The Rainbow in the Sky.

The Day I Saw the Rainbow in the Sky.

Chapter One: The Rainbow in the Sky

"After a terrible storm, there will always be that colorful rainbow in the sky. Thank you for reminding me of that, Myungsoo."


Han Shin Hye's POV

Spring 2006

"Sorry to say this but your parents had died in a car accident this morning. I'm really sorry for saying this sad news to you, Ms. Han." 

"Ms. Han, I'm very sorry about it," Mrs. Park asked me with his curious eyes, which were glued down at me with a worried face. I didn't respond at all as my mind was permeated by melancholy and grief. My heart was beating fast that I could hear its echoes on every edges of the room. "Ms. Han. You need rest. You can go home now. It's already 4 pm. Condolence," she said, cutting the awkward silence between us. Again, I didn't say anything but at this time, I nodded before getting out of the room. I went to our classroom and grabbed my things while remembering all happy memories that I had with them. I was walking out of the school until I noticed that it was raining. The white clouds were swallowed by the darkness, making the clouds to cry.

"No. This is not happening. Omma... Appa..." I muttered on myself while standing in the rain. I was thankful that the rain was there to cry with me in this nightmare. I stood in the middle of the school ground; my uniform was very wet but I continued to cry like it was going to be forever. Tears rolled down on my tears just as the water flows on a river. Some students started to notice me but no one really cares about me. They just looked at me and whispered to each other. No one cared about me. Omma and Appa had already died. Tell me, who will take care and love me from now on? Who? 

It  has been an hour and I was still standing in the rain. I didn't want to move a single step as I don't know what to do. It was hard to face reality. There were billions of people in this world but why me? Why me? Did I do something wrong in my life to deserve this? When I go home, no one will greet me. There will be no one to love me from now on. "I don't want to live anymore," I shouted in a loud tone with fierce and anger. I looked everthing around me and started crying louder than ever before. 

Myungsoo's POV

"Oh yeah," I murmured under my breath as I dribble the ball. There were many balls that were scattered around our school gym. We will have a championship against another school and I was here alone, practicing for our big match tomorrow. Sweat flowed down on my rosy cheeks as I tried to look for a towel in my bag. While looking for it, I noticed that it was already 6 pm and the school was about to close. I hurriedly packed my things up and went outside. "The school janitor will clean this mess for me. Janitors should be the one who should clean this. Not me," I whispered to myself as wiped my sweat. I let out a small laugh, knowing that the school janitor would be so shock tomorrow. Watching his haggard face while cleaning the gym tomorrow will be my strength to win the match. 
I sneakily went outside while looking at my right and left if in case there would still be students hanging around. It was raining hard. "Rain, go away," I said with a very annoyed face while looking at the dark clouds. I was going to run under the rain util I saw a figure. There was someone, crying hard. She was just standing under the rain. "Stupid people, now a days.. Good thing, I'm not stupid," I murmured under my breath as I walked closer to that stupid and irritating figure. As I was going to pat her back, she suddenly fainted. "I didn't do anything..." I said while looking if someone had seen that. Luckily, there was none. Then, I carried her to the nearest shed and laid her head to my lap while waking her up. 
"YAH. Pabo, wake up," I shouted for the hundredth time as I shook her shoulders. She slowly opened her eyes and I gave her a frustrated look on my face.
"You pabo, what are you doing? If I hadn't seen you... AISH. Get up, you're burdening the great and amazing Kim Myungsoo," I shouted at her as she started getting up.
"Yeah, I'm a burden to everyone," she said in a low voice while looking down. Tears were starting to form in her eyes again. 
I was surprised by this. I never expected that this pabo would be so emotional. "I didn't say that, you know."
She sobbed quietly and I looked at her with a confused look. "What to do? I made a girl cry," I asked my self until I saw that the rain was going to stop soon. I smile was formed on my face.
"You know, after a terrible storm, there will always be that colorful rainbow in the sky," I said in a comforting tone of voice while pointing a rainbow, forming in the sky. I looked at her and pat her head. "I should get going now, Pabo. Change your clothes when you get home or else you'll get sick. Pabo." 
I threw my towel to her and said, "It's sweaty but use it for now. I don't have a handkerchief to give. And for your information, my sweat is like a perfume. You should be grateful."
After that, I walked away from her. When I got to the bus station, I quickly glanced at her. She was looking at the rainbow with a smile on her face. "The Pabo finally smiles. Oh well," I muttered as my heart beat faster that it usually did. 
End of Flashback
Spring 2011
Han Shin Hye's POV
It has been 5 years since that day. I thought it was the end of everything but I never thought that it was going to be a start of something new. I looked down at the window and saw that it was raining again. A smile formed on my face. I glanced at Myungsoo, who was at the back of the class as I murmured, "After a terrible storm, there will always be that colorful rainbow in the sky. Thank you for reminding me of that, Myungsoo."
I never talked to Myungsoo since that day but I keep on hoping that I can reach him someday and thank him. I never expected that he will recognize me again. But, it's okay. 
For now, I will just continue loving him secretly.
Well, it all started the day I saw the rainbow in the sky.

Next Chapter: Sketches of the Past

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Looks interesting :)<br />
Update soon please ^^