Good Bye, Baek Seol

The Tale of Snow White
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Back in Kyuhyun's house, Baek Seol return to the living room with a cup of fresh water. Queen Lucinda grab the cup and took a sip. "Oh, thank you, my dear. Thank you," thanked the queen. "You have been so kind to a poor old lady like me. I have decide to reward you."

"Reward me?" said Baek Seol.

"Yes, my dear. I sell apples for living. Today, I am giving away an apple for free," said the queen. 

"Really? I like apples," exclaimed Baek Seol.

"I'm pretty sure you do. And you know what they say. An apple a day keeps the doctor away." The queen took out the poison apple and shows it to Baek Seol. "Here you are. One delicious apple, fresh from my garden and it's all yours." Baek Seol wanted to take it but she heard a sound from the kitchen. "Oh! My pie is ready. Hold the apple first. I'll be right back."

"Of course. Take your time, my dear," said the queen. Baek Seol carefully took the hot pie out from the oven and place it on the table to cool off. She also cover the pie so that no flies would come near it. "Done. Now where were we?" The queen gave the apple to her.

Baek Seol took the apple from her hands and stare at its beautiful colour. "Oooh! It does look delicious."

"Yes, it does. And this apple you have here is very special. Special than these ordinary apples I have in my basket," the queen told her.

"How special it is?" asked Baek Seol.

"It's a wishing apple. Grown from a special wishing tree. Just take one bite and your wishes will come true," said the queen.

Baek Seol feels excited. "Sounds interesting. But what do I wish for?"

"Anything your heart desires, my dear. You can even wish for someone whom you had a crush on. I'm sure you have one," said the queen.

Baek Seol thought for a moment. Then, she thought about Kyuhyun, whom she admit that she has a crush on. "Well.......yes. I do have a crush on someone."  

"I thought so!" cackled the queen. "I know a young girl's heart very well." Baek Seol showed a little smile. The queen was feeling impatient. "Well, what are you waiting for? Make a wish. This is a once in your lifetime opportunity. Today is your chance." 

Baek Seol closed her eyes and made a wish. "I wish.......I wish that all my friends will be well and happy. I wish for Taeyeon and Kyuhyun to live healthily, for they have been such good friends to me. And I wish for Kyuhyun and I to be together anywhere we are." 

"Now, take a bite," the queen said, feeling anxious. "And hurry, for the spell on the apple will wear off." Baek Seol slowly lift the apple up to her lips, took a bite and chew it. "Mmm. Tasty."

Suddenly, she began to choked. "Oh......I feel.....strange. I........can't.......breathe! What'" With one final breath, she fell onto the ground with the apple rolling away from her hands. At last, she was dead!

Queen Lucinda let out a loud evil cackle. "Finally!! I have killed her with my own hands!!" She carried the dead Baek Seol, made a portal and jumped inside, travelling all the way back to Lavidia. 

The portal took the queen all the way to Lavidia's abandoned castle, which is believed to be haunted and spooky after many years. She open the castle gates with her magic spells, ran up the stairs and into a chamber on the top floor. There, she laid Baek Seol on a bed and seal her with vines filled with thorns. Next, she created two enormous, indestructable stone guards to secure the chamber. "Guard this chamber well! Kill anybody who tries to go near the chamber!" the queen ordered. 

The stone guards obeyed by saluting her. Wi

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i edited chapter 10 and 11.


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Konegin_Elsa #1
Chapter 12: Hi :) I read this fan fiction about Kyuhyun and it was so romantic, I really appreciated it. Reading the text I noticed that the story is really similar to the movie 'Enchanted', do you took inspiration from it?
Anyway you did a great job with your story :)

Chapter 12: Wow! You're amazing! I love the storyline! This reminds me of the movie Enchanted! You write so well! I love reading your stories. Pls update me if you have something new so I can read it right away.

Chapter 3: I'm happy when finally Kyuhyun makes an appearance :D
And I lol'd so hard reading the part when Kyu and silly Baek Seol interact, soo funny xD
Chapter 1: I just read the first chapter and it seems promising. I actually enjoy reading fairy tales retelling combined with modern setting :)
lulu88 #5
Chapter 12: The evil queen is dead and the lovely couple are married with a little daughter , happy ending :D
lulu88 #6
Chapter 9: What is kyuhyun going to do now ???????
lulu88 #7
Chapter 7: Awwwww that was sweeeet :)
Her stepmom is planing to kill her again :(
lulu88 #8
Chapter 4: Hahahahaha sending lunch with doves really !!!!!! funny :)
lulu88 #9
Chapter 3: It's different story line from the main story line of snow white , but it seems like she will keep making a lot of troubles hehehe.
I subbed first!!! XD haha