Dragon's Fury

Here Comes Trouble

On the next day, Irene woke up with a horrible hangover. As soon as she looked up to her reflection in the mirror, she almost fell down in horror. Sure, she was looking like a drunktard. That woman was ruining everything, she concluded. It wasn’t even 24 hours since she met Seulgi and she already was in this state, not to count her now more than ever, aching limbs.


Irene went for a shower, did her morning things and soon got ready to work. Even though she felt like crap, she still had responsability to try her best to be the always excellent employee she had always been. The woman got to her kitchen, prepared some breakfast and was eating her healthy stuff when suddenly, her door opened.


, it’s an assault !  I knew that woman was part of some gang !


When her eyes landed on the figure that showed up, she couldn’t help but roll it. That’s what she get for not locking her door.


Seulgi entered wearing black skinny pants, another leather jacket and a cropped t-shirt with some weird drawings in it, black glasses on her face. Irene admitted to herself Seulgi was indeed attractive. Maybe when the girl ran over her, she was too busy hating her to notice.


- Good morning ! - Seulgi smiled and went to the sofa, sitting on it as if she did that everyday. - So, ready to start ?


- Start what ?  


- Your makeover, Baechu.


- I’m not making a makeover here. I like the way it is.


- Not that type of makeover, dummy. Don’t you remember the deal we made last night ? -


- Hm, no. - She scoffed, staring at her.




- I’ll refresh your memory then.


Seulgi stood up and went to the table where Irene was, sitting at chair in front of the girl with her phone already in hands. When she started the video, she didn’t hide her devilish smile, noticing how drunk the older one was.


- I was drunk ! - Irene protested, looking indignant as she saw her state.


- Your fault, deal is a deal. And don’t complain, it’s a win-win situation.


- Hm... - Irene looked askance, suspiciously. - But what’s going to be the first step ?


Seulgi didn’t expected her to agree that fast. She squinted her eyes to look at Irene, thinking that maybe the latter really loved that girl.


- Aren’t you going to make a scene ?  C’mon Baechu ! Scream, fight back, act as a spoiled kid ! This is weird.


- No. If I want Joy back, I’ll make the huge sacrifice that is to stand you. Accept it, it’s a big favor for you.


- Oh please. Who’s being the Madre Tereza one here it’s me. - Seulgi rolled her eyes, not standing the girl’s cocky way.


- Whatever, just spit it out.


- Aish, I almost forgot how rude you are.


Irene glared at her with such statement, making her smile.


- So, from now on we are going to be inseparable friends, like “bff’s” ! And this is beautiful ! Come Baechu, give me a hug ! - The black haired girl lifted her body and leaned in while closing her eyes in a cute way, opening her arms to receive what she had just asked.


And there she stayed, waiting.


- You’re going to stay with this dumb face till when ? -


When she opened her eyes, she saw the shorter woman already having her car keys in hand, ready to leave the apartment.


- You’re going to die begging me for a hug, you’ll see.  - Seulgi stopped with her pose and walked

towards her.


Irene just followed her with her eyes, ignoring such plague.


- Let’s go, I’ll drive. - As Seulgi passed through her, she quickly took the keys from her hand, stomping her way out of the door.


Irene didn’t even tried to protest, since she already had the idea that Seulgi would help her get Joy back, so everything was worthy. Even let someone she barely knew drive her expensive car ? Even that.




- Can you stop speeding ?  - Irene held her seat’s sides, looking extremely terrified as she saw everything outside the window passing through them faster than expected.


On the radio, a pop random song played while the car kept a dangerous fast speed with its windows open. The wind hit them hard, making Seulgi’s hair go all over the place, just as she always loved. Freedom. She just loved and treasured that thing the most in her life. Proof of that was the big smile plastered on her lips.


- Relax and enjoy, Baechu. - Seulgi had to scream a bit to say it properly, looking at her for a brief second while she did that.




- Damn it Baechu, you’re such a coward ! Relax dude, we’re already there.


- I’m not a dude ! I have to work and this - She pointed around - Is not the way to the company, I’m sure !


- You’re not going to work today, you’re not going anywhere. From now on, you’re going to let me take you where I want, how I want and when I want.


At those words, Irene looked at her astonished, silently judging her while feeling kinda surprised for such conviction of the words.


In the silence that followed, after more long minutes in the car, finally Seulgi seemed to see something familiar, making her stop the car in a harsh way. Irene’s heart almost went to , literally.


- We’re here ! - Seulgi looked at her and smiled, parking the car in front of a weird looking place.


- Here where ? This looks like the end of the world. - She couldn’t look away from Seulgi as the latter made her way through the door, forcing her to do the same right after.


- The bar. You need to learn how to be a real woman, with no fear, and here you will. - She used the keys to lock Irene’s car soon after the older girl closed the door.


Irene’s eyes looked around, analyzing the place carefully. She had no idea where they were. It was a bar basically in the middle of nowhere, called The Hikshie’s, with a lot of motorcyles parked around.


Seeing that she spent too much time scanning the place, she soon found Seulgi already passing through the entrance door, making her speed her way till there.


When she entered her first impression surely wasn’t even close to good. Cigarette smoke all over the place, big men and weird women playing snooker and drinking, and a weak lightning. With Seulgi still walking, Irene fastened her steps to be at her side.


- Seulgi, let’s get out of here, these people...They’re weird. - Her voice was in a lower tone while she tried to act normal.


- Calm down Baechu, come with me. - The corner of Seulgi’s lips went up as she took Irene’s left hand and started leading her along till a group of friends.


Irene didn’t even minded the skinship, since she was too busy trying to smile friendly to those big ogres glaring at her, particularly.


- Yo, Yuri unnie ! - Seulgi left Irene’s hand to greet the sitting woman, hugging her sideways.


- Bear ! - Yuri placed her arm around Seulgi’s waist, giving her a big smile in return.


- What’s up ? - Seulgi didn’t felt weird feeling her arm there since she was an old friend.


Irene, in another hand, couldn’t stop looking, thinking that maybe she was trying to abuse her in a subtle way.


- I’m good, just chilling. What about you ? - She drank from her beer bottle, ignoring Irene’s presence till then.


- Being crazy as usual. - Seulgi patted her head. - I brought a friend.


- Who is it ?


- Come here. - Seulgi left Yuri’s arms to go towards Irene, who was still a few steps away. - Baechu, this is Yuri, my captain.


Irene approached her with a weird smile, extending her arm to greet her. Yuri squinted her eyes, looked Irene from head to toe and then to her extended hand, shaking it right away. Seulgi was sure Yuri put more strength than needed in that because Irene’s expression after was priceless.


- Ok, Baechu, now make yourself at home. I’m going to play a bit.


With a pat on her shoulder, Seulgi left the area to go towards the snooker with those big fat people. She knew Yuri wasn’t going to mistreat Irene. She was tall, strong and all but she had a great heart, it was just a facade.


Irene followed Seulgi with her eyes in hope of the girl returning it, so she could ask silently to not leave her there alone. Of course, Seulgi didn’t. She saw her asking for a cigarette to one of those guys, joining them as if she was the queen of the thing.


What Irene found the most weird thing in that situation was that people actually drank alcohol in the morning like if it was water. Living and learning, she thought.




After a few moments, Seulgi looked back to check on Irene. Soon she found her sitting besides Yuri, seeming to at least try to fit in. She just hoped Irene wouldn't wake up back to her senses and realize that she was being irresponsable not being at work at those hours.


The game was worth money. Certainly the money was already hers. Seulgi started playing, a woman playing snooker could always be advantageous, even more if she was like the type of the local men. Seulgi fitted perfectly, of course.


With more minutes in the game, just another stokes here and there and the game would be won. She cheered and mocked playfully everyone around the snooker, already feeling the weight of the money in her hands. That is, at least until someone came on her back, placing a hand on her waist.




An ugly, impudent, hairy and fat ahjumma. She had some gold teeth and her messy hair was even longer than hers. Seulgi always thought that head could be lice’s favourite lair. In a Heavy Metal show, lices would just fly all over the place.


- What do you want, Bulldogie ?


- I’ve already said this place isn’t for weak posh fake girls. - She leaned her face closer to Seulgi, making her grimace in disgust.


Something died inside that mouth, for sure.


- So...What are you doing here then ? - Seulgi smiled smugly.


- Look what you talk, little girl . - Bulldogie held her chin with a certain strength, saying in a annoyed tone, while everyone around just looked at them with curious faces. Something was about to happen.



Seulgi just tried to remain indifferent, as she felt the woman's hold get even harder on her face. They had a troubled history, it wasn't the first time. Every eye around got to be on them as they started to induce a fight. The big figure smirked with the audience.



- See these people ? They are going to see how I'm going to teach you-


- Leave her alone ! - A authoritarian voice got loud through the music, surprising much everyone.


When Seulgi looked askance, she spotted Irene there, standing still while wearing a scowl on her face.


Oh .


Seulgi held the urge to not close her eyes in desperation. Now was surely not the right time to be a  “real” woman.


- Get lost, midget ! - Bulldogie still didn’t released Seulgi’s chin.


- Oh yeah ? - Irene approached in a clumsy way, raising and lowering her arms a few times as if she was choosing the right way to do it. - Yeah ? - The girl’s eyes screamed how much she was scared. Also, her rapid breath.


The younger soon knew what was going to happen.


- Feel the Dragon's Fury !


Seulgi started laughing at what she just said but her smiled soon got wiped off as she saw Irene punching the fat ahjumma on the face.


With that, the UFC was armed. The big woman released Seulgi's face but didn’t seemed to move a lot with her punch, standing like a rock there. To get much worse, in a blink of an eye, Irene was found on the ground. Bulldogie gave her a strong punch and surely wasn’t pretending to stop now.


- Holy !  Get up, get up !


Seulgi took the first thing she saw, her snooker stick, and hammered on Bulldogie’s head so the woman wouldn’t just glue on Irene’s neck.


The mess started. Everyone started cheering, laughing, even fighting between each other for who knows other reasons.Forgetting about everything else, Seulgi took the money from the side of the snooker table and started to run, already seeing Irene on her front.


- RUN, RUN ! -  She kept shouting, getting out of the bar as fast as she could.


From outside, she could hear what that place turned into.


When they got to the car, Seulgi did her best to start the engine as soon as possible, driving the car away from there after knocking down some bikes. At the time she stepped on the accelerator, she saw Bulldogie getting to the door, calling them all kinds of names.


Seulgi fastened the car as fast as she could. After getting a great distance from the bar, she started laughing like a mad woman. She didn’t even knew where they were going. The only thing that mattered was that now, the fun had really began.




Irene has it bad hahahha XD
Thank you for upvotes and subscribes, hope you like it ! Also watch a lot "Be Natural" so we can help later our girls in winning *3* Don't forget to leave ur thoughts
See you next ~



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1055 streak #1
Chapter 15: 🧡🧡
Chapter 1: This fic is rlly amazing
Chapter 14: LMAO, irene talking to herself in her mind is so funny🤣😂 flower my , more like an ogre😭
Chapter 2: aigoo clumsy bear
Sir_Loin #5
Chapter 13: Seulgi’s in pain with an S
Sir_Loin #6
Chapter 12: So Irene’s mom is like Rapunzel’s mother ei?
Chapter 15: This fic is really good. Thank you for this author nim :))))
Chapter 15: Its been awhile since i last read this lol
Chapter 1: Thank you author-nim for the great story
it’s been so long since i last read this story xD