act differently but not what she did, at least not pouring a dish or soup to anyone’s head. Even her never think of doing it to her ex- girlfriend even when she caught her— their unfaithfulness to her. Jessica shook her head, it wasn’t the time to think about her own problem. She has to make it right— apologize to Eunjung or Jiyeon for causing conflict. It could be blamed to her being defiant and not wanting people to throw shameless conclusions about her, but Jiyeon’s action and glared to her, irked her so much that it pushed her to play along. “I’m sorry.” Jessica repeated again when Eunjung didn’t reply.


Eunjung looked up to her, sighing. Even she told herself to get annoy at the other girl, she couldn’t. Jessica might have reason why she did it. “It’s okay. I’m alright. It’s not as if the stew can make me bald after.”


“Maybe it could, tomorrow.”


Eunjung’s mouth agape, eyes opening wide.


Jessica laughed at her reaction. “Stupid, it won’t.”


“You’re talking like it’s a fact.” She pouted.


Jessica ignored her. She sat on the couch, looking straight at her friend. “The love of your life was very jealous of me.”


“L-Love of my life? Who?”


Jessica rolled her eyes. “Can you not play as if you’re the oblivious one? We maybe not friends that long, or we aren’t really interacting that often but I’m not an idiot not to notice what’s before my eyes. Jiyeon is special to you as you are to her. It’s really obvious.”


Eunjung continued to dry her hair, speechless.


“You two were together, right?”


“That was a long time ago.”


Jessica crooked her brow up. “And you’re not planning to pursue her again? After how she acted?”


Eunjung stopped, looking at Jessica again. “FYI, she has a boyfriend.”


“Hmm… boyfriend.”


“And they’re together for 2 years now.”


Jessica stayed looking at her.


“So, don’t ask why I’m not pursuing her. There’s someone who already own her heart.”


“That so cheesy to hear.” Jessica looked at her nails.


Eunjung glared to her, irritated. Jessica’s so confusing to talk.


“But even though she has a boyfriend, it seems she’s still lingering some feelings for you.” She paused for a thought. “No, I am sure of that.”


“She isn’t.”


“Wow. I don’t know if you’re just simply dense or what.” She sneered. “Eunjung, just open your eyes and accept the fact that she loves you still. If what she did to you earlier isn’t enough proof to you that she was jealous, you’ve got problems with your eyes, girl.”


“I actually have weak eyesight.”


Jessica threw the couch pillow to her and Eunjung laughed hard, picking the pillow that fell on the floor.


“I’m asking you… what if, she’ll say she wants you again? What if she really chooses you over her boyfriend, what will you do?”


“Seriously, Jessica I can’t do that. Her boyfriend was too kind and loves her very much. He’s really a good man. I can’t hurt a man like him, my conscience couldn’t take it. And besides, I already decided not to. I hurt her enough before.” She paused. “And I think, we’re better off as friends. I don’t mean to cross the line, we did have hard time to find our way back to be friends again, Jessica.”


Jessica was staring off in space.




“Oh… sorry. I’m just thinking something.” She smiled a bit.


Eunjung smiled.


“It’s funny how difficult it is to forget someone we love, right? Because deep inside, it’s the last thing we want to do. Whether they hate us… or hurt us, it’s still hard to let go of something that have once been a part of us.” Jessica turned to look again. “Eunjung, we are all have freedom to choose whom and where we want to be regardless of those choices can give happiness to us or hurt others. And I think Jiyeon knows it too. She has feelings for you, but she has hell time to decide.”


“Uhm… I—.”


A sound from the door made them stop talking. They both turned their heads on the entrance door when it opened. Hyomin, Krystal and Amber walked inside, exhausted. Hyomin was sobered now, though it was obvious that she was feeling tired.


“Did they go home fine? How about Qri?”


Hyomin sat on the couch, sighing. “Yeah. Qri’s at home after we picked up Hyojin from her parent’s house.” She stared at her best friend. “Though they really worried about you and of course, Jiyeon. I couldn’t get through to her. Her phone’s shut.”


Eunjung heaved a sigh, worried. Krystal and Amber stayed standing near the couch, awkwardly.


Jessica cleared . “I felt it’s all my fault, guys. Sorry. Really.”


“No, Jessica. I feel that I’m partly at fault too. I’ve been noticed Jiyeon acting strangely before, but I didn’t put an effort to talk to her. I’m such a bad friend and an unnie to her.” Hyomin smiled sadly, her eyes past to Eunjung who wears questioning look in her eyes. “I’ll tell to you later.” She lifted her head to other two— Amber and Krystal. “You kids should rest now. You two look wasted.”


“I do think, my sister and Amber should sleep with me at home.” Jessica stood up from her seat, picking her bag. “I know you have a lot to talk to. It’s better if they stay with me at least.” She patted Eunjung’s shoulder. “We better go now. Call me if you need any help.” She smiled a bit.


“Sure.” Eunjung nodded. She watched Jessica, Krystal and Amber slowly walked out of the door. She sighed deeply, turning to her best friend. “So? What things you’re going to tell me?”




Jiyeon kept looking at her phone, biting her lower lip. She sighed, noticing Wang quietly lying on the bed. As if the dog sensed her watching, it lifted and tilted his head to her. Jiyeon smiled, reaching his snout to rub. Years passed and nothing’s changed, Wang still the one who stayed with her when she’s feeling unsure. It’s been a week since the incident happened in Eunjung’s apartment, and until now she hasn’t talked any of her friends. Jiyeon got calls from Hyomin, Qri even Soyeon but she was too embarrassed to pick up and talk to them. She was lying if she says she didn’t expect Eunjung to call but Jiyeon thought it was better that way that she hasn’t than being feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Eunjung was the last person she’ll speak of after her unreasonable stunt a week ago. What should she say if she’ll talk to her? Apologize? Like— ‘Oh, hi Eunjung, I just I felt that I want to pour that stew on your head that day, so sorry.’ Or ‘Eunjung, it was a bad day for me, and I couldn’t help but to turn it to you. Sorry.’


Jiyeon shook her head, standing up from her bed. Nothing will happen if she only sits the whole day. She kissed Wang on the head and pocketed her phone before dashing out of her unit. She thought to talk Eunjung and apologize personally. They just sorted out their friendship not long ago. She doesn’

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Nangnang #1
Chapter 43: im come and read this fic again haha really miss eunyeon fanfic TToTT
i think last cp seem like happy ending already reading with bloom heart in in end ^^
drxx07 #2
Chapter 43: Hello, author-nim. I'm a new reader of yours. Your writing is so good it makes me addicted and tbh, it's rare to find good fics, Eunyeon esp, so I will keep waiting for an ending to this fic. It's so good. Cheer up, author-nim. Pls take care. Pls know that we appreciate you and will wait for you.

Also.. I kept talking to myself while reading last few chapters. "TELL HER THE TRUTH BRUHHHH." That's all. Stay safe.
gen_30 #3
Chapter 43: this story is so good and still a cliff hanger 😂😂😂 any update??? thanks
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 43: hehe Queen's maybe busy but we will always be here waiting for this story to finally have it end, don't change it just keep going, never forget u still have us here waiting this to have its ending
Nangnang #5
Chapter 43: Long time no see you not update at all heol really miss this one of my love fanfic
Omg i’m the one ..only one who is still waiting you ??
Hope you can continue til its end ????
Btw hope you safe too be careful and take care
whiteroze #6
Chapter 43: I got excited When i saw the notif from you and im thinking "finally may updated na rin sa favorite story ko" and well see this..ohhh okay hahahhaha...

I hope you will continue ans finish this story not only this one but also all your storiess.

Keepsafe always ;)
1123 streak #7
Chapter 43: I got excited when I saw the notif but.... oh well hope you find your way back to writing and finishing your stories again... stay safe too authourssi
greenjade21 #8
Chapter 43: Ooh! I am hoping you'll find again the amour, if not for Kpop but, at least for your unfinished stories?! Still hoping! Your story "Untamed Love " is one of my favorite stories here in AFF! Still hoping! Hoping! Stay safe too! :)
ShainaloveTara #9
Chapter 43: Yes please continue this story we love it. Thank you.
finna57 #10
Chapter 43: I hope u end ur stories. But its up to u if u cant author. I support u whatever ur decision would be.

Yeah stay at home n keep safe.