First Coffee Date

Something More...

Note: Those in blue are Yongguk's thoughts and POV, while those in purple are the O/C's thoughts and POV. Those in black are narrative parts with no particular POV...(: 


"Children. They are people that we might all have one day. Regardless of whether these children are you biological sons and daughters, all of us adults will still find some space in our hearts to love them. And yet, there are so much nowadays that seem to show otherwise. Parents are forcing their children to study, to live lives that aren't theirs. But isn't this unfair? Children are humans, born with the rights to their own happiness and future, so who are we, to criticize the way they want to spent their life. Who are we to take control of their lives? They have their own rights so why not let them live with it, why strip them off something that was meant to be theirs in the first place? You may argue that you as adults, know more than them. You as parents, have the right to control over them because you brought them to this world and fed them. You, us, as the older generation can therefore control someone else's life just because we are older. I hope that any person right here now can actually start to see just how absurd this is. Yes, we can steer the children to a correct path, a better more promising one. But we, no matter what status what authority, do not have any actual rights to take control of all their lives. We cannot imprisoned them into our fantasy, we cannot force them into our ideal image. We grew up with our rights, our dreams. Many of us would know just how it feels to have the pursuit of happiness stripped away, to leave your dreams because no one would accept them in this society. So why not try to rid children of going through the same torture, same misery as us? Let them dream, let them make mistakes, let them learn from those mistakes. Above all, let them know that it's okay. That everything is okay and we, as adults will help them overcome the pain, not put them through more pain than they already have. With that, I hope that I had helped all those who are here today to see children in another form, where children has as much rights as we do. Thank you."

As the female speaker finished her speech, the claps echoed around the theatre and she grinned. 

Yongguk watched as she stepped down the podium, bowing politely to those around her, smiling because she knew she had hopefully done her part to help the society become a better place. He watched as she started to pack up her stuff, her ballet pumps making soft 'squish' sounds on the carpeted floor in the theatre. 

When she looked up, she was shocked for a moment that there was another person in the theatre. The man was sitting at the back of the theatre, his white button-down a great contrast to the dark wood color of the theatre. She was still not quite sure of what to do when there was a squeak from the seat next to the man and what she saw was even more astonishing. 

Yongguk smiled unconsciously as he watched his 2-years-old son open his eyes and shifted. The boy stared up at his father, his eyes twinkling and he laughed, his voice echoing in the now almost empty theatre. "Hey, little guy. Finally woke up?" Yonnguk laughed as he adjusted the crooked t-shirt his son was wearing. 

"Dada!" His son jumped, saying the only word he could say. Yongguk smiled and hoisted the boy into his arms, "Let's go. It's getting late." 

She stared at the man in astonishment. He looked too young to have a son, much less one who was already this old. As the interaction between father and son went on, she felt her heart warm. She didn't know why, but it just looked so cute, so heartwarming. The pair stood up and she smiled as they walked towards her and the door. 

"Hello." The man greeted her. "I really enjoyed your speech Lee MinJi-shhi. I'm grateful that someone spoke about this issue. Thank you." MinJi felt her heart warm again. It was rare someone would even thank her about talking about this topic. She could feel this immediate connection with the man infront of her.

"Is this your son?" 

"Yeah. He's two." 

"I see. Where's his mother then?" She asked cautiously. She was curious but didn't want to seem like she's a potential stalker. 

" left. We divorced two years ago and I got this little guy." He explained, looking at his son lovingly.

At that moment, MinJi suddenly realized just how precious this man standing before her was. 

"Oh. Um...can I have your name?" MinJi asked and immediately winced internally at how eager she sounded. Heck, this guy was close to perfection just by looking at him. 

"Bang Yongguk." Yongguk answered, staring at this almost perfect women. Not knowing where the sudden burst of confidence came from, or why he had the idea that this women could actually lead to something, but he pressed on. " it okay to have coffee with you? If you're free I mean...and don't mind my son tagging along...I'm really interested in yo-I mean your speech and would like to hear more of it." He said, cheeks effectively turning pink to which his son was poking. 

"Stop poking my cheek, Yongwon." Yongguk chuckled.

He's perfection. "Sure, I would love to have coffee with you later." MinJi answered, her heart plummeting and she couldn't help but feel excited. 

She didn't know why. He didn't know why. But both of them were hoping that this would lead to something more.


A/N: Sorry if the colours made it harder to understand but I still hoped it helped(: The first part of her speech was just something I had thought off and sorry if it's a little long... My first Yongguk story so I hoped it's okay...<3 pls leave comments keke thanks.

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Chapter 1: Thank you for the story Author-nim~ (^-^)
Keep writing and supporting B. A. P \(^0^)/
Prettyreckless #2
this is cuteeee you should proceed!!!