Chapter 34

Untamed Love (HIATUS)
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A/N: Chapter 34 updated! Read and comment. Vote if you like. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes and misspelled words! This chapter is unedited. No time to check more, I’m sleepy.


P.S. Don’t be bothered some characters are just for cameos.






Chapter 34



Eunjung looked at the door where the sisters talking— talking loudly, if they’re not shouting, about something like ‘rat’, ‘cheating’, ‘shorty’ and ‘parents’. Once they got in her apartment, Krystal’s older sister forcedly pulled the younger one briskly— not giving time and chance to Krystal to react— to the other room that Amber and Krystal currently using while staying with Eunjung, as if she’s the owner of that apartment and shut the door with a bang. Eunjung sighed, thinking that the girl was incredibly scary— no, she was actually beyond scary. She almost thought that the woman turned to a monstrous witch that will curse Eunjung into deep hell. She still couldn’t believe how that seemingly classy and angelic beauty ‘crazily’ threatened her life. Eunjung was thankful that Hyomin and another stranger helped her and stopped the mad woman to possibly murder her by throwing deathly glares and casting threatening words upon her. Eunjung stopped her line of thoughts. And speaking of that stranger…


Eunjung eyed the other person sitting comfortably at her couch while talking to Amber. Her hair was long and black, and her skin’s a little darker but her beauty was remarkable. If it weren’t from her eyes and her talking Korean, Eunjung would have thought that the girl was a foreigner. Eunjung cleared , letting the other two notice her presence.


“Unnie…” Amber was the first one to talk.


“Ham Eunjung? Right?” The woman stood up from her seat, extending her hand to Eunjung.


Eunjung nodded, accepting the handshake. “Yeah. And you?”


“Yuri. Kwon Yuri.” She smiled dashingly, showing her perfect set of white teeth that Eunjung felt dazzled, mentally noting to wear a sunglass if ever they have a chance to talk again.


“N-Nice meeting you, Ms.Kwon—.”


“Yuri. Just Yuri. I guess we almost have the same age.”




The three startled when they heard a loud sound from the room where the sisters in. Eunjung swallowed thinking there something ‘dangerously’ happening inside. “Uhm… Do you think they are alright inside?” Eunjung asked, completely bothered. She saw Amber also glanced at the same direction, twice, worriedly.


Yuri chuckled. “Don’t worry. I’ve known the sisters for so long. They won’t hurt each other.” She stared at the faces in front of her, noticing the hesitation and disbelieve. She laughed shortly. “Chill guys. Jessica loves her baby girl too much. Krystal could kick her out of their house and she does still can kiss her. But of course, Krystal won’t kick her sister out. That’s bad.”


“Err… her sister’s name is Jessica?”


“Yeah.” Yuri took her seat again. “Jessica Jung. And by the way, I’m sorry if she threatened you earlier. You know, she isn’t serious about chopping your head.” She laughed. “She just has that bad habit of scaring people when she got angry. But all of what she said to you was mindless words from . She isn’t that good with words actually.”


“So, how did you two find about me?”


“Uhm…” Yuri scratched her chin. “It was actually Jessica’s girlfriend who had told us about you. After Soojungie, you know, punched her.”


“I thought—.” Calling Krystal in her Korean name… she must really close to the sisters…


“You thought they have problems, right? That’s what Krys has told you.” Yuri said as if reading what Eunjung thinking about. “They do, honestly. But Jess knows when to believe her. She won’t let her baby sister be with an unknown people. That’s why she hired my service.”


“Hired you? You mean, you’re a—.”


“Yep, I’m a private investigator, slash her friend. After the midg— I mean, her girlfriend told about your car’s plate number, I know it’s easy to find you.” Yuri smiled a bit, explaining. “I’m sorry though for following you these days.”


Eunjung blinked, didn’t know what to say anymore. She felt the goosebumps creep in her skin again, thinking there’s someone following her every actions, or worst investigating her entire damn life— even her family and friends. Eunjung couldn’t help but to feel scared, more and more, to Krystal’s sister. While they were out of the café to her apartment, the girl put her arm around her shoulder, tightly, whispering warning and ultimatum in her ear. Wondering if she’s some kind of a gangster, pretending like an elegant and sophisticated woman. Amber looked up at Eunjung’s astounded and paled face; she bit her lower lip, tapping the older girl’s hand, worriedly. Eunjung woke up from her dazed.


They were all turned to look when the door opened, and the sisters walking out. Eunjung noticed Krystal frowning while dragging herself behind her sister. Then she focused her eyes to the older one that walked like a lazy boss with her chin up.


“Yul, let’s go.” She waved at Yuri. Eunjung almost crack into laugh when Yuri frantically stood up from her seat, like a kid, following the older one.


“Unnie, you have to apologize to Eunjung unnie before you go.”


“Why should I? I didn’t—.”


“Unnie!” Krystal said loudly enough. Her eyebrows pulled together, meeting each other.


“Okay fine. Geez, Krys.” Jessica rolled her eyes. She turned to her and Eunjung has the urge to run behind Krysta to hide. “Right. Thanks for taking care of my stupid sister.” Krystal couldn’t help but to roll her eyes too, hearing her sister’s words. “I wanted to bring her with me, but she refused. I hope you take care of her well or else I—.”


“Unnie! Are you going to threaten her again? For God sake! She’s my bosses’ daughter, no? If you don’t want to see me bum in your house, unemployed, learn to respect her at least.”


“Aish! Will you shut up?” Jessica waved her hand, gesturing her sister to stop. “Fine, this is my business card; call me if you need anything regarding that idiot.” She gave Eunjung the card. “And will you please give me yours too, if you have one, in case I need to contact you.”


“O-Oh, y-yeah.” Eunjung got one piece of card from her wallet, giving quietly to her with slightly trembling hand.


Jessica’s brows up reading Eunjung’s business card and then put it to her wallet carefully. “I’m going now, Krys. I still have schedules to attend to. Remember, behave or I’ll tell Dad you’re here. And, don’t forget, we still haven’t yet finished talking about what you did the other day.” She pointed her index finger to her sister.


“Just go, unnie.”


They watched the two, Yuri and Jessica, out of the door, in rush. And Eunjung breathed out, relieved that Krystal’s sister finally gone out inside of her apartment. Whew… Eunjung noticed Krystal looking at her apologetically. She smiled, silently tapping the younger girl’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Krystal.” She whispered.




“Hi, Jiyeon unnie.”


The voice made Jiyeon out of her trance. She looked up and saw Hyeri’s face; she forced a smile. It’s been months since she last saw and met the younger girl. “Hello, Hyeri-yah.” She waved, watching the younger girl sit beside her.


“Why the call, unnie?”


“Hmm… nothing I just missed you.” She smiled again. She wasn’t lying. Jiyeon really missed her, but she won’t deny that there was other reason too. She needed someone to talk to, to make her mind in peace and to distract her from thinking about someone. Jiyeon was actually called Luna too but the other girl was busy composing songs for a soundtrack for a series that a well-known entertainment company will produce soon. And Jieun won’t help either, since she’ll only remind of Jiyeon about her sister. Argh… I need to pull my mind straight… Jiyeon wanted to slap her face.


“Are you sure you’re okay, unnie?” Hyeri asked, observing Jiyeon’s facial expressions.


“Yeah. What do you want to do, Hyeri-yah?” She asked, putting enough enthusiasm in her voice.


“Uhm… I don’t know. You’re the one who called me.” She laughed inwardly. “So I guess you have something wanted to do, unnie.”


Jiyeon sighed. “Not really. I just wanted to kill time.”


Hyeri stared at her. “Do you have a problem, Jiyeon unnie?”


“Huh? No, I don’t have a problem.” She straightened on her seat, averting her eyes. “So? Do you want to watch movie with me?”


“Are you sure?”


“Yes.” Jiyeon held Hyeri’s arm, smiling broadly. “Movie?”


“Sure. Movie seems okay.”


Jiyeon nodded, getting her bag from her seat. That was the only thing she’ll do now. To forget the things that was bothering her. To be honest, Jiyeon doesn’t feel to go to Hyomin either, since the older girl seems hiding something to her and not exactly being honest to her. She remembered to ask her if Eunjung has a girlfriend, but Hyomin blatantly lied in her face, saying— ‘no, she doesn’t have one.’


Jiyeon clenched her bag’s strap that hanging in her shoulder. It was still clear to her mind, seeing Eunjung with a beautiful woman the other day while getting out of Hyomin’s café. They weren’t just walking together but the woman’s arm was around Eunjung’s shoulder. They seemed intimate. And she won’t deny that she was feeling jealous. There’s something green monster wanting to be freed from her chest. Jiyeon shook her head, mentally chastising herself. Remember Jiyeon, you don’t have a right to be jealous anymore… But she couldn’t help to feel annoyed. Just the other day she saw a beautiful girl in her apartment and then yesterday, a different girl with her again. How many girls does she have? Damn, Eunjung… what are you doing to me?




“So this is Krystal?” Hyomin asked Eunjung, staring at one of the girls seating at the table that Eunjung reserved in her café upstairs.


“Yeah. And this one is Amber.” Eunjung pointed, and Amber waved at her while smiling.


“Whoa. Nice meeting you two.” Hyomin returned the smile that give out to her. “Your sister is scary.”




“I’m sorry, Krystal. But really, she’s scary. I almost got a goosebumps when I heard her talking coldly as if she can freeze me all the time.”


“Hyo, you’re over reacting.” Eunjung rolled her eyes.


Krystal laughed instead of feeling offended. That was not the first time hearing people saying that to her sister. But she couldn’t blame them. Her sister is definitely showing that side of her to people she doesn’t know. “It’s okay, Hyomin unnie. My unnie is scary at first. But she’s sweet

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Nangnang #1
Chapter 43: im come and read this fic again haha really miss eunyeon fanfic TToTT
i think last cp seem like happy ending already reading with bloom heart in in end ^^
drxx07 #2
Chapter 43: Hello, author-nim. I'm a new reader of yours. Your writing is so good it makes me addicted and tbh, it's rare to find good fics, Eunyeon esp, so I will keep waiting for an ending to this fic. It's so good. Cheer up, author-nim. Pls take care. Pls know that we appreciate you and will wait for you.

Also.. I kept talking to myself while reading last few chapters. "TELL HER THE TRUTH BRUHHHH." That's all. Stay safe.
gen_30 #3
Chapter 43: this story is so good and still a cliff hanger 😂😂😂 any update??? thanks
jmae1015 #4
Chapter 43: hehe Queen's maybe busy but we will always be here waiting for this story to finally have it end, don't change it just keep going, never forget u still have us here waiting this to have its ending
Nangnang #5
Chapter 43: Long time no see you not update at all heol really miss this one of my love fanfic
Omg i’m the one ..only one who is still waiting you ??
Hope you can continue til its end ????
Btw hope you safe too be careful and take care
whiteroze #6
Chapter 43: I got excited When i saw the notif from you and im thinking "finally may updated na rin sa favorite story ko" and well see this..ohhh okay hahahhaha...

I hope you will continue ans finish this story not only this one but also all your storiess.

Keepsafe always ;)
1123 streak #7
Chapter 43: I got excited when I saw the notif but.... oh well hope you find your way back to writing and finishing your stories again... stay safe too authourssi
greenjade21 #8
Chapter 43: Ooh! I am hoping you'll find again the amour, if not for Kpop but, at least for your unfinished stories?! Still hoping! Your story "Untamed Love " is one of my favorite stories here in AFF! Still hoping! Hoping! Stay safe too! :)
ShainaloveTara #9
Chapter 43: Yes please continue this story we love it. Thank you.
finna57 #10
Chapter 43: I hope u end ur stories. But its up to u if u cant author. I support u whatever ur decision would be.

Yeah stay at home n keep safe.