Another Coincidence

The Infinite Paradise

As they arrived at their cottage, so the holiday they have, have just started. The Cottage was very comfortable. All of them have their own room. Even the view was so great out of their windows. All the rooms were in 2nd floor. And the 1st floor was the dining room and the living room. The beach was empty, seems like this is a private beach. The girls were so excited, so they hurriedly changed their clothes into a comfortable one.

“Bora unnie, Hyorin unnie, and Dasom, I'd like to walk around first ok. Just call me if you guys have decided what to do.” Said soyou.

“Sure Soyou, don't go to far.” Said Hyorin.

Soyou went out and Dasom started a gossip about her unnie. “Hey, unnie, don't you think that there's something change about Soyou unnie? she's like to be alone more than stay together with us.”

“Well that's true. When I see her, she's always busy with her phone or stares blankly at the TV.” Bora responded.

“Is there something bothering her?” Hyorin asked.

“Unnie, want to hear what I think?” Dasom smirked.

“Dasom don't make a gossip about your fellow member.” Said Hyorin.

Then Bora curiousity can't help her so she disagreed, “Why don't we hear it, Hyorin. I'm kinda curious too.”

“Thanks unnie! So as we can see, she always texts someone right?” Dasom asked her unnie, and Bora & Hyorin nodded. “She's always waiting for something on her phone right?” The unnie nodded again, “She likes to stare blankly at the tv right?”, The unnie nodded again. “Don't you think she's in love?”

The unnie gasped and surprised. “Is she?” Asked Bora.

“Bora, you shouldn't believe what Dasom said. It's just a speculation.” Hyorin said.

“But unnie, we can see it clearly that she's thinking about someone all the time.” Said Dasom and Hyorin can't say more because it was true that Soyou always looked thinnking about something.

“Why don't she tell us?” Asked Bora. “We're her sisters, we can help her right? Don't she trust us?”

“She just needs her time. Don't worry, if it's true that she's in love. She will reveal it to us, sooner or later.” Hyorin said smiling. Dasom and Bora only nodded.



I walked around the beach trying to explore what can I do hear. I plugged in my earphone to both my ears and trying to feel the breeze. The scenery here surely beautiful and the air here much better than in the city. I wish I could just stay here.

I walked and walked when suddenly I looked over at a bench under a big tree. I decided to sit there and rest for a while. But this bench was to beautiful to put in a middle of the beach. I sat on the bench for quite long time. I sing along to the song that play in my ipod. I put my ipod in shuffle mode and suddenly Sunggyu oppa's song played from Infinite 1st album. I really love the song. I even remember all the lyrics. I sing to the song when suddenly someone tapped my shoulder.

“Excuse me.” Said a man behind me.

I startled and reflectedly I stood up and bowed to apologize. Maybe it's the owner. “Mianhae, sorry for using the bench without your permission.”

“Nah, it's ok. This is for our photoshoot. So, I don't mind.” Said the man.

Huh? Photoshoot? And this voice, I looked up to his face and surprised. “WHOA! Sunggyu oppa?” I was really surprised and he only showed his angel smile.

“Yes, soyou-ssi it's me. By the way thanks for singing to my song. Do you like it” Asked him.

He heard me singing? Whoa since when he's been here? “Ah... ne... I really like it. You reallly have a nice voice.”

“Thank you.” He said and then he sat beside me. I felt my heart beating faster, he's sitting next to me. What is this feeling. “So you what are you doing her alone? Are you having a schedule i Jeju?”

I just can't stop this butterflies feeling in my stomach, I didn't answer his question.

“Soyou-ssi?” He called me.

“Ah, ne?” I answered him.

“Are you ok? I was asking you, why are you here?” He asked again.

Oh my god, I am so stupid. “Ahh I.... me and all Sistar members are having a holiday. We got a break after finishing our So Cool promotion.” I explained to him. Then he nodded. I got an Idea so this conversation won't be awkward, “oppa, maybe I should call Bora unnie, Hyorin unnie, and Dasom to come here, so we can go out together?” I said excitedly and going to dial the number but then sunggyu oppa's hand stopped me.

“Aniya, you don't have to call them. Beside, we're having schedule here so we're quiet busy and I don't want to ruin your holiday.” He said sweetly still holding my hands.

I feel like my heart is going to explode soon. What is this feeling?

I released my hand from his and stood up, “I'm sorry to disturbing your photoshoot, it's better for me to go back now.” I bowed and ran to my cottage direction then I realized that I ran to the wrong direction. I went back and said “Wrong direction”, to sunggyu oppa and he just giggled. Oh my god I feel so stupid now.

“Soyou Sistar, I never wrong to be your fan.” Said sunggyu after Soyou left.


Soyou Arrived at the cottage and when she inside, she closed the door tightly and stood in front of the door for a while. She tried to control herself but then she realized that all of her sisters staring at her. It was silence, Soyou looked to the 3 girls in front of her. She coughed and tried to calm herself.

“I'm home.” Soyou said.

“Why were you look so shock?” Asked Hyorin.

“Nothing, unnie. Nothing.” Soyou answered then she walked passing all the girls and went to her room.

“What again now?” Asked Hyorin.

“I don't know unnie. She's really weird these days.” said Dasom.


It's night time, we decided to cook dinner by ourself. Hyorin cooked kimchi soup and fried rice with the help of Dasom. It's only Bora and Soyou in the living room. Bora tried to use the time she have with Soyou to talk about it.

“Soyou”, called Bora.

“Ne, unnie?”

“Don't you have something to tell me?” Said Bora trying to make Soyou talked.

“What... do you mean unnie? I... I don't have anything to tell you.” Said Soyou nervously.

Bora sighed and explained it to her. “I realized that these days you like to be alone more. Sometimes you even day-dreaming. You like in a joyful world when you text with someone I don't know. Are you sure you don't have anythign to say about this?”

Soyou's face turned into a surprised one, then she laughed nervously, “unnie, you're imagining things. I'm not like that, I'm fine.”

“It's ok Soyou, you can share it with us. We are sisters remember? I'm the oldest here, you can rely on me.” Bora to reassure Soyou.

But Soyou still avoid the topic and didn' talk. “No, unnie, seriously I don't have anything to talk about.”

After soyou finished talking, Dasom came and announced, “The dinner is ready. Let's eat!”

Bora sighed again, “I'll just wait, when you ready please talk with me.”

Soyou felt so shock. She didn't know that Bora unnie is such a stubborn person. Soyou tried to loosen up a bit.


The fact is that Soyou is not feeling weird or anything, she feels just like the way she is. There's nothing change about her beside her daily activity. She only feels a weird thing since the day she officially met him in a studio. She just can't get enough thinking about that day.



“Sistar you're up in 5 minutes.” Said the PD.

“Ne.” We said in Unison.

“Let's go girls, brake a leg!” Said Bora unnnie.

“Ughh unnie, I don't want to brake my leg.” Said Dasom innocently.

“DASOM!” Hyorin screamed, feeling tired of Dasom innocence. “Not literally brake a leg ok. It means 'do your best!'.”

I just giggled at the atmosphere. We walked to the stage and we waited for Infinite to finish their stage. After they finished we greeted each other, I was in the front when suddenly I slipped beacuse of water on the floor, but then I felt someone grabbed me by the waist with its muscular hand and hugging me in the end of the process. I felt warmth until everyone started coughing. I realized that the one who caught me was Sunggyu oppa.

“Sunggyu hyung really is a big fan of Soyou.” Said Sungyeol oppa.

I blushed hard, he released me then I bowed and walked to the stage with my girls.


The stage was feel different, I felt happier than ever. I was going to Sistar's waiting room when suddenly Sunggyu waited for me in the hallway.

“Soyou-ssi.” Called him.

I blushed a bit remembering the accident a while ago so I started the conversation by apologizing to him. “I'm sorry oppa for the accident earlier. I'm really sorry.”

“Hey, it's not your fault, you don't have to say sorry too.” He said cooly.

I smiled to him. “I just feel odd. Maybe I should treat you something.” I said to him.

“Soyou-ssi, it really was nothing. You don't have to feel bad.” He said again.

“But still...”

“Well, if you feeling that bad why don't you do me a favor?” He asked.

“Sure, anything.” I said to him smiling.

He put out a marker and giving me his right hand. “May I have your number?” He asked.

I blushed and surprised, is he trying to hook up with me? He realized my expression changed so he explained it. “It's not like what you think Soyou-ssi, you know that I'm a big fan of yours. I just want to be friends.”

I nodded and shrugged all of my thoughts. “It's ok, oppa. I understand.” Then I took his hand and wrote my numbers in his palm. “well here you go oppa.”

“Thanks Soyou-ssi.”

“You're welcome.” Then I looked around, “I think I have to go change now, I still have schedules after this.”
“Sure Soyou.” Sunggyu said.

“Then... I'll go first.” I said and he nodded.

But then Sunggyu oppa called me again, “Soyou-ssi!” I turned around and only to see him making I-will-call-you gesture. I just giggled and smiled to him then I went to Sistar's waiting room.


That day really just changed Soyou's life. Soyou really becomes a huge fan of infinite, the first time she said it only for respecting Sunggyu oppa. But now she really is a fan of infinite.


kriiiiiing~ Soyou's phone ringing. It's a message. The 3 other members look into each other and stared at Soyou. Soyou tried to read the message but she senses a killing stared by 3 girls around her.

“is there something wrong?” She asked the 3 of them.

“Who's that?” Asked Hyorin.

Soyou was so nervous. She can't answer the question, it will reveal everything that she's been hiding. The 3 of them asking for an answer, but Soyou didn't want to tell them. For this night, the dining table will soon turn into an interrogation table.

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great job!
Chapter 20: Oh my god!! It was so good.. I like you. I like you as my STAR1 and FF friend. Can you be my co-author for my story. You're the best author for sure!
Umaimah #3
That was good , reading the title now .... ehe _
Loving this story :D ~~~ :)
woohyunism #5
adorable omg ;; <3
tommy26 #6
oh, i really really lov ur ff! so cool
wow,i'm too late but i love your fic <3
AHH~ That was such a good story!!! T.T Sad it's over though. PROMISE ME THAT YOU'LL KEP WRITING SISFINITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol~ Thanks and STAY TUNED FOR MY SISFINITE ONE-SHOT COLLECTION!
that was awesome ^_^<br />
it was a good story<br />
thank you for your hard work