
A Jerk.
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                My name is Lee Lin; I am sixteen years old and currently a student at Rose High. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that I’m the innocent school girl who gets picked on by everyone because that’s not me at all.

                However, I am the top student, as well as one of the most popular girls in school, it’s difficult being popular and to get good grades, but I manage it pretty well.

                To top it all off, I’m an orphan. Of course I didn’t used to be, I had parents like everybody else, they owned their own major corporation which is currently being run by my older brother Lee Donghae, we’re wealthy but money doesn’t make you happy.

                My best friends consist of Krystal and Jessica, they understand that I have times where I need to be alone and times where I want to watch comedies and eat Ben and Jerry’s until my head hurts.

                And like every other person, I have my own enemy, and they consist of the popular guys of this school, but we’ll get to them a little later on.

“Lin,” Jessica called me, “Lee Lin!” She snapped, waving a hand in front of my face.

I blinked and looked at her, “Sorry, what?”

“You’d think she was staring at a Gucci bag,” Krystal rolled her eyes, “Do you want to go to a party this weekend?”

I raised an eyebrow at the pair of them, “Where?”

Jessica smiled at me, “Hoya is throwing one at his mansion on Saturday, and everybody who is anybody is going,”

“Maybe,” I said to her, “Only if we go shopping on Friday for it,”

“Deal!” They both said laughing,

                We were sat at our usual table in the cafeteria, it was always left empty for us, sometimes other popular kids came to sit with us and talk but today, it was just us three.

Krystal rolled her eyes and scoffed, “Here they come again,”

“Oh joy,” I said looking up, following Krystal’s eyes.

                Now I get to introduce them to you. They came through the doors of the Cafeteria, walking as if girls would faint at their feet.

                The first one had bright blonde hair, Oh Sehun to be exact, he always had a moody look on his face, and it was true to his nature too. Although they appeared to be nice to everyone else, when it came to Me, Krystal and Jessica, it was an entirely different story.

                The next one has black hair, just reaching above his eyes, he smirked deviously at girls as he walked past with his hands shoved into his school trousers, Byun Baekhyun, the prankster of the school, although he only ever pranks the teachers, he has too much of a reputation to prank anyone other than us three. But that’s where Jessica comes in, she comes off as the sweet vulnerable innocent girl, but really she’s our prankster, and she’s gotten Baekhyun more times than he’s got her, and he barely ever knows about it.

                Han Lu, or as everybody else calls him, Luhan, has Sandy blonde hair and a baby face to die for, that’s if you don’t know what he’s really like. He’s the Casanova of the group; I’ve seen him run out of houses shirtless before, being chased by some poor woman’s husband.

                Wu Yi Fan, or Kris, whatever you prefer, owns the biggest hotel chain in the country as well as back in his hometown of China, and Canada, don’t get me started on his family tree, I’d be here all day, although he may be smirking ily at all the girls in the Cafeteria, don’t let looks fool you, oh no, not even with his deep brown hair. He’s still as much as an as the others.

                Last but not least Kim Jongin, he ran a hand through his dark black hair, giving a cool aura off as he walks past people, but he’s the worst of them all, especially to me. What I’d give to knock that damn smirk off his face. To make it worse? He lives just down the road from me and I have to see his stupid face a lot.

                Not only is Kim Jongin, or Kai as he prefers to be called, a man-, but I’ve heard he’s never kept a relationship for more than a week. He break’s hearts as fast as he captures them and I hate that about him, although he doesn’t date within the school grounds, keeping up appearances, he’s well known in other schools for being a douchebag.

Kai placed a hand on the other end of our table, smirking at us, “Well if it isn’t the three cackling witches,”

“What do you want?” I snapped,

Baekhyun snorted, “You’re crankier than usual, are you PMSing?”

“You’d know if she was PMSing because you wouldn’t be standing up,” Jessica narrowed her eyes at him,

Luhan winked at us, “I’m surprised you’re not on your knees, begging for us,”

“You wish,” Krystal snorted, “The only way we’d be on our knees is when we thank god for removing your man hood,”

Sehun rolled his eyes, “How absurd,”


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Chapter 50: Aww I'm so happy for all of them. But Kai's temper is worse then a girl on her PMS! Hahaha
Chapter 38: Oh noo.. I seriously want a best friend like Krystal hahaha
Chapter 33: I want Tiffany's confidence hahaha
Chapter 30: Poor Kai hahaha can catch a break.. Her past is coming back hahaha first Mark, now L
Chapter 18: Jahaja aaaw poor Kai
Chapter 11: Donghae!!! But atleast Kai knows now..
Chapter 8: Wellll damn.. This will complicate things..
Chapter 7: Please, don't tell me she's pregnant.. And Donghae is the ideal big brother!
Chapter 6: ! I knew it! Thaw reason he's mad/sad
Chapter 4: Kris is not so bad.. Or does he know about her parents.. That's why he was gentle to her..