A Once Treasured Friend


Mark and Jackson were two friends who were inseperable. However, Jackson has news to tell Mark but doesn't exactly know how to bring it upon him without hurting the latter's feelings. Will Mark be able to cope with what Jackson has to reveal to him?


The two friends were lucky enough that the park was close by so they decided to walk there. It was a nice and calming night anyways. The sun was setting on the horizon and the moon was just now making its entrance for night to begin. There was a cool summer breeze in the air the swept Mark’s hair back just a bit to where he was able to enjoy the cold air sweeping across his forehead. However, the latter blankly looked ahead on the path before him. Jackson kept his hands in his pockets, still wondering how he would bring up his situation to Mark. There’s no doubt that he was going to hurt his best friend emotionally, but of course he didn’t want to. But the situation that Jackson was caught up in, there’s absolutely no nice way of going around it. In fact, there wasn’t even a way of beating around the bush of what he was going to say to his clueless friend.


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