
A Solider's Seduction
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She gripped tightly to the handle of her rapier and kept it close to her chest. With her ear and side against the wall, scrutinizing over the slightest noise from the other side, she waited for the intruder to turn the doorknob.

It had been too late. She had only received her brother’s letter yesterday, warning her of Heiden’s men. Leon arranged for her departure at the start of dusk, but no one had imagined that Heiden would order his men to capture her now. With her servants’ bodies lying at the estate’s entrance from holding off her pursuers and the pursuers guarding each escape route, she could only take refuge in the study room.

It was all laughable. Her position was less than that of a pawn and yet her fate was caught in her brothers’ dispute over the throne. They were both kin through blood, but how different they were from each other and from her.

Easy now, she whispered under her breath, when the bastard walks through the door I’ll point this through his heart.

The door clicked as a shadow spread its figure across the floor. Judging by the shape of the shadow, the castor had a wide body, probably built. She would need a strong a drive against his chest. Steady now, not until he’s clear within your sight.


In one quick breath, she lunged towards the man with her rapier pointed straight for his core.

 “Whoa!” said the man in a deep disgruntled voice.
“Missus, had I still been a mere lad, I would’ve surely been wasted,” the man caught her sword in mid-action with his gloved hand and cracked a smile at her.

 “Fortunately, I’m not and play time’s over,” he tore her weapon away and tried to maneuver her over his shoulder. 

“No! I won’t go.” She said and tried to push him away.                 

“Now, missus. Ah! Don’t make this any harder. Hold still!”

She bore her teeth into his ear. He hollered out and slammed her head against the wall.                 

“Didn’t have to be this way, missus. If only you were obedient. Not that it’s always good to be like that right?”
He cupped his injured ear and saw blood. She couldn’t focus too well anymore and tried to stay on her feet. He lifted her chin to his face.                

“Would’ve been nice if we could sell you to a brothel. Some men like it rough, you know. Would’ve fetched us a nice price, a real shame princess. Perhap

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hiccupbubbles #1
looking forward on this :)