
Black And White

His life was hard to describe…it wasn’t incredibly hard, but it wasn’t all sunshine and green fields of dandelions either.


Yongguk’s life was tasteless. Very black and white, his best friend Himchan would say when Yongguk denied his request to go clubbing. He smiled softly as he remembered his friends cajoling him while they all sat around in an empty classroom after school. Himchan and his boyfriend, Jongup, would be sitting on a desk in front of him. Laughing and smiling at his introvertedness. Meanwhile, Yongguk’s vocalist and music partner, Daehyun and his boyfriend Youngjae would be sitting together to his left on the windowsills, arms around each other. Joining in on the laughter and jokes. It always wasn’t long before Yongguk joined in too, laughing until there were tears in his eyes.


Himchan would also always try to be cute and pout at him when he said no. But it never worked. Yongguk really wasn’t the person for that scene. The clubbing, partying, one-night-stands scene. But he would go anywhere else his friends wanted to go. Concert halls, coffeeshops, amusement parks, anywhere. They were the people who brought sparks of laughter and happiness to his heart and life.


Grabbing his Iphone, he plugged in his white headphones before turning on the music, bending back over the lyric sheet that he had been working on for the past hour. This was what he did often, when Himchan or his other friends weren’t around. His refuge from the monotone world of his was music. Rap, RnB, pop, and soft rock always flowed through his mind. In short, he was a composer that often did commissions for people. And famous people at that. His underground name was BYG. He only used it for professional purposes and never revealed his real name. Only Himchan, Jongup, Daehyun, and Youngjae knew about the true identity of BYG.


And all of these guys were gay. Including him. He used to only hang out with Daehyun and Himchan, but ever since they got boyfriends, his circle had expanded a bit. Not that he really minded. It was nice knowing a few more people that have your back.


Himchan meet Jongup at a bar that he had went to one night, called Matoki Hangout. At that time, Jonggup was a bartender and was working full time to pay for his dance classes. Himchan had and still thinks that Jongup was the cutest thing on earth and wouldn’t stop taking picture of him and sending them to Yongguk and Daehyun that night. And eventually, Himchan finally worked up the nerve to ask Jonggup out after several weeks of going to this club in particular.


Which was rare for him. Usually, Himchan only went to a club twice at most…but this was an everyday for several weeks thing.


There had been a whole fiasco about the asking out part, because Himchan was playing the ‘he-should-be-the-one-asking-me-out-cause-I-know-he-has-been-checking-out-my-cute-,’ card, but ultimately Yongguk and Daehyun wore him down and he finally asked him. Jongup had said yes right off the bat. But asked Himchan to pretend like he never asked him, because he had been planning something for his crush for several weeks now, and was going to ask him in three days. Himchan agreed to wait for this surprise, but waited impatiently for the three days to pass, complaining to both Yongguk and Daehyun for ever waking second of it.


But in the end, the wait was worth it. Apparently, Jongup sent Himchan a text, asking him to come to the Matoki Hangout. Just as Himchan walked through the door, all the lights in the club flickered to life and everyone there set off their party poppers. There was a huge sign that had, “Will You Be My Boyfriend?” on it in huge multicolored bubble hangul. And in the middle of the dance floor, illuminated by multiple spotlights, stood Jongup. In a white formal shirt, checkered belt, and black trousers, holding a small box. Himchan described himself in a daze the entire time. Slowly walking towards Jongup and watching him get down on one knee, asking him to be his forever, while opening the box to reveal a promise ring. Himchan of course said yes, and he and Jongup left the club that night hand in hand…with matching rings.


That night Yongguk and Daehyun threw Himchan another party for the congrats of finally finding a boyfriend. And having it not be from a one-night stand. His first real boyfriend. And so, soon after officially dating Jongup, Himchan’s frequent visits to clubs slowly grew lower in numbers, and now, he doesn’t go at all. Unless there was an invite, or Jongup was in a clubbing mood.


How Daehyun and Youngjae met was not nearly as dramatic as the HimUp pair, but it was indeed sudden.


Daehyun had been walking down the east wing halls after school, mindlessly waiting for Yongguk to finish his make up classes so they could go home and finish the song that a soloist had been wanting for several weeks now, when he crashed into something that was definitely softer then a wall, and fell back hard on his .


“Oww,” he whined, scrunching his eyes as painful shocks ran up and down his body.


“Omo! I’m so sorry!” said someone, which Daehyun barely registered, as he/she trusted his/her hand into Daehyun’s line of vision. Definitely a he, and his hand is in my face, Daehyun thought, as he gladly accepted the hand that was in his face, and pulled himself up.


Once standing, Daehyun finally looked at the boy’s face. It was defined, but also soft enough to be somewhat cute. His eyes with a beautiful deep brown that Daehyun knew he could stare at forever. And his lips…they looked so soft and inviting.


Oh! They’re moving…wait his saying something, Daehyun thought with surprise as he tuned back into the real world.


“…okay?” Youngjae asked, finishing his sentence, but upon seeing Daehyun’s dumbstruck face, he repeated, “are you okay?”


Daehyun blinked. “Oh! I’m fine. Don’t worry about it.” He smiled, tilting his head a to the left. This kid looked familiar.


Omo, Youngjae thought, he’s so handsome…and cute as heck! As he became painfully aware that he was still holding this stranger’s hand. Well, his classmate’s/stranger’s hand.


He gently started to pull it back, but Daehyun griped it a bit tighter.


“Don’t,” he said.


“Excuse me?” Youngjae asked, wondering if he heard right.


“Don’t, I said. Don’t let go.”


Youngjae blinked, but he had stopped trying to pull his hand away. Instead he took a step forward. “Why don’t you want me to let go?” he asked, as he felt a surge of confidence swell in his chest.


“Cause I believe in love at first site,” Daehyun replied, cheekily, his smile reappearing wider then before.


Youngjae blushed madly as he glanced away hastily. But as quickly as he glanced away, slim fingers gently griped his chin, pulling his face back towards the other.


“Do you?” Daehyun asked.


Youngjae gulped. Truthfully, he never had believed in that saying. But after just one long look into this stranger’s eyes, he knew. He knew that this person was going to be his love at first sight infinitely.


“Yes.” He answered confidently.


“Good.” Daehyun replied, before tilting his chin up and kissing him full on the mouth. Several seconds passed by before Daehyun pulled away, panting, resting his forehead against the other’s, gazing deep into his eyes. Now he knew for sure. This kid was Yoo Youngjae. The only person in school to have golden fecks mixed in his coffee eyes. Daehyun vaguely recalled his school photo.


Their low pants were the only things to be heard until Youngjae broke the silence.


“What’s your name?” Youngjae asked. He had seen Daehyun before in school and had some classes with him, but he had never really talked, or even looked closely at him. He had known the boy existed, but he didn’t even know his name.


“I’m Jung Daehyun. And you’re Yoo Youngjae,” Daehyun answered, before Youngjae could even begin to say his own name.


“H-how do yo—,” Youngjae stuttered.


“I’m friends with our class president. I know most of the names of the people here. But I don’t really know what all of them look like.” Daehyun responded.


“Oh,” Joungjae smiled.


Daehyun’s heart pounded and threatened to burst at the site of the boy’s smile. It was just so perfect.


“Will you be my boyfriend?” he asked abruptly.


Youngjae blinked. “Of course. I’m still holding hands with you, and we just made out like a few seconds ago. Of course I’ll be your boyfriend.”


Later that night, before eating dinner, after Daehyun had finished telling his story, he announced, “And so, like this,” Daehyun reported, “I got a new boyfriend.”


Himchan blinked. “I wasn’t aware that you were even gay,” he stated bluntly.


Yongguk nodded and hummed in agreement, as Daehyun just stared at his best friends.


“Really?” he asked, half shouting, “I go and get an unreservedly cute, not to mention, NEW boyfriend, and all you two have to say about it is questioning my ual orientation?”


“What did you want us to say?” Himchan asked, examining his fingernails with little interest.


“Well…I don’t know…something like…CONGRATS, WOULD BE NICE!” Daehyun shouted.


“Congrats Dae-, you got a new boyfriend. Can we eat now?” Himchan asked, with an eyeroll, as he leaned forward in his chair, closer to the steaming piles of food that Daehyun had refused to let them eat until the end of his story.


Daehyun sighed, defeated as he too leaned forward towards the food. “Fine. Eat.”


Yongguk chuckled as he reminisced in that memory, leaning back from his lyric book and closing his eyes, letting the beat take him away.


But the music stopped and was interrupted with the sound of his ringtone. Frowning, Yonnguk sat up and grabbed his phone off the desk, unplugging his headphones and sliding them down to his neck.


The caller ID said, Narcissist Chan. Which was Himchan.


“Something wrong?” Yongguk said, in a way of a greeting, as he pressed the phone to his ear. It was late. 11:30 pm to be exact, usually if any of his friends call this late it was because they needed a ride home, or they had a major problem. 


“No! Well…not really,” Himchan replied, shouting over some loud noise in the background, “I just needed to make sure that you were up, so that you would get my text.”


Yongguk was blown away by how strange and simple-minded Himchan was. “Why couldn’t you just text me and wait till I saw it tomorrow? I could’ve been sleeping.”


“Exactly. That’s why I called you first,” Himchan replied, still shouting over some loud noise.


“That’s…that’s just great,” Yongguk muttered, “where even are you? What is that loud noise?”


“I’m at a club with Uppie,” Himchan said, “but we are now leaving.”


And the loud noises faded away from the speaker, indicating that Himchan truly was leaving. “So…what does that have to do with me?” Yongguk asked, scowling.


“Oh! Right. Um…I’ll text it to you,” Himchan replied, and hung up before Yongguk could even ask what ‘it’ was.


He sighed and locked his phone, placing it gently on his desk, waiting for Himchan’s mysterious text.


A few seconds later, his phone vibrated and the screen came to life, displaying a sent video. Yongguk pouted experimentally as he picked up his phone, unlocked it and got to his message section.


The thumbnail showed a boy. In his mid teens, blonde hair that was stylishly swept to the side, his bottom lip sticking out, gray tank top, and a bright red snapback.


Himchan’s text followed at the bottom, reading: Check it out! A new RAPPER, his name is Zelo. He rapped at the Matoki live today. AND HE CALLED YOU OUT!


Yongguk frowned. Called him out? Just who was this kid?


He clicked on the video and watched it play. Luckily for him, the video was in HD, and he could see every little bit of this rapper. He was freakishly tall, Yongguk dully noted as he continued to rap. The boy had a baby face, and his voice had a unique sound to it. Kinda high, but smooth enough that it was cool and fun to listen to.


“Yo. Y’all ever heard of BYG? No, right? He ain’t ever shown his face, like he’s some private case. Always writtin’ his sh*t in the dark, why don’t you come out and show us yer art? Or do you just think you too cool to be heard, all you rhymes are like birds. Flyin’ away, only to get shot. Come on rapper, show me what chu got,” Zelo spat, ending with a bad boy stance, his arms folded over his chest.


Yongguk blinked. At a loss for words. How did this kid even know BYG even existed? He always asked to have his name taken off the credit roll and CD albums. But that aside, he felt something burn deep in his heart. Something inside him wanted to challenge this kid and show him up. Make him eat his own words. Yongguk smiled, as his world just got interesting.





So! That is it! I hope you guys enjoyed this one shot! And Zelo’s lyrics. I tried ^^;


-Rin <3

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Chapter 1: I know ya have more than this..
Chapter 1: I need like a hundred more chapters of this!!
Chapter 1: Sequel??? Q----Q
star-fragments #4
Chapter 1: Ohmy,

You go Zelo. He's adorable, even if we hardly saw him. I would love for a sequel~
Yocaterpillar #5
Chapter 1: SEQUEL PLEEEASE. I love this :)