There's Something on My Mind

The Infinite Paradise


The morning has risen up above the sky, the sound and the smell of the sea could be heard around the house. The scenery just as always so beautiful thought Soyou as she opened up the window. She looked around trying to find her phone and as she searched her phone is ringing, sign for incoming text. She ran to where her phone is and checked it.

To: Soyou

From: Sunggyu

Morning! Rise and shine! Have you wake up?


Soyou smiled and she just can't stop herself from smiling. She hurriedly replied the message.

To: Sunggyu

From: Soyou

Morning oppa! I just woke up ^^

Have you eat breakfast?


To: Soyou

From: Sunggyu

Good. Yes, I've already had my breakfast.

So, what are you going to do today?


To: Sunggyu

From: Soyou

Hmmm, I don't know oppa. Maybe sight-seeing,

or maybe water sport, it depends.


To: Soyou

From: Sunggyu

Oh, well I hope you enjoy your day Soyou.

I need to go now, it's my turn for photoshoot.


To: Sunggyu

From: Soyou

Thanks oppa! Sure, oppa hwaiting! ^^


“Soyou! Have you wake up? Go have a shower. We're leaving in an hour. Don't be late.” Yelled Hyorin.

“Yes unnie~” Soyou yelled back.

Soyou prepared to go to shower but then her phone ringing again. She stopped her step and backed to her room then she checked her phone.


To: Soyou

From: Sunggyu

Thanks a lot Soyou. Thanks for supporting me.

I miss you.


As soyou looked to the last words she froze, her feelings turned into a blend. She didn't know wheter she should be happy, confused, ignored, or loved it. She just didn't know. She threw her phone to the bed and went shower.


Meanwhile, Bora and Hyorin were waiting downstairs and ate their breakfast.

“Hey Hyorin, what do you think about Infinite?” Asked Bora.

“Eh? Why are you asking this?” Said Hyorin.

“Just answer it.” Said Bora.

“Hmmm let's see, Infinite is surely one of rising idol these days, they have a nice dance moves, and when their dance they're so synchronize to each other.” Explained Hyorin.

“Do you think they will reach into a big success someday?” Asked Bora again.

“Of course! They have a lot of fans. Didn't you hear when they perform their fan-chants were so loud. I believe that they can be success.” Said Hyorin. Bora smiled hearing what Hyorin said. Hyorin looked to her unnie expression and she asked. “Why are you smiling?”

“I don't know. I feel nice somehow supporting someone to reach their dreams.” Said Bora.

“Ehhh... What is with your words. Are you sick?” Hyorin touched Bora's forehead. “Seems not.”

“I'm not Hyorin. Forget what I said.” Said Bora in annoyed.

“Ahh unnie, don't mad! I'm just kidding.” Bora just ignored her and continued her breakfast.


“Unnie where are we going today?” asked the magnae, Dasom.

Bora answered her, “We're going around the market.”

“Shopping girls!” Hyorin added.

The four girls getting excited and suddenly Hyorin's phone ringing.

“Eh from manager oppa?” She answered the phone.

“Hyorin?” Said the manager. “Where are you now?”

“We're just going to the market oppa, why?” Said Hyorin.

“I'm sorry, but I have to tell you this.” Said the manager with a sorry. “You girls need to go back to Seoul by the day after tomorrow. Seems like a lot of PD are interested in Sistar and Boss want you girls to raise your popularity. So, he wanted 4 of you to go back immediately. But I said to him, let them having their holiday for a while and so, the boss agreed to let you girls return by the day after tomorrow.” He finished explain it.

Hyorin was silent, then she sighed and start answering her manager. “Well, I think it's fine oppa, 4 days should be enough. Thank you so much.” Said Hyorin.

“Your welcome Hyorin. Please take care of the girls and said sorry from me and the boss to the other girls.” Said the manager.

“Sure oppa. Goodbye.” Hyorin answered and then the managered hung up the phone.

“What is it unnie?” Asked Soyou.

“Yeah, what is it? You seem dissapointed.” Said Bora.

“Sorry girls. Due to our raising popularity, we have a lot of schedules again. And our holiday getting cut for only 4 days.” Said Hyorin in her dissapointment.

“I knew it.” Said Bora. “It's really impossible for idols to take a rest for at least a week.”

“Unnie, it's ok. At least we still have 2 days more.” Said Soyou.

The atmosphere were rather silent and awkward. Hyorin feels bad for the girls. So she tried to cheer the girls. “C'mon girls, we are the cool sistar! We're the B-E-S-T Sistar! That's why we're always busy. It's just that fame chasing us all the time.” She said cockily. The girls smiled and laughed. “Let's just enjoy our time, ok.” Said Hyorin adn they nodded.


As Sistar enjoyed their time in the market the Infinite boys were doing their photoshoot. The boys were tired while one of them take an individual photo some take a rest. Sunggyu and Hoya were waiting for the others to finish their individual photo. Hoya started singing an english song and Sunggyu just tried to get some sleep. But then, something went through Hoya's mind.

“Hyung, wake up.” Said Hoya.

“Hnggg... What is it?” Said Sunggyu.

“Where did you go yesterday..... I mean last night, you and Soyou-ssi?” Asked Hoya. Sunggyu panicked and sat straight.

“You wake me up only for that? The answer is nowhere.” Answered Sunggyu.

“Hyung, how come it's a nowhere. You can tell me.” Hoya said.

“Why should I tell you, beside... What were you talking about with Bora? Huh?” Sunggyu make it a counter. Then, Hoya went speechless and just couldn't say a word. “hey, brat! Why are you so speechless? Is it something so intimate?” Sunggyu teased.

“Ani! We're just talking about Infinite's promotion. She supported us very much! That's why I said that I had a nice talk with her.” Hoya tried to explain.

“Ya ya ya, like I believe you.” Sunggyu said.

“Hyung!” Then Sunggyu just went straight to sleep again.

Sungyeol came inside the waiting room and looked at Hoya who's suddenly had a flat expression which so not him. “Hey, what's with that face? Girls?”

“Ughh, not you too.” Said Hoya and left the changing room.

“Did I say something wrong?” Sungyeol stayed dumb-founded.


As the day end, Infinite went back home with tired faces. The other 6 were sleeping but not Hoya. He was staring to the street. Obviously not looking to anything, but he got something in his mind. He just got the urge to meet this person in his head. He just don't know why he's been thinking about this person since the photoshoot started.

“Aghh! Get out of my mind already...” He said while hitting his head.

Infinite's manager looked to the back and surprised with the sudden action. “Ya, Hoya, why are you hitting your head like that? Don't do anything stupid, what if you got injured and can't go out of stage?”

“Hyung, I'm just confused ok.” He said tried to assure his manager.

“Of what? Girls?” His manager said teasing him.

“You too?!” He was pissed off and put a headphone to his ears and listening to the music.

“Ya, what me too?” As he looked to the back, Hoya already used his headphone. “Ah, this kid.”


Infinite boys were still on their way, while Sistar has just arrived to their cottage. The girls were so exhausted bringing a lot of shopping bags. Bora looked fine, since she really not a shopaholic type. She did shopped but not as much as the others.

As they went inside, Bora head straight to the bathroom to take a shower, while the others were doing a fashion show or something with the new clothes they bought.

“I felt a lump in my hearts.” Bora said to herself while she's showering. During her shower time, she tried to focus to figure out what is it, but in the end she could only feel it. She didn't know what is it. “Ughh, it's frustrating.” She said as she went out from the bathroom.

She wore her clothes and went to the living room seeing no one there but only shopping bags. “These girls, why are they leaving all these bags here?” She sat on the couch and the tv. She watched a music program and Sistar's MV was on. She watched it for a while and after the MV finished it continued to Infinite's new MV, “Paradise”. She haven't watched the MV yet. So she tried to identify MV. “The boys were as usual, handsome.” Bora thought. She smiled seeing that Infinite has a big potential to become a big idol. Then as she looked to certain parts she felt like there's no lump on her heart. She was quite surprised, “Oh there's Hoya and he really could sing............. I like his eyes, expression, his...” She shrugged her thoughts trying to focus her mind to Infinite not a certain person.

“Unnie!!!” Said Dasom, surprising Bora whose busily identify the MV.

Bora was so surprised, “You're scaring me, Dasom.”

“Sorry, but you looked so focus on something...” Dasom said and looked to the tv, only found Infinite's MV was on. “Oh! Are you an Infinite fan too just like Soyou unnie?”

“Not really, its just that Infinite is great and I'm just trying to identify their MV since I haven't seen their MV yet.” She said. Dasom just nodded and joined her. Bora just smiled and keep silent. “Hmmm Dasom, why don't you bring all this bags upstairs?” Bora said.

“Uh its Soyou's and Hyorin's unnie bags. Not me...” Dasom tried to reject my order.

“Just bring it upstairs.” Said Bora.

Dasom just nodded and brought it upstairs half-heartedly.

“Whoa, no wonders that Infinite has a lot of fans, they got charms. I even get mesmerized by them.” Bora said as the MV finished.

The rest of the night the girls had a dinner and sleep cause another day in Jeju are wating for them.

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great job!
Chapter 20: Oh my god!! It was so good.. I like you. I like you as my STAR1 and FF friend. Can you be my co-author for my story. You're the best author for sure!
Umaimah #3
That was good , reading the title now .... ehe _
Loving this story :D ~~~ :)
woohyunism #5
adorable omg ;; <3
tommy26 #6
oh, i really really lov ur ff! so cool
wow,i'm too late but i love your fic <3
AHH~ That was such a good story!!! T.T Sad it's over though. PROMISE ME THAT YOU'LL KEP WRITING SISFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol~ Thanks and STAY TUNED FOR MY SISFINITE ONE-SHOT COLLECTION!
that was awesome ^_^<br />
it was a good story<br />
thank you for your hard work