Come on over


 Even though he was super busy all the time, your best guy friend still managed to make time to hang out with you. Every time Jimin’s name popped up on your phone, you got this silly little grin on your face. The reason for your grin was the secret little crush you had had on your childhood friend for as long as you could remember.


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smartrat #1
Chapter 1: Short but I love it
Chapter 1: like it *_*
tias_w #3
Chapter 1: awwww~ so cute!!!! >///<
Chapter 1: I just got on this site, this is the first thing I read, and I think I'm going to die of feels, wow… like, can I write like that? I don't even know how I would make my writing readerXcharacter. Really good, sorry, I'm getting too many fluff feels. Cool ARMY… yay! haha