
Plaines de papier (Paper Plains)

Kim Jongin is a small boy with golden like skin and plump roseate lips, he's only 9 years old and he can dance ballet quite delightfully although his friends and classmates always giggle and laugh at him whenever the subject comes out even though he's undoubtedly divine at what he does.His mom was a ballerina and she consistently expressed to him her yearn for him to learn what she was once devoted to the most,he quite enjoyed it actually , the fluent and smooth moves his bellet teacher regularly showed them.Since the tender age of 9 he felt a bond that tied him with dance , he always had the desire to mater every aspect and each charecteristic in this field.He belives it's approximatly an inheratence brought to him from his mother, the thirst and the un-dieing passion towards dance.His never permutuating want to learn everything there is to know about dance.And that is most likely why he is now situated at the core of his colossal room , trying out this new ballet move called  '' pirouette" , his ballet teacher Mrs,Kwon had showed them recently a video tape of the black sawn pas de deux from swan lake although he was thrilled and wished she would teach them the famous 32 fouette instead.He gracefully moved again and tried to excute the moves precisely like his trainer , he slipped suddenly and he went crashing down the ground becoming a what now looked like a bondle of legs.

"Argh! i'll never get this right! I give up!"

infant Jongin declared ,dusting the non-existent durt of his pants and peeping at the house that was located right next to his.

His pint-sized eyes clearly noticing the large auto-mobiles that were now facing the gate of the house,he wondered why all of a sudden anyone came there.He had lived in this town for 9 years and he never saw anyone nearing the antiquated residence.

Then he saw a boy, or should he say a dwarf? with massive round eyes that glistened with awe for no apparent reason, he started to question if that boy could be his age.The dwarf-like kid walked like a penguine while holding what seemed to be a big card-board box and carried it with great difficulty to the inside of the once abandoned house.

"Jonginnie~ Be a good little prince and carry the garbage out for me~"

Jongin felt like saying no but he knows better then to object to his mothers orders and as he took one last look through his window he made his way down the stairs.

"Okay mommy"

Jongin walked carfully to the side walk as he made his way back to his home, with slow as a turtle footsteps, he told himself it was because he wanted some fresh air and he simply didn't want to return to the house so early not that it had to anything to do with a certain owl-like juvenile.

"Kyungsoo,baby let daddy hold that box for you~it's too heavy sweetie"

Jongin heard the boy's mother say.

His name is Kyungsoo.....

Jongin couldn't refrain from smerking altough he didn't accuratly know why.His name suited him, Kyungsoo .The name rolled out of Jongin's mouth smoothly just like the "pirouette", he liked the sound of it , no... he loved it.

"Sorry,but i could help if you want"

Jongin said without even realising it.And before he even knew it , three head were turned his direction and he was immediatly the centre of attention.

"Sure honey, what's your name little one?"

Kyungsoo's mom asked with a smile that could match the sun in it's brightness.

"J-Jongin, kim Jongin"

Jongin was inwardly panik-stricken because wow this was the first time he ever stuttered.

"Ok, jongin.This little boy here is Kyungsoo and you could help him in transporting those boxes over there to his room"

And before he relaised it, the boy was looking at him with those big doe-like eyes, and they were brown and were shining with a flame that jongin couldn't quite recognise.just like he couldn't recognise the fact that he was staring at the said boy for too long.

"Hello~~ a-are you even listening to me?"

Kyungsoo said snaping Jongin of his short coma.

"Y-Yes , i'm sorry kyungsoo.i just spaced out "

Kyungsoo smiled and jongin became aware of the fact that the way this boy smiled was almost identical to his mothers, just like how his love for ballet was.

"It's Okay,But let's hurry up and get going with these boxes"

Jongin roboticly nodded and followed Kyungsoo up to his room.

"So,How old are you Jongin-ah?"

"I-I'm nine years old,h-how about you?"

well,stuttering is now becoming a habbit of his appearantly.

"oh, i'm ten! that means you should call me hyung,Jonginnie"

Jongin takes it back, if kyungsoo's mom's smile could rival the sun then kyungsoo's was on a whole different level.He could sware he almost felt blinded by it.And that pet name, altough he should feel unearthly about it because that's what his mother calls him he likes the way Kyungsoo says it better.


Damn it, Jongin thinks he should work on this stuttering thing later on.

"I just came here with my familly so it's really amazing that i already made a new friend"

Kyungsoo was practicly giggling by now and it sounded like those bells that jingle whenever there is a wedding to Jongin because this boys voice was like honey and milk mixed together and please notify that those two are jongin's favourite drinks just how Jongin feels like Kyungsoo will soon be his favourite hyung.





They both talked and relished in the time that they spent together albeit the fact that it was getting late and that Jongin has only realized that his mom most be worring about him so he politly said his goodbyes and took a really good look at Kyungsoo and declined Kyungsoo's mom's offer to stay for dinner and went home.And well let's just say that being worried was not exactly what Jongin's mom was feeling when he came home so his mom made him stay at home for 3 days as a punishement for making her mad and worried sick.


in the next years,Kyungsoo and Jongin's friendship got even stronger as they became now practicly unseparable,Jongin now knows everything about Kyungsoo just like Kyungsoo knows everything about Jongin, well not everything because that would be lieing considering the fact that Jongin has been crushing on Kyungsoo the day they first started sending eachother paper plaines as it was the first message anyone has ever written for him, that little piece of paper wich had the words "Jonginnie~let's be happy together forever,ok?" scribbled in it with kyungsoo's hand-writing became one of Jongin's most treasured posetions.they continued doing that same routine and they never grew tired of it , in fact every little paper plain that went through one of their windows made Jongins heart flutter with love and anticipation for what the next one had to offer.So one nigth Jongin vowed that at the age of 16 and precisly at Kyungsoo's 17 birthday he'll be sending something relatively different from a paper plain to Kyungsoo in hope that Kyungsoo would return his felings.

16 year old Jongin took one last look at his cherished paper plained and fixed his jacket one last time before leaving his room determined that the next time he'll be going through the door of his room he'll be sending his heart on a paper plane to his first and hopefully last love.

The minute Jongin came into Kyungsoo's home , he was awestrucked not by the growing amount of people in it but by how delectable Kyungsoo looked right then.He litterally had to force his legs to move , so he shook himself and forced himself back into his game.

"Happy Birthday,hyung"

Jongin said with his best beam.And Kyungsoo generously returned it with even more brightness to it.

"Jonginne,i'm so glad you came .I was about to send you a paper plane to make sure you'll come"

Kyungsoo said while hugging Jongin , his voice muffled from being pressed to the croke of jongin's neck not that Jongin cared actually the heat coming from kyungsoo's body was quite comfroting.

"Of course i would come, i wouldn't miss it for the world hyung"

and that was the last word that was exchanged betweeen teh both of them before Kyungsoo dragged jongin by the wirst into the pile of people so that they could get to where the borthday cake was.Upon seening the birthday boy people started shouting for him to make his birthday wish already.

"I'm starting to wonder if you are doing this for me or for the cake"

kyungsoo joked looking at his group of friends not even noticing that he haven't let go of jongin's wrist yet.People laughed espacially that kid from Kyungsoo's class , what was his name, prankyeol,long-eared yeol .

"Stop lauging chanyeol or i'll come there and making you stop"

oh~~~that was his name , Kyungsoo kept on glaring at the boy until another short boy came hit him playfully on the shoulder.

"Thank you,baekhyun.Now i'm ready to make my wish"

1........2.........3 and poof the candels were off.

"Hey,Kyungsoo what did you wish?"

chen said if that is what he's called , to be honest Jongin wasn't that good with names.

"i won't tell you, because if i do then it won't come true"


Jongin returned to his room and took one last sigh and cheered himself on because this is it, he's going to do it.He is finally going to confess the feelinbgs of love that were botteled up for about 7 long years.

he folded the paper that had all of his heart written on it's paper and threw it streight to the all too familiar window, and upon seeing kyungsoo about to go pick it up he hided under the window too scared to see what's going to happen next.

Kyungsoo held up the little paper palne and read it's content , his heart fluttering with every word.

"Hyung,after being your best friend and telling you all my hopes and desires, I need to tell you what will make me happy.

You have always been there for me through our ups and downs; you've listened to my problems and, most of all, you've put up with me and all the crazy things I do. I love being with you and acting like fools, and I just love everything about you.

You are the best friend I have ever had, but last night when I was trying to go to sleep, I kept thinking about all the other boys. But then I thought about you, and I couldn't stop thinking about you! I thought about all the good times we've had together, and I thought about that day we went mudding on the four wheelers, and I realized that it's not the other people I want to be with, it's you. I love you and I want to be with you, forever and a day."

Kyungsoo ran with all of his might , ran like he never ran before and even forgot to say hello to jongin's mother because his heart was beeting to fast for him to say anything at the moment and with one swift movement he opned the door to Jongin's room and peeked inside only smiling and letting a tear of happiness fall from the rims of his eyes because his new lover is hiding under a window looking cuter than ever.


Jongin muttered too shoked to talk normally and lifted his head only to get even more shoked when he felt lips plumper than his kissing him with a passion big as the sky ,he only broke the kiss after feeling the salty taste of kyungsoo's tears mingling in their kiss.

"Hyung,why are you crying?"

"I'm crying because i'm happy you idiot, i'm crying because my wish came true after all"

that was the last thing said because well they kissed and hugged and shared eachother's warmth because well now they finally can because now everything's different.

They ARE finally Lovers.





















A/n: so what did you think about it,huh? did you like it ? if yes then please comment and subscribe because that is what makes me happy and keeps me going! I love you all and see you nest time!

Hena out.

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i would love to see this story , :D pls continue ^_^