Happy in Bed

Happy in Bed

It hasn’t been long since Taemin moved in with Minho and Kibum but he already has a responsibility on his shoulders as a tenant of the home. It’s nothing too serious – the task he has been given to do as decided by all three of them is actually really simple – and yet it still makes Taemin feel like everything is truly becoming official. After all, moving in together with his two favourite people is the closest he will get to married life without the actual ceremony or registration.

With Taemin moving into their apartment, Minho and Kibum know they have to look for a new bed. Sure, the queen-sized bed they have can actually accommodate all three of them (this, they know since Taemin has stayed over plenty of times before) but they all agree it will definitely be a wiser choice to change to a king-sized in the long run.

Finally, the king-sized bed which they ordered weeks ago has arrived. It's early evening and Taemin, being a university student, is the only one at home to receive it (Minho and Kibum only end work in the evening). He is busy accepting and signing for the delivery when his phone beeps in his pocket, alerting him of a new text message. He knows it’s either Kibum or Minho most probably checking up on him and making sure he is doing what he is supposed to do. The messages come immediately one after another and that’s when Taemin concludes it’s Kibum. He chooses to ignore the notifications though because he can’t afford to be distracted. After all, it is his responsibility to make sure the bed is received in good condition. As the two delivery men carry the king-sized bed into the master bedroom, Taemin follows behind and for once in his life, pay attention to detail as he checks the bed frame as well as the mattress.

Five minutes later, a satisfied Taemin gives the green light and sees the delivery men out of the apartment. Closing the door behind him, he excitedly returns to the room and quickly makes the bed by taking out the new bed sheet that Kibum bought but only choosing to cover the mattress with the fitted sheet. When he’s done, Taemin happily throws himself on the new bed, body bouncing on the mattress due to the impact. He lets out a satisfied sigh and can’t help but smile to himself as he spreads his arms and legs out, relaxing himself even more on the huge bed. There’s just something about new furniture especially the promise a king-sized bed brings that makes him happy. Taemin can’t wait until Minho and Kibum get home from work but for now, he thinks he’ll enjoy it himself first. And so, Taemin ends up getting so comfortable that he drifts off to sleep. Obviously, he also forgets all about replying those messages from Kibum.


“10000 won he misplaced his phone again.” Minho says while he waits for Kibum to unlock the door.

Smirking, Kibum opens the door and steps into their home as he replies, “10000 won he doesn’t even know I sent him messages.”

Upon hearing Kibum’s bet, Minho realises that can be a possibility too and he suddenly loses a little confidence. Not wanting to lose to Kibum, Minho adds another bet – one that he’s also confident in.

“Another 10000 won, it’s because he’s caught up watching anime again.”

As he searches the apartment for Taemin, Kibum laughs and nods at Minho.

“Now that’s highly possible.” Kibum agrees, naturally walking towards their room when he can’t find Taemin anywhere in the living area.

“So? It’s a bet?” Minho asks as he follows behind his boyfriend in search for his other one.

Kibum suddenly comes to a stop at the door and turns back to look at Minho, a finger now at his lips.

“Turns out we lost all our bets...” Kibum says in a low volume as he then uses his free hand to point inside the room.

Minho looks in the direction of Kibum’s finger and finds himself smiling defeatedly.

There, on their new king-sized bed, is Taemin lying on his side with his elbows and knees bent, slightly off the center of the bed and sleeping like a baby.

“How could he use the bed first without us?” Minho purposely comments dramatically and walks further into the room to join Taemin in bed, making himself comfortable next to his younger boyfriend who is still enjoying his nap.

“Maybe I’m just tired but Kibum, we made a good decision to buy this...” Minho says as he shifts around and relaxes into the mattress, “So comfy, I think I can sleep for days.”

“You really like to exaggerate.” Kibum laughs but decides to lie down as well.

He settles on Taemin’s other side, naturally lying close to the maknae and looking at him as he sleeps.

“Cute.” Kibum smiles as he thinks out loud.

Silence surrounds them for a moment until Kibum suddenly reaches into his pocket to take out his phone.

“We should take a picture.” Kibum decides.

“What?” From the other side of the bed, Minho groans, blinking sleep out of his eyes, “Now? Why?”

“Don’t ask so many questions, Minho. It’s just a photo.” Kibum replies as he moves closer to Taemin, purposely squeezing the maknae in between Minho and him, “Taem, wake up!”

“Do we have to, Bummie?” Minho grumbles.

“Yes.” Kibum answers while shaking Taemin awake, “To commemorate our first day on our new bed.”

Taemin slowly opens his eyes and a confused expression appears on his face as his vision is filled with Kibum’s face.

Kibum grins, finding his younger boyfriend too cute at that moment in time, “Good morning my love.”

Taemin blinks, silently looking at Kibum. As he tries to understand what is happening, a hand comes to rest on his waist before he feels a kiss land on his shoulder. Without looking back, Taemin knows it’s Minho and he finally comprehends the situation.

“I fell asleep.” Taemin concludes as he turns to lie on his back before rubbing his face in an attempt to wake himself up, “You guys are back… what time is it?”

Kibum leans closer to press a light kiss on Taemin’s cheek before he answers, “Time for dinner but first, let’s take a selca!”

Kibum shifts even closer to Taemin, squeezing the younger even more between the two of them. He then holds his phone up above them and tilts his head towards Taemin.


“Why do we always have to take photos?” Minho sighs but he still comes closer, following the way Kibum leans his head against Taemin’s, and looks at the camera.

Minho chooses not to smile though because he doesn’t exactly like taking pictures despite how good-looking he may be. Truth be told, Minho can never understand why Kibum loves taking photos but it’s something he has gotten used to over the years.

“I just woke up, hyung…” Taemin pouts as he looks at Kibum through the screen of the phone.

“It’s okay, you look cute, just smile!” Kibum ignores Minho and quickly replies Taemin before he is back to smiling (or actually posing since he does more than just smile) for the camera as he presses the shutter button continuously and snaps photo after photo of them together in bed.

It feels like an hour has passed for Minho when Kibum finally stops taking photos and starts looking through the shots in his album.

“I thought this would never end…” Minho whispers to Taemin, turning to lie on his side and rest his chin against the maknae’s shoulder.

Taemin lets out a chuckle and pats Minho’s face lightly, “You did well…”

“What is this?” Kibum turns towards Minho and Taemin and breaks their moment, “There isn’t a single shot of you smiling, Choi Minho.”

“My smile is only reserved for you, bummie.” Propping his head on his hand so he can see Kibum properly, Minho isn’t shy to sweet talk his way out of this, “And Taem too, just… not for the camera.”

At this, Taemin tries his best to hold back his laughter and turns to look at Kibum as well, waiting to see his reaction.

“What rubbish.” Kibum rolls his eyes but Minho’s answer proves to be effective since he doesn’t continue to harp on the issue, “Alright you two, let me just upload one shot and we can go for dinner.”

“I don’t wanna get up though…” For once, Taemin isn’t too interested in having dinner, “Can’t we just stay in bed like this for a while longer?”

“I agree.” Minho immediately says before he reaches over Taemin to snatch Kibum’s phone out of his hands, “And this can wait.”

“Hey!” Kibum instantly sits up on the bed just to glare at Minho, “Give it back.”

“I can’t believe you just did that.” Taemin mumbles while shaking his head, knowing Minho is going to be in deep trouble.

After placing Kibum’s phone safely aside, Minho smiles reassuringly at Taemin and sits up on the bed as well. He then leans over Taemin and takes Kibum’s face in his hands to surprise him with a kiss to his lips.

“Haven’t had the chance to kiss you all day…” Minho says against Kibum’s lips.

Kibum reconnects their lips in a brief kiss, making Minho smile so widely, before he asks, "Now can I have my phone back please?”

Minho’s smile freezes on his face while Taemin bursts out laughing and reaches over to get Kibum’s phone for him.

But just before he passes it to Kibum, Taemin hides it behind his back and uses his free hand to point at his own lips.

Kibum gets the hint and leans down to give Taemin the kiss he wants. When their lips meet, Kibum swiftly and smoothly reaches behind Taemin to pull his phone out of the maknae’s hand.

“Thank you baby.” Kibum grins as he breaks their kiss.

Eyes still closed, Taemin lets out a sigh and silently admits defeat.

With his phone back in his own hands, Kibum quickly gets down to editing his favourite photo of them so he can upload it online.

“Is it so important for the whole wide world to know we have a new bed?” Minho questions.

“Nope…” Kibum answers distractedly before he mumbles out loud a moment later when he’s done uploading the photo, “It’s important they know who I’m sharing it with… and who I’ll be sleeping with at night.”

Once the words leave his lips, Kibum looks up and winks at his boyfriends.

Minho and Taemin exchange a look with each other. It’s just like Kibum to tease them and make their hearts skip a beat but this time, they’re not going to let him have the last word.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Taemin breaks the silence.

Kibum watches as Minho nods at Taemin and suddenly, their eyes are on him.

In the next moment, Kibum finds himself being tackled onto the bed by his lovers.

Well, Minho and Taemin thinks, it’s time to put their new bed to good use.

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Ur_common_fangirl #1
Chapter 1: my first fanfiction on asian fanfic!!! loveee ittt!!!! ^.^
Chapter 1: This is awkwardly cute.. Too adorable.. How u manage to make me love 2minkey... I just dont know. Ugh.. Really wanna join them in the bed. My babies
Chapter 1: and i'm happy to imagine them in bed
Chapter 1: Cute and absolutely perfect!! Thank you.
SuDarkWind #5
Chapter 1: Awe :D Kawaii
Chapter 1: The cutest OT3 of all time.
Kim_Luxita #7
Chapter 1: Ahhhhhhhh fluffy fluff fluff!!!! Looove it !! It's so damn adorable I totally love 2minkey!!! (*^o^*)(*^o^*)(*^o^*) this made me soo happy and giddy
Hellowchanna #8