The New Student

Love is in Bloom

Taeyoon stared out of the window of the subway, her stomach wriggling into knots. She tugged at the hem of her skirt and adjusted the collar of her blazer. The faint memory of her first day of elementary school slithered at the edges of her conscious mind, waiting to be replayed. It wasn't something she wanted to see again, whether in her mind or reality. Especially not reality. She tried to push it away. Today was her one and only chance to start anew, to reset her life. Maybe she could forget her past and lead the life she had always desired. 

She blinked as the subway pulled to a halt. Her footsteps felt heavy as she stumbled up the stairs and into the main building of the station. The station was rather crowded and packed since it was rush hour, but was empty enough so that everyone wasn't rammed up against each other. Taeyoon struggled through the oncoming waves of people, pulling her satchel along. The road outside the station seemed awfully busy as she made her way across to the skywalk. 

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